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基础性研究 basic research英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-17 00:08:22


基础性研究 basic research英语短句 例句大全

基础性研究,basic research

1)basic research基础性研究

1.Enforcement ofbasic research to strengthen the innovation ability in scientific research at agricultural colleges and universities;农业高校加强基础性研究,增强科研创新的思考

2.Tracing to the source of modern technical revolution, fourd 90% of applied achievements come frombasic research.追朔现代技术革命的源泉,90%的应用成果来自基础性研究。

3.Recently it is prevalent in China to evalvate thebasic research results with SCI (and/or EI) as the absolute criterion, which result in Chinesebasic research led by SCI.提出目前我国风行以SCI(或加上EI)作为绝对评价准则来评估各单位及个人的基础性研究成绩,从而使得我国的基础性研究实际上被SCI牵着鼻子走的状况是值得令人深思的。


1.Basic Study on the Development and Application of the Natural Zeolite in Fuxin阜新天然沸石开发利用的基础性研究

2.Fundamental Study on WEDM in Gas;气中电火花线切割加工的基础性研究

3.Performance Evaluation for the Nation s Strategic Basic Research;国家战略性基础研究的绩效评估研究

4.The Basic Studies on Sexual Determination and Related Gene in Ramie (Boehmeria Nivea);苎麻性别决定及相关基因的基础研究

5.Study on the Rocking Vibrations of Foundations Resting on Saturated Grounds;饱和地基上基础的摇摆振动特性研究

6.Study on the Torsional Vibrations of Foundations Resting on Saturated Grounds;饱和地基上基础的扭转振动特性研究

7.Shear-resistant Capability Study of Spread Foundation Based on Rock Subgrade;岩石地基上扩展基础的抗剪性能研究

8.The Basic Research on Electropuncture Treatment in Experimental Vascular Dementia;电针对实验性血管性痴呆的基础研究

9.Clinical and Basic Study of Subacute Combined Degeneration of the Spinal Cord;脊髓亚急性联合变性临床及基础研究

10.Basic Application Research on Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease非酒精性脂肪性肝病的应用基础研究

11.The Characteristics of Performance Appraisal for Basic Research in the New Era;新时期基础研究绩效评估特殊性探究

12.Study on mechanics behavior of composite ground improved by rigid piles under flexible foundation柔性基础下刚性桩复合地基的力学性状研究

13.Based on the reliability analysis of the bearing capacity of single pile, the reliability of the bearing capacity of pile foundation analyzed.以单桩承载力可靠性的分析为基础,研究了桩基础的承载力可靠性。

14.which are of such general and fundamental nature,属于一般和基础性的研究,

15.A basic introductory text or course of study.导论基础性的介绍文章或研究过程

16.This is the basic work of the whole study.这是整个沂蒙文学研究的基础性工作。

17.A study of a rigid assumption in designing the round slab foundation of a chimney烟囱圆板基础设计中刚性假定的研究

18.The basic property study of the automobile weather-strip seals compression deformation轿车密封条压缩变形的基础性能研究


fundamental research基础性研究

1.This thesis discusses the problems like how to locate the continue Education, how to con struct the cirricula system and how to carry out thefundamental research, etc.继续教育的基础性研究是一项非常重要的工作,它是继续教育稳步发展的基础。

3)directional fundamental research导向性基础研究

1.In the paper, the author discusses the connotation, characteristics and significance ofdirectional fundamental research, then proposes and analyses three models ofdirectional fundamental research, and finally studies its organizational mechanism and management issues.探讨了导向性基础研究的内涵、特征和意义;提出和分析了导向性基础研究的三种模式;研究了基础研究的组织机制及其管理问题。

4)elemental study of thoory理论基础性研究

5)fundamental applied research基础性应用研究

6)basic research基础研究

1.Suggestions on establishing state key nano-technology laboratory and fundingbasic research in nano-quatum structure,quantum device and ntegrated technology;抓住时机紧急布署纳米量子结构、量子器件及其集成技术的基础研究

2.Experiences on Basic Research in Du Pont;杜邦基础研究管理的经验

3.The Coordination Mechanism of Basic Research Investment in China-An Investigation of Grand Original Innovation in Medicine;中国基础研究投入的协调机制——以医学领域重大原始创新为例的探讨


国防科学技术应用基础研究(见国防科学技术预先研究)国防科学技术应用基础研究(见国防科学技术预先研究)basic research for application of national defense science and technologyguofong kexue iishu yingyong iichuyQn]lu国防科学技术应用基础研究(basicreseareh for aPPlication ofnationaldefensesei-ence and technology)见国防科学技术预先研究。
