900字范文 > 留守幼儿 left-behind young children英语短句 例句大全

留守幼儿 left-behind young children英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-30 03:18:28


留守幼儿 left-behind young children英语短句 例句大全

留守幼儿,left-behind young children

1)left-behind young children留守幼儿

1.The number ofleft-behind young children is increasing with the number of left behind children day by day.留守幼儿的数量日益攀升,他们社会性发展的异常表现及由此带来的各种不良影响逐渐被人们所发现和重视。

2.However,in such studies people have little attention toleft-behind young children s development and situation.家庭教育中父母的缺失、隔代抚养的缺陷以及农村幼教发展滞后等使得留守幼儿的“留守”处境比学龄留守儿童更为艰难,“留守”给他们的发展带来更为不利的影响,他们是更“容易受伤害”的一个特殊群体,他们的利益急需得到关注。


1.Investigation and Correlative Research of the Left-behind Young Children in Huanggang Area;黄冈革命老区“留守幼儿”现状调查

2.Research on Verbal Problems of Left-behind Young Children in Rural Area农村留守幼儿言语能力发展问题研究

3.A Survey on Left-behind Young Children"s Survival Status in Rural Areas:Taking Chenji Funing as a Case农村留守幼儿生存状况的调查与思考

4.Study about the Chinese Rural Left-behind Young Children’s Problems and Policies全国农村留守幼儿的状况、问题及对策

5.On Preventing the Unusual Social Development of Left-behind Young Children;预防“留守幼儿”社会性发展异常的几点思考

6.On the Responsibilities and Functions of Government on the Suburban Left-behind Young Children Problem;农村“留守幼儿”问题解决中政府应承担的责任

7.The Study on the Problems and the Strategies of the Family Education of Rural Left-behind Young Children农村留守幼儿家庭教育问题及对策研究

8.Status-investigating on Family Education of the Children Left in Quanjiao Anhui安徽省全椒县农村留守幼儿家庭教育现状调查

9.A Tentative Study on Living and Development of Left-behind Young Children in Countries--Takes Lanxi Town Xishui County Hubei Province as a Case;农村“留守幼儿”生存与发展问题初探——以湖北省浠水县兰溪镇为例

10.A Tentative Study on Living and Development of Left- behind Young Children in Countries of Longnan City, Gansu Province--Takes Tanchang County as a Case甘肃省陇南市农村留守幼儿生存与发展初探——以宕昌县为例

11.On the Cognitive Development of Left-behind Children in Rural Areas--take Huanggang City of Hubei Province as a case农村留守幼儿认知发展问题及教育对策——以湖北省黄冈市8所幼儿园为例

12.On the Environmental Problems and Renovating Measures to the Socialization of the Infants Left in Rural Areas--From the Visual Angle of Ecological Development;审视农村留守幼儿社会化面临的环境问题与修复措施——生态系统发展观视角

13.On the Difficulties and Requirements of Left-behind Children under Different Care-taking Modes不同监护类型留守幼儿在生活、学习及沟通方面的困难与需求差异比较

14.non-resident children [child care centre]非留宿儿童〔幼儿中心〕

15.resident child [child care centre]留宿儿童〔幼儿中心〕

16.residential child care centre for disabled children残疾儿童留宿幼儿中心

17.What Is the Number of Left-behind Children in China?--A Study of the Term Left-behind Children;全国留守儿童究竟有多少——“留守儿童”的概念研究

18.Analysis of Remaining Willingness of Left-behind Children in Rural Area --Take Z Town Yudu County as Example;农村留守儿童留守意愿分析——以于都县Z镇为例


the situation of left-behind young children留守幼儿现状

3)rural left-behind young children农村留守幼儿

1.But the government and the society have not yet paid enough attention to the issues ofrural left-behind young children.全国农村留守幼儿在科学喂养、预防接种、亲子交流和学前教育机会等生存与发展方面存在诸多问题。

4)Rear children留守儿童

1.Pay attention to the problem of mental health of rural rear children;关注农村留守儿童心理健康教育问题

2.The analysis of socialized problem of rear children from the angle of view of non-social action;从非社会性行为视角看留守儿童的社会化问题

3.Based on a survey of the psychological state of rear children in four townships of Qiandongnan Prefecture,this paper points out their need for love and uncertainty about schooling and future during the Absence of their parents working in coastal areas or cities.本文对黔东南苗族侗族自治州四个乡镇的留守儿童心理状况进行微观社会学研究。

5)Left-behind children留守儿童

1.The reflection on the educational problems of countryside left-behind children;农村“留守儿童”教育问题思考

2.Life quality of rural left-behind children and its influential factors;农村留守儿童的生活质量状况及其影响因素分析

3.Study on rural left-behind children s mental health and their guardians rearing styles;农村“留守儿童”心理健康与抚养人教养方式的研究

6)Liushou children留守儿童

1.Objective To explore the personality and its" relationship with coping style of ruralLiushou children in junior school.目的探讨初中阶段农村留守儿童的人格特征及其与应付方式的关系。

2.Previous researchers have attached importance to theresearch on rural LiuShou children that stay in particularfamily environment.处在特殊家庭环境中的农村留守儿童,他们的留守问题已经引起很多人的关注和研究。

3.Liushou children s problem is now a hot topic to study by social public and researchers and studies are mainly focus on the influence of their academic achievements, life conditions, behavior habits and mental health causing by the absence of parents.留守儿童问题已成为社会各界关注的热点话题,现有研究主要从亲子教育缺失对留守儿童学业成绩、生活状况、行为习惯和心理健康等方面的影响进行探讨。


八路军留守兵团抗日战争爆发后,八路军主力相继开赴抗日前线。为保卫陕甘宁边区的安全,中共中央军委于1937年8月25日决定:第115师炮兵营、辎重营,第120师特务营、工兵营、炮兵营、辎重营及第359旅第718团,第129师特务营、工兵营、炮兵营、辎重营及第385旅旅直和第770团等部共9000余人,留守陕甘宁边区。为统一指挥各留守部队,在延安设立八路军后方总留守处,萧劲光任主任,谭政任政治部主任。11月,留守部队进行整编,除第385旅旅部和第770团外,其余部队统一编为警备第1至第8团。12月,八路军后方总留守处改称八路军留守兵团司令部。留守兵团司令员萧劲光(后兼任政治委员),政治部主任莫文骅,参谋长曹里怀。1938年4月,陕甘宁边区保安司令部及所辖地方部队统归留守兵团指挥。1938年,日军频繁进攻陕甘宁边区黄河防线。1939年,国民党顽固派不断增兵包围边区,并制造摩擦事件。为抗击日军进攻和准备反击国民党顽固派军队的侵犯,7月,军委炮兵团拨归留守兵团建制;8月,成立关中警备司令部;10月,第359旅由晋察冀边区返回陕甘宁边区,接替绥德警备区防务;12月,以绥德警备司令部为基础成立警备第1旅司令部,所属警备第3、第8团调入关中地区。1940年2月,警备第6团拨归晋绥军区指挥。至1941年底,留守兵团部队计有第385旅(辖第770团、警备第2、第7团),第359旅(辖第717、第718、第719团、雁北支队、第4支队),警备第1旅(辖警备第3、第4、第 8团、特务团),警备第1、第5团,骑兵团及关中警备司令部(辖保安第1、第3团),保安司令部(辖保安第2、第4团),共计3.4万余人。留守兵团自成立后,在晋西北、晋西南八路军的配合下,对日军作战78次,消灭边区内土匪40余股,反击国民党顽固派军队军事进攻99次,完成了保卫陕甘宁边区的任务。1942年5月13日,陕甘宁晋绥联防军成立,留守兵团隶属联防军。9月15日,联防军司令部与留守兵团司令部合并,对外仍保留留守兵团司令部的名义。
