900字范文 > 科学设岗 personnel matters system英语短句 例句大全

科学设岗 personnel matters system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-22 21:44:47


科学设岗 personnel matters system英语短句 例句大全

科学设岗,personnel matters system

1)personnel matters system科学设岗

1.With the high level schools reform ofpersonnel matters system is practicing, the reform ofpersonnel matters system in university libraries is very urgent; Inside, how to arrange the post by a science method, promote perfect examination system and distribution system, has been a problem we must be thinking over in ours fields.伴随高等教育人事制度改革的实行,大学图书馆的人事制度改革也迫在眉睫,其中,怎样科学设岗,完善考核制度与分配制度是图书馆管理者必须思考的问题。

2)Post scientist岗位科学家


1.Fulfilling the Responsibility of Post Scientist to Provide Technical Support for the Development of Advanced Characteristic Agricultural Industries履行岗位科学家职责 为农业产业提供技术支撑

2.teachers, scientists and even leaders.教师、科学家甚至是领导者的岗位。

3.The Present Situation and Countermeasures of Pediatrics Teaching in General Practitioner s On-the-job Training;全科医师岗位培训中的儿科学教学现状及对策

4.Exploration of the Position Engaging System and the System of Position Subsidy in Southwest University of Science and Technology;西南科技大学岗位聘任制和岗位津贴制的改革与探索

5.A Probe into the Integral and Scientific Non-Quantitative Performance Appraisal System;完整科学的非量化岗位绩效考核体系探析

6.On Set-up of Teachers Posts and Discipline Construction in Physical Education Institutes;论体育院校教师职务岗位设置与学科建设

7.Study on the Measure-Check of Teaching and Research Work in the Higher Learning Institutions;关于高校教学科研岗位量化考核的探讨

8.He is a mellow scientist.他是一位老练的科学家。

9.He is an outstanding scientist.他是位杰出的科学家。

10.The scientist came at the top of the scale of intelligence.这位科学家的智商最高。

11.the enhanced status of scientists;科学家地位的提高;

12.This scientist worked miracles.这位科学家创造了奇迹。

13.In the crowed there is an old scientist.人群中有一位老科学家。

14.He is at once a stateman and scientist.他是一位政治家,同时又是一位科学家。

15.A Research on Related Problems and Working out Teaching Plans for the Post Training for all Doctors全科医师岗位培训教学计划的制定及相关问题探讨

16.Raising Standards of Continuing Education and Establishing a Scientific Job-related Training System for Clinical Laboratory Personnel提升继续教育标准 建立科学的检验人员岗位培训体系

17.The Research on Position Competition for Section-level Cadres in Baoshan District of Shanghai;上海市宝山区科级领导岗位竞争上岗研究

18.The scientist is an expert in the field of Biochemistry.这位科学家是生化学领域中的专家。


Post scientist岗位科学家

3)scientific establishment科学设定

1.Environmental legislation demandsscientific establishment of its responsibility for the government.环境立法需要科学设定政府环境责任,其指导思想是通过拓展政府环境第一性义务即政府环境职责提升政府公信力和强化政府环境第二性义务即政府环境法律责任增强政府执行力,设定的原则是依据公众环境公共需求设定政府环境责任和设定政府环境责任应在政府能力范围内。

4)subject construction学科建设

1.Improvingsubject construction to promote hospital development;抓学科建设 促医院发展

2.System-based innovation for standardization ofsubject construction;以制度创新 规范学科建设行为

3.Strengtheningsubject construction and promoting innovation postgraduate education;加强学科建设 促进研究生创新教育

5)scientific construction科学建设

6)discipline construction学科建设

1.Discussion on performance evaluation ofdiscipline construction in higher education;浅谈高等院校学科建设的绩效考评

2.Practice discussing for medical engineeringdiscipline construction;医学工程学科建设的实践性探讨

3.Thoughts ondiscipline construction and technological innovation;对学科建设与技术创新的几点认识


