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基础性 basis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-26 18:46:04


基础性 basis英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis on the Basis of Value Concept Education of Higher Vocational Students浅析高职高专学生价值观教育的基础性

2.Second,deal with the problems of Linear Algebra between valubility andbasis.根据高职教育目标及学生的实情 ,可从调动学生的非智力因素、处理好价值性与基础性的问题、用数学建构观处理抽象性与可接受性的矛盾三方面改进《线性代数》教学 ,提高教学效

3.It is the use of sports science in sports physical training content,methods and means to develop and improve the physical quality of the police,on thebasis of which,combined with police in combat-related special physical requirements to develop and enhance the real police special physical warfare,combat skills for the police to lay th.警察体育是体育学与警察学相交叉的一门基础性学科,既具有体育学的属性,又具有警察学属性。


1.The basic research of computer basic course for finance and economics displine;财经类专业计算机基础课的基础性探讨

2.Rational Thoughts on Rudimentary Moral Education of Goodness;关于“善良”德育基础性的理性思考

3.It has a reasonable grammatical basis and pragmatic basis.它的合理性包含有两个基础:语法基础、用基础。

4.The progressiveness of the Party and the Party s class base,mass base;党的先进性与党的阶级基础、群众基础

5.not distinguished on the basis of sex.以性为基础不能区分的。

6.Basic Technology of Exchangeability Measurement互换性技术测量基础

7.Magnetism of the Solid State and its Application固体磁性及应用基础

8.Cott, Nancy F. The Grounding of Modern Feminism. 1987.《现代女性主义的基础》1987.

9.Theoretical and Mass Foundation of Keeping the Communist s Advance;论保持党的先进性的理论基础与群众基础

10.Brief Talk On the Feasibility of Leading Basic Teaching of Design into Basic Mould-making Course;浅论设计基础教学引入基础造形学的可行性

11.Discussing the Realistic Foundation and Theoretical Foundation on Biodiversity Protection;论生物多样性保护的现实基础和理论基础

12.The Basic Studies on Sexual Determination and Related Gene in Ramie (Boehmeria Nivea);苎麻性别决定及相关基因的基础研究

13.Study on the Rocking Vibrations of Foundations Resting on Saturated Grounds;饱和地基上基础的摇摆振动特性研究

14.Study on the Torsional Vibrations of Foundations Resting on Saturated Grounds;饱和地基上基础的扭转振动特性研究

15.Analysis of Working Properties of Composite Ground under Flexible Foundation;柔性基础下复合地基的工作形状分析

16.Shear-resistant Capability Study of Spread Foundation Based on Rock Subgrade;岩石地基上扩展基础的抗剪性能研究

17.Deformation Analysis on Composite Subgrade of End Bearing Pile under Flexible Foundation柔性基础下端承桩复合地基变形分析

18.The Basic Research on Electropuncture Treatment in Experimental Vascular Dementia;电针对实验性血管性痴呆的基础研究



1.Basic education evaluation which is a valuable judgement onbasic education is one important research field of education evaluation.笔者认为基础教育评价应以基础性为起点 ,以人文性为核心 ,以发展性为归宿。


1."Case Method" theory of Western Germany is one of three major schools of teaching theory in the contemporary era and emphasizes that the radical,basic and essential contents are enriched to form case and organize teaching according to a certain procedure by using the principle of "fundamentality,basics and paradigm".西德的"范例教学"理论是当代三大教学理论流派之一,它强调以"基本性"、"基础性"、和"范例性"的原则充实根本的、基础的、本质的内容组成范例并按照一定的步骤组织教学,在知识经济时代通过对其教学理念、教学目标和要求、教学内容、教学阶段的思考达到对此理论的反思,对我国的教学理论研究与实践具有重要的意义。

2.populace thought"was mozi s basic theory and an important theory of him to protect the social order,which emphasized the material interests of the populace and itsfundamentality.平民思想是墨子思想的基点 ,是墨子维护社会秩序的重要学说 ;它强调了平民阶层的物质利益及其基础性。


1.The reform of math teaching should clarify high vocational teaching aim,and offer five principles for training practical ability,which are the principles of adequacy,usefulness,practice,technique andfoundation.即,够用、有用、实用、技术性、基础性。

2.In the human rights system,the right to food having the characters offoundation and independence is a social right.食物权是人权体系中处于基础性地位并具有独立性的一项社会权。

5)Flexible base柔性基础

parative studies of liquefaction of foundation of highway under rigid base and flexible base;刚性基础和柔性基础下公路地基液化比较研究

2.However,embankment is regarded as a kind of flexible base in these projects,which is different from the assumption of rigid foundation of CFG pile composite technique.近年来CFG桩复合地基技术在公路工程的软基处理中得到了应用,而在这些工程中路堤是一种柔性基础,与CFG桩复合地基技术的刚性基础假设不同。

3.Aiming at the vibration isolation problems of flexible base in practical projects,a theoretical model of a vibration isolation system,which is composed of machine-nonlinear isolator-flexible base,is established,wherein,the elastic installation base is simulated by a rectangular thin plate simply supported on four edges.针对工程实际中柔性基础的隔振问题,建立了机器-非线性隔振器-柔性基础组成的隔振系统理论模型,其中,用四边简支矩形薄板模拟弹性安装基础。

6)Flexible foundation柔性基础

1.Theory of power flow for isolation system of CNC machine-tools with flexible foundation;数控机床柔性基础隔振系统分析的功率流方法

2.Power flow transmission of vibration isolating system on the flexible foundation;柔性基础隔振系统功率流传递特性

3.Model experiment of pile-soil stress ratio of composite ground under flexible foundation;柔性基础下复合地基桩土应力比模型试验


经济基础(见经济基础与上层建筑)经济基础(见经济基础与上层建筑)economical basisJ ingji Jiehu经济基础与上层建筑。(eeonomiealbasis)见经济基础
