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基差 basis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-16 05:20:16


基差 basis英语短句 例句大全



1.Basis,Stochastic Impulse and Futures Hedging with Asymmetric Correlation基差、随机冲击与不对称相关结构下的期货套期保值——来自亚洲股指期货市场的证据

2.This paper discussed the basic principle of arbitrage pricing andbasis of short term interest rate futures,compared the futures prices and FRAs (forward rate agreemeets) and analysed spread positions.讨论了短期利率期货的套利定价与基差的基本原理,比较分析了期货价格与FRA(远期利率协议)的行为,探讨了价差头寸问

3.The paper,based on the relationship betweenbasis and volatility of futures returns and the daily closing price data of wheat futures from to in Zhengzhou Futures Exchange,conducted an empirical study and finds that there exists a significant asymmetric effect ofbasis on futures volatility and the effect of positivebasis is more significant than that of negative.以基差和期货收益的波动性关系为基础,引入郑州期货交易所~的强麦近月期货合约的日收盘价数据,进行实证研究,其结果表明:基差对期货回报波动性的影响存在显著的非对称效应,其中正基差对波动性的影响要明显大于负基差;而考虑基差非对称效应的AE-GARCH模型能更准确地预测期货的波动性。

2)the difference of SQGs基准差异

3)basic deviation基本偏差

1.This paper presents the tolerance range displacement method, with which thebasic deviation of a hole is determined and therefore the basic hole system becomes the basic shaft system.提出了公差带位移法,以此来确定孔的基本偏差,使基孔制变成了基轴制,并给出计算实例。

2.Basic the analyst of parts reality survey size in machine survey and drawing,the article has started the way that how to decided the coordinate size,tolerance and concert,basic deviation and deviation.文章从机械测绘中零件实测值的分析出发 ,探讨了实际测绘中配合尺寸的圆整、公差配合、基本偏差及偏差等的确定方


1.Limits and fits--Bases--Part 3: Numerical values tables of standard tolerances and fundamental deviationsGB/T1800.3-1998极限与配合基础第3部分:标准公差和基本偏差数值表

2.A bill that would label the renminbi "fundamentally misaligned" and force the Treasury to do something about it is making its way through the Senate.美国议会正在酝酿通过一项认定人民币为“基本偏差”货币,并迫使财政部对此采取行动的法案。

3.The net effect of biases on international comparisons is easily summarized.偏差对国际比较的基本影响容易概括。

4." Limits and fits--Bases--Part 2: Basic rules of tolerances,deviations and fits"GB/T1800.2-1998极限与配合基础第2部分:公差、偏差和配合的基本规定

5.Fundamental Issues Concerning the Study of Item Bias in the Language Testing Field;语言测试界的项目偏差研究及其基本问题

6.Dominant Industries:Fundamental Theory, Current Declination and Developmental Approaches;主导产业:基本理论、现实偏差及近期发展思路

7.Estimates standard deviation based on a sample (ignores logical values and text in the sample)估算基于给定样本的标准偏差(忽略样本中的逻辑值及字符串)

8.is the population (known) standard deviation. If omitted, the sample standard deviation is used总体标准偏差(已知)。如果忽略,使用样本标准偏差。

9.Calculates standard deviation based on the entire population given as arguments (ignores logical values and text)计算基于给定的样本总体的标准偏差(忽略逻辑值及字符串)

10.Study on the Basic Characteristics of the Faraday Bias in Differential Laser Gyro;四频差动激光陀螺法拉第偏频器件的基本特性研究

11.Research on DCA of magnetic deviation based on constant attitude errors基于恒定姿态误差的磁罗差偏差补偿算法研究

12.Incentive Compatibility,Transaction Cost and the Policy Running Deviation激励相容、交易成本与政策运行偏差

13.fundamental solution of partial differential equation偏微分方程的基本解

14.Embedded analysis in pricing short bias is the basic and most important skill for funds" managers in this industry.对暂时性价格偏差的深入分析是基金行业的经理人最基本也是最重要的技能之一。

15.An Empirical Study on the Difference of Portfolio Performance Due to Benchmark Misspecification;基准组合偏差导致基金业绩误差的实证研究

16.unbias(s)ed variance无偏方差, 均方差

17.For example, analysts responsible for departmental budgets are skilled at using variance analyses and activity-based costing( ABC) techniques.例如,负责部门预算的分析师长于运用偏差分析和基于作业的成本(BC)能。

18.Study of circle algorithm based on the least deviation interpolation;基于最小偏差插补法的圆弧算法研究


the difference of SQGs基准差异

3)basic deviation基本偏差

1.This paper presents the tolerance range displacement method, with which thebasic deviation of a hole is determined and therefore the basic hole system becomes the basic shaft system.提出了公差带位移法,以此来确定孔的基本偏差,使基孔制变成了基轴制,并给出计算实例。

2.Basic the analyst of parts reality survey size in machine survey and drawing,the article has started the way that how to decided the coordinate size,tolerance and concert,basic deviation and deviation.文章从机械测绘中零件实测值的分析出发 ,探讨了实际测绘中配合尺寸的圆整、公差配合、基本偏差及偏差等的确定方

4)Differential genes差异基因

1.Meanwhile through inversion differential genes to E.方法:利用抑制消减杂交SSH技术,分别以结核分枝杆菌新疆地区临床分离株和国际标准强毒试验株H37Rv株基因组DNA互为tester和driver,通过两轮两相驱赶彼此相同的大多数基因片段并富集差别片段、连接载体、转化大肠杆菌、蓝白斑筛选阳性克隆、送基因公司测序、登录Genebank对测序结果Blast比对等方法,筛选结核分枝杆菌新疆地区临床分离株和国际标准强毒株H37Rv株之间的差异基因并分析这些基因的功能。

5)basic error基本误差

1.In order to solve the modeling ofbasic error of energy meters in the intelligence pattern detection, based on neural networks can deal with every nonlinear function.针对电能表智能模式检定方法中需要对电能表基本误差建模这一问题,依据神经网络能够逼近任意复杂的非线性函数关系这一特性,提出了基于BP神经网络的建模方案,将得到的电能表基本误差的神经网络模型运用到电能表智能模式检定中去,获得了很高的精度。

2.The test results show that thebasic error,linearity of the capacitive angular sensor can be more effectively improved than before.测试结果表明,利用本系统校准,电容转角传感器的基本误差、线性度指标都得到有效改善,前者平均值从2%降低至0。

3.This paper introduces the summary of work in practice,a test study,which focused on thebasic error of the test voltage and measuring the results of the measurement uncertainty are described evaluation,and introduced the important requirements of the relevant parts of the examination.文中介绍了在实践工作中总结研究的一套检定方法,其中重点对试验电压基本误差的测量及其测量结果的不确定度评定进行了说明,并介绍了重要的相关部件的检查要求。

6)base pitch error基节误差

1.Considering the randomicity ofbase pitch error,which is one of the main manufa.基于其主要影响因素——基节误差的随机性,引入蒙特卡罗随机模拟方法,在一定的可靠度下定量地研究它对多齿弹性啮合效应的影响。

2.From effects ofbase pitch error on radius of action, the formulas of the driven gear transient angular velocity and the impact energy are developed,which are helpful not only to analyse and calculate influence ofbase pitch error on the stationary and noise of mesh,but also to show clearly the changing process of driven gear angular velocity in the zone of crest action.从基节误差对齿轮啮合作用半径变化的影响,推导出在顶刃啮合区内从动轮瞬时角速度及冲击能量的计算公式。


