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茶园 tea garden英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-28 02:02:58


茶园 tea garden英语短句 例句大全

茶园,tea garden

1)tea garden茶园

1.Study on soil nutrient oftea garden in main producing areas of Xinyangmaojian tea;信阳毛尖茶主产区坡地茶园土壤养分研究

2.Effects of different fertilization on red soil microbial biomass C intea garden;不同培肥措施对红壤茶园土壤微生物量碳的影响


1.Genetic diversity of ancient tea gardens and tableland tea gardens from Yunnan Province as revealed by AFLP marker古茶园、台地茶园遗传多样性的AFLP分析

2.Research on Mechanical-plucking Integrative Technique for Quality Tea in Tea Garden;茶园名优茶机械化采摘集成技术研究

3.Fluoride Content in Tea Leaves from Mountainy Tea Gardens in Zhejiang Province and the Influence Factors浙江山区茶园茶叶氟含量及影响因素

4.Frost Protection Effects of Blower System in Anji Baicha Tea Garden安吉白茶茶园风扇防霜冻效果的研究

5.Studies on Potassium Equilibrium in Tea-Grown Soils and Yields and Qualities of Tea;茶园土壤钾素平衡与茶叶产量品质的研究

6.Study on Relationship between Soil Nutrients and the Corresponding Components in Tea of Shaanxi Province;陕西茶园土壤养分与茶叶相应成分关系的研究

7.On the market sales and building programmes for organic tea;有机茶的市场分析及茶园建设技术的探讨

8.Determination of Heavy Metals of Tea and Soil in The tea Gardens in Lishui;丽水市茶叶及茶园土壤中重金属的测定

9.The Effects of Overwintering Pest Control on the Population Dynamics of the Tea Pests and Their Natural Enemies in Tea Gardens茶园冬防对茶树主要害益虫种群动态的影响

10.Study on Major Ecological Factors of Chestnut-Tea Intercrop Garden栗茶间作茶园主要生态因子特性的研究

11.Research Status of Tea Garden Soil Properties and Tea Quality茶园土壤性状与茶叶品质关系研究现状

12.Amelioration Effect of Tea Tree Leaves and Acacia Leaves on the Acidity of Tea Garden Soils茶树叶和刺槐叶对茶园土壤酸度的改良效果

13.Study on Cd Content in Laoshan Tea Garden Soil Fertilized with Fowl Manure崂山茶区施用鸡粪茶园土壤镉含量状况研究

14.Iron in the soil of Tieguanyin tea plantations in Fujian and its transfer into tea leaves福建铁观音茶园土壤及茶叶中的铁含量

15.Using the Scientific Outlook on Development to Guide the Ecological Tea-garden Construction用科学发展观指导普洱茶生态茶园建设

16.Nickel in Tieguanyin tea plantation soils and its transfer to tea leaves in Fujian Province福建铁观音茶园土壤中的镍及其向茶叶的转移

17.Relationship between microclimatic factors and yield of spring tea Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntzein Henan Jigongshan Nature Reserve河南鸡公山茶园春茶产量与小气候关系研究

18.Factors Affecting the Uptake of Fluoride from Soil into Tea Leaves of Jiangsu Province and Discussion of Safety Level of Tea Fluoride;江苏典型茶园茶叶氟含量的影响因素及茶叶氟安全限量的探讨


tea plantation茶园

1.The micrometeorological characteristics in tea plastic green housetea plantation andtheir deffect on plucking date and economic efficiency of Longjing tea;塑料大棚茶园微气象特征与龙井茶生产

2.Synthetical effects of shading ontea plantation during the high-temperature and drought season;高温干旱季节茶园覆盖遮荫的综合效应研究

3.Ecological regulation effects of straw mulching intea plantation in subtropical hilly red soil region;稻草覆盖对红壤丘陵茶园的生态调控效应

3)Tea gardens茶园

1.Mass fraction of fluorine in some tea gardens of Hunan and Zhejiang;湘浙部分茶园氟质量分数的分析

2.A record of parasitic wasps and their host insects in tea gardens in the eastern Guizhou Province贵州东部地区茶园寄生蜂及其寄主种类的记述

3.Characteristics of spider fauna in tea gardens in Guizhou Province贵州省茶园蜘蛛区系分布特征

4)tea field茶园

1.Dynamic variation of enzyme activity of soil intea field under natural arid condition;自然干旱条件下茶园土壤酶活性动态变化研究

2.The results were as follows:When the diversity increased in thetea field by introduced non-tea plants,the mites damage changed.本研究探索生物多样性与害螨之间的关系 ,结果表明 ,在茶园生态系统中引入新的植被后 ,茶园生物多样性增加 ,但并不一定具有对害螨的控制能力。

3.This paper deals with 8 families, 16 genera and 27 species of mites intea field of Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, China.本文报道温州地区茶园益害螨种类 ,隶属于 8科 16属 ,2 7种。

5)tea garden soil茶园土壤

1.Isolation and screening of antagonistic actinomyces fromtea garden soil;茶园土壤拮抗放线菌的分离和筛选

2.The contents of fluoride in tea leaves and the distribution of fluoride intea garden soils as well as their relationships were discussed in this paper by sampling the tea leaves and soils from the twelve tea gardens located South Center and Southwest China.通过对我国中西南产茶区12个茶园土壤样品和茶叶样品的采集,探讨了不同茶园茶叶氟含量和茶园土壤氟的形态分布规律。

3.Effects of interaction of citric acid-aluminum-fluoride on adsorption characteristics and distribution of fluoride intea garden soil were studied by the simulated test.通过实验室模拟实验,研究了柠檬酸、铝与氟的交互作用对茶园土壤氟吸附特征及形态分布的影响。

6)tea garden soils茶园土壤

1.The content and fractionation of zinc intea garden soils as well as the relationships between Zn fraction and total of Zn and soil properties were studied in the investigation by collecting soil samples from 13 tea gardens located in main tea areas of China.采集我国南方13个茶园土壤样品,采用硝酸-高氯酸混酸消化测定土壤锌的全量,以Tessier法对土壤锌进行形态分级,探讨了茶园土壤锌的形态分布及其与土壤锌全量和土壤理化性质的关系。

2.The soluble and exchangeable fractions of Pb in thetea garden soils are the most important pools regarding toxicity and bioavailability of Pb to tea plants.茶园土壤中铅的生物有效性直接影响茶叶中铅的积累。


茶园肥料茶园肥料fertilizers for tea plantation茶圈肥料(fertilizers for tea planta-tion)施入茶园中能供给茶树养分,增产提质、提离土城肥为的物质。茶园中施用的肥料有绿肥、农家肥料和化学肥料三类。绿肥茶园绿肥是在茶行间种植的绿色植物,耕翻入土作为肥料。娜犯选择依照茶园类型、土壤特性和茶区气候特点来确定。在亚热带红壤丘陵山区,如浙、橄、魄、湘等省茶区,在开辟新茶园前可选用耐酸、耐挤性强的高秆夏季绿肥,如大叶猪屎豆、怪府、田芬等。在一、二年生的茶园中,为着防止水土流失,以选择矮生翻甸形的绿肥如日本草、伏花生等为宜。为着幼龄茶团遮阴,常选用秆高的夏季绿肥,如木豆、山毛豆、好田著等。为预防冻害,常选用抗寒能力强的酋子、吮豆、满园花、黄花首楷、肥田萝卜等。在三、四年生的茶园或台xll改造老茶园,要选用野生早熟绿肥,如乌盯豆、速生绿豆和饭豆等。坡地或梯地茶园,要选择多年生的绿肥,北方可选紫梅槐,南方可选爬地兰等,种于梯壁又可以保梯护坎。绿肥利用①作改上的先锋作物。种茶前要种上一至二年绿肥,创造良好的土坡基础。一般南方茶区主要有田著、印度班豆、水豆、山毛豆等,长江中下游茶区有猪屎豆、怪麻等,北方茶区主要有伏花生等。②直接埋青作茶园基肥。绿肥容易发醉腐烂放热,翻埋时,要离开茶根40一50厘米处开沟深埋。③制成堆厩肥,作茶园追、基肥。绿肥制堆溉肥时,要损失一部分养分,但这样肥料前期肥效高,后效差。④作为茶园的授盖物。在夏季或干早季节,把xlJ青的绿肥铺于行间,防止土坡中水分燕发,在冬季为了茶苗安全越冬,将夏绿肥晒干后,再铺在茶树根颈处。以后结合深耕,翻入茶园作基肥。农家肥料农家肥料有饼肥、厩肥、人粪尿.海肥、蚕沙、堆肥和沤肥以及腐植酸类肥料等。这类肥料含有机质和其他营养成分,其中的氮,须经分解为无机氮,才能为茶树吸收利用,分解慢,为迟效性肥料。如以肥效差异来区分一类农家肥料碳氮比较高,改良土壤理化性质作用较好,后效高;但含氮t低,提高土城肥料力差,如厩肥、堆肥和沤肥等。另一类农家肥料,碳氮比较低,改良土壤理化性质作用较差.后效较短、但含氮量高,提高土壤肥力较好,如饼肥。茶区常用的饼肥有菜籽饼、桐籽饼、柏籽饼、柿籽饼、茶籽饼和山苍饼等。个别地方也有少量施用人豆饼、花生饼、椰子饼等。
