900字范文 > 基础性条件 foundational factors英语短句 例句大全

基础性条件 foundational factors英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-08 04:20:36


基础性条件 foundational factors英语短句 例句大全

基础性条件,foundational factors

1)foundational factors基础性条件

1.It is necessary for us to consider thefoundational factors in three aspects when we do a curriculum policy making.课程政策的制定需要在政治与文化方面、经济与技术方面以及法律与行政方面予以充分的考虑 ,这三个方面构成了课程政策制定的基础性条件 ,它们在相当大的程度上保证制定出来的课程政策不仅可行 ,而且可以达成预期的目


1.Analyzing the Basic Conditions of Developing Our Deliberative Democracy我国发展协商民主的基础性条件探析

2.Fundamental Requirements for Holding Major International Single-Event Sports Competitions举办重大国际单项体育赛事的基础性条件

3.We should strengthen the infrastructure for science and technology.加强科技基础条件建设。

4.Reengineering the Theory of Scale Economy and the Improvement of Terms of Trade of Our Country规模经济基础性重构与我国贸易条件的改善

5.Analyses of the Vertical Bearing Behavior of Group Pile Foundations under Complicated Geological Conditions;复杂地质条件下群桩基础垂直承载性状分析

6.On Values of Goodness as Morality Base and Implementing Conditions;浅谈善良作为道德的基础性价值及其实现条件

7.Necessity and Basic Conditions of Bilingual Teaching in Computer Specialty;计算机专业推行双语授课的必要性及基础条件

8.A Discussion of the Foundation of the Human Nature of the Rule of Law and Moral With the Condition of Market Economy;论市场经济条件下法治与德治的人性基础

9.Research on the Settlement Characteristics of Subgrade with Piled Raft Foundation under Conditions of Thick Compressible Foundation深厚压缩层地基条件下桩筏基础路基沉降特性研究

10.Molecular basis of the adhesive process of neutrophils to vascular endothelial cells under endotoxin condition内毒素条件下参与中性粒细胞-血管内皮细胞粘附过程的分子基础

11.Studies on Liquid Culture Conditions and the Physiological and Biochemical Bases of Se-accumulating Agaricus Blazei;姬松茸富硒培养条件及其富硒特性生理生化基础的研究

12.Some Basic Studies on the Solvability Theorem of the Conditional Input and Output Equation;关于一类矩阵型条件投入产出方程的可解性定理的一些基础研究

13.Reconstruction of Scale Economy Theory and Improvement of Terms of Trade of China;规模经济理论基础性重构与我国贸易条件的改善

14.NaCl Tolerance of Potato Stem under Tissue Culture组织培养条件下马铃薯茎段对NaCl基础抗性的研究

15.Key Construction Factors of Deep-water Foundations under High Water Pressure and High Permeability Conditions高水压力强透水性条件下桥梁深水基础施工关键因素

16.Numerical analysis of ultimated bearing capacity behavior of suction caisson foundations under cyclic loading循环加载条件下吸力式沉箱基础极限承载力特性分析

17.Huangshi textile clothing industry has some foundation.黄石市纺织服装业有一定的基础条件。

18.On the Foundation and Conditions of the Formation of Farmers Specialized Cooperative Organization;论农民专业合作社产生的基础和条件


basic conditions基础条件

1.Analysis ofbasic conditions for urban tourism development of Chongqing;重庆都市旅游发展基础条件分析

2.Based on the researches in recent years as well as thebasic conditions for the development of ecotourism in the area,this paper discusses the ideas of ecotourism development in the area and proposes concrete measures for the sustainable development,providing a scientific basis for its future development.在近年研究的基础上,根据该区开发生态旅游的基础条件,提出了该区开发生态旅游的构思,同时针对开发中制约因素,提出可持续发展的具体措施,为发展生态旅游提供科学依据。

3.This paper expounds the beginning, connotation and basic features of eco- tourism, as well as thebasic conditions of eco- tourism in China, especially in western part of Sichuan Province.本文阐述了生态旅游的缘起、内涵和基本特征,我国,尤其川西开发生态旅游的基础条件,指出目前开展旅游中的生态环境问题,提出生态旅游开发中的管理措施。

3)basic condition基础条件

1.Thebasic conditions for coal enterprises taking information technique;浅议煤炭企业引入信息技术的基础条件

2.Geographical environment is thebasic condition for the development of urban morphology,which plays an important role on city construction and development.自然地理环境是城市形态和城市空间发展的基础条件,对城市建设和发展具有重要作用。

3.The developmeng general situation was introduced and material technologybasic condition of developping steel structure.介绍了我国钢结构的发展概况,分析了发展钢结构的物质技术基础条件,通过研究我国政府对钢结构行业的政策,展望了我国钢结构的市场前景,以促进钢结构产业的迅速发展,从而带动国民经济的发展。

4)the conditions and basis条件基础

5)base and conditions基础和条件

6)basis and conditions基础与条件


经济基础(见经济基础与上层建筑)经济基础(见经济基础与上层建筑)economical basisJ ingji Jiehu经济基础与上层建筑。(eeonomiealbasis)见经济基础
