900字范文 > 用人制度 Personnel system英语短句 例句大全

用人制度 Personnel system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-29 23:52:18


用人制度 Personnel system英语短句 例句大全

用人制度,Personnel system

1)Personnel system用人制度

1.In reform of personnel system,it is the key and breakthrough for a library to introduce the competitive system and arouse the staff′s enthusiasm at work.如何在图书馆引入竞争机制 ,激活用人制度 ,是图书馆干部人事制度改革的关键和突破。


1.Discuss that Acts for the Function on the Reform of Employing System of University of the System in Personnel Simply;人事代理制度对高校用人制度改革的作用

2.The Institutional Change of the Family-based Companies From a Creative Employment Point;用人制度创新视角下的家族企业制度变迁

3.On the Change of the Official Selection System and its Implications中外选人用人制度的历史变迁和启示

4.On Selection and Employment System of Higher Vocational Colleges;立人乃仁与义——高职院校选人用人制度浅议

5.New Attempt on Employment System of Training Work in Colleges--On Talents Leasing System;学校培训工作用人制度的新尝试——浅议人才租赁制度

6.On the Reform of Employing System in Minority Areas in West China;西部少数民族地区用人制度改革探析

7.On the Reform of the Human Resource Management System and the Establishment of a Flexible Personnel System;改革高校人事制度 建立良好用人机制

8.Value and Transplant of "Contract with Tying Effect on Protecting a Third Party";附保护第三人作用契约的制度价值与制度移植

9.On the Applicability of Overruling Corporation Qualification;论公司法人人格否认制度的适用要件

10.Building Individual Credit System and Laying a foundation of Credit Society;构建个人信用制度 打造社会信用基石

11.Strengthen Supervision in Credit and Improve Individual Credit;加强信用监管 完善个人信用制度

12.On the Application of the System of Disregard of Corporation Personality to One-stockholder Company;论一人公司中法人人格否认制度的适用

13.Dictatorship does not apply within the ranks of the people.专政的制度不适用于人民内部。

14.Second, the omission of the credit system of the personal housing loan;二是个人住房贷款信用制度的缺位;

15.The National Health Service is the largest single employer of labour in the U.K.国民保健制度是英国最大的用人机构。

16.The Leapfrog Institutional Change and the Usage of Manager;蛙跳式制度变迁和职业经理人的使用

17.Research on Tenant s Preemption System and Application;试论承租人优先购买权制度及其适用

18.Individual Credit System Construction Research in Expense Credit Market;消费信贷市场个人信用制度建设研究


employing system用人制度

1.Through the considerations about the currentemploying system of the library,this paper expounds the real significance of and implementing measures for establishing the strictemploying system,and puts forward some concrete requirements for the post qualifications of the library director and the librarian.通过对目前图书馆用人制度的反思,阐述了建立严格用人制度的现实意义和实施措施,并对馆长、馆员提出了任职资格的具体要求。

2.Its advanced joint-stock system and strictemploying system are worth our using for reference.其先进的股份制和严格的用人制度是值得我们借鉴的。

3.The paper suggests creating healthy environment for other walks to dispose talent’s resource marketization by advancing and perfecting the reform ofemploying system of the Party and government offices.要坚定不移地推进和完善党政机关用人制度的改革,为其他领域实行人才资源市场化配置创造良好的政治氛围。

3)employment system用人制度

1.Establishing the personnel-employment system in accordance with the high-level university;建立与高水平大学相适应的用人制度

2.The reformation and developing trend is given in organization andemployment system and technique support as well as information service, etc.论述高校图书馆在信息时代下改革的必要性 ,概述了高校图书馆由传统图书馆向现代图书馆过渡时期 ,在组织机构、用人制度、信息资源建设等方面的改革发展趋

3.From the creative viewpoint,the paper discussed the change of theemployment system to guide the companies walk out from their difficulties.以“差序格局”和“关系治理”为突出特征的中国家族企业,惟有逃脱传统用人制度的樊篱,引入“委托—代理制”,打破内部权力平衡,才能实现制度变迁,从而使企业从平凡走向卓越,继而基业常青。

4)system of personnel placement用人制度

1.Transformation in thesystem of personnel placement was an important component of the historical shakeup during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.用人制度的变革,是春秋战国之历史剧变的重要组成部分。

5)individual credit system个人信用制度

1.This phenomenon is in direct connection with our failure in founding anindividual credit system.消费信贷现在很热门 ,但其发展并不顺利 ,这与我国目前尚未建立个人信用制度直接有关。

2.In this case,the government,schools,banks and departments concerned should accelerate credit legislation,build upindividual credit system as well as improve college students′ credit education to promote the healthy develo.因此,政府、学校、银行等部门必须尽快从加快诚信立法、建立个人信用制度、加强大学生诚信教育等几个方面共建风险防范体系,才能促进国家助学贷款的健康发展。

3.With the developing of consumption credit operation of commercial bank and the reorganization of market economy order,the construction ofindividual credit system had made certain progress.由于我国个人信用制度建设尚处于起步阶段,还未形成相对完善的体系,仍有许多问题有待解决。

6)Personal Credit System个人信用制度

1.International Experience and Revelation ofPersonal Credit System Construction;个人信用制度建设的国际经验及启示

2.Establishing personal credit system to promote consumption credit;建立个人信用制度 发展消费信贷

3.It analyzes that the imperfect evaluation systemsmakes it difficult to control those who intend to escape the debt and suggests that the key to solve this problem is to set upsound national-wide personal credit system.信用是一个人立足社会的根基,助学贷款属于没有担保、没有抵押的纯信用贷款,其运作只有建立在个人信用制度的平台上,构建全国一体化的个人信用制度是解决助学贷款的关键。


