900字范文 > 有机茶园 Organic tea garden英语短句 例句大全

有机茶园 Organic tea garden英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-25 10:15:19


有机茶园 Organic tea garden英语短句 例句大全

有机茶园,Organic tea garden

1)Organic tea garden有机茶园

1.Application research of drip irrigation and fertilization in organic tea garden滴灌施肥在有机茶园中的应用研究

2.A survey of species richness and abundance of insects, mites, and spiders within or around the tea clumps from an organic tea garden, a safety tea garden, and a common tea garden was conducted in the southern Anhui Province from July of 2002 to July of .2002年7月~7月对皖南一块有机茶园、一块无公害茶园和一块普通茶园茶丛内、茶丛上空及地表的昆虫、蜘蛛和螨类进行了调查。

3.The nutrients contentt,he number of microorganism and activity of edaphon in soil of Gutongling 4-year-old,10-year-old and 16-year-old organic tea garden were measured.对湖南湘阴县兰岭茶厂古桐岭不同种植年限的4年生、生、生有机茶园,分别进行了土壤养分含量、微生物类群数量及活性测定。


1.Effects of Organic Management on the Insect Community of Organic Tea Garden;有机管理措施对有机茶园生物群落的影响

2.Life Behavior and OPM Technology of Major Pests in Organic Tea Farm of Hubei;湖北有机茶园中主要害虫的生活习性及其OPM技术

3.The Effect of Jiaduo Multi-frequency Vibration-killing Lamps Controlling Pest in Organic Tea Garden佳多频振式杀虫灯在有机茶园害虫防治中的应用效果

4.On the market sales and building programmes for organic tea;有机茶的市场分析及茶园建设技术的探讨

5.In the3 plots of the organic tea garden, the stability of arthropods were higher than in the conventional tea garden.研究结果表明,有机管理的茶园群落稳定性大于对照茶园。

6.Study on Organic-mineral Complex Characteristics in Mengshan Tea Plantation Soils蒙山茶园土壤有机无机复合体性质研究

7.Effects of biogas residue on improving yield of tea and its quality茶园施用沼渣等有机肥对茶叶产量和品质的影响

8.Soil Organic Carbon of Tea Plantation on Different Slope Positions in Low Mountains and Hills低山丘陵区不同坡位茶园土壤有机碳特征研究

9.Soil Organic-mineral Complex Status and Distribution of Organic Carbon in Tea Gardens of Different Planting-year不同种植年限茶园土壤有机无机复合状况及有机碳分布特征

10.Research on Mechanical-plucking Integrative Technique for Quality Tea in Tea Garden;茶园名优茶机械化采摘集成技术研究

11.The Study on Organic Waste Composting Treatment and Applied Effects in Tea Garden有机废弃物的堆肥化处理及在茶园中的应用效果研究

12.Studies on the Varieties of Pest and Natural Enemy and the Dynamic State of Community in Organic Tea Garden有机生产方式茶园害虫与天敌种类及群落动态研究

13.Distribution Characteristics of Soil Aggregates and Organic Carbon in Tea Plantation茶园土壤团聚体分布特征及其对有机碳含量影响的研究

14.Effects of Slope"s Gradient and Aspect on Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Organic Matter in Low Mountainous Region坡度和坡向对低山茶园土壤有机质空间变异的影响

15.Spatial variability of soil organic matter and pH and the correlation to available nutrients in the tea garden of southern Shaanxi陕南茶园土壤有机质和pH值空间变异及其与速效养分的相关性

16.Effect of different machine-plucking on autumn tea yield and quality--A case study of the famous Bailumaojian hilly plantation tea丘陵茶园不同机采方式对秋季茶鲜叶产量和名优绿茶品质的影响

17.Use the organic fertilizer and protect the environment to produce pure, organic high mountain Tea.全年使用有机质肥料,无农药、无化学肥料、无污染,茶园的土地生机活力,生态平衡。

18.Effects of Interaction of Calcium-Aluminum on the Adsorption capacity and Active Aluminum in Tea Garden Soil Under Extraneous Source Organic Matter外源有机质存在下钙铝交互作用对茶园土壤铝的吸附能力与活性的影响


organic tea farm有机茶园

1.On the basis of pest control becoming the main obstacle to the rapid development of the organic tea industry,the present situation of pest control in tea garden and the principle of sustainable control of pests inorganic tea farm are summarized.针对害虫防治问题成为当前有机茶生产快速发展的主要障碍,从茶园害虫防治现状和有机茶园害虫持续控制的原理出发,探讨了有机茶园害虫持续控制应采取的主要技术措施。

3)Organic tea有机茶

1.On the market sales and building programmes for organic tea;有机茶的市场分析及茶园建设技术的探讨

2.Economic analysis of comparing conventional tea and organic tea;常规茶与有机茶比较的经济分析

3.Marketing strategy analysis on Gushi organic tea in Leye County乐业县顾式有机茶营销策略分析

4)organic and green tea有机绿茶

5)organic orchards有机果园

1.To be confronted with restricting chemosynthesis pesticides used inorganic orchards,insect pest control had become a bottleneck.面临有机果园不准使用化学合成农药的限制,果树害虫防治成为瓶颈问题。

6)the organic date garden有机枣园


有机覆层:有机覆层在基体材料表面覆以有机材料的材料保护层。在机械製造中﹐有机覆层的绝大部分是涂装层﹐或称油漆层。此外﹐也有用橡胶或塑料作为覆层的。需要抗酸﹑硷和抗腐蚀性气体和液体的钢铁件﹐常用厚约 3毫米的橡胶(如氯丁橡胶)或塑料(如氯化亚乙烯共聚物)黏在表面﹐可长期保护基体不受腐蚀。这种覆层主要用在大型抗蚀容器或排气系统中。埋在土壤中的金属构件﹐常以聚乙烯带包裹保护。在喷鉬或喷不锈钢的表面上涂覆聚四氟乙烯﹐在150℃温度下摩擦係数很低﹐磨损轻微﹐适於製造低载荷和要求高度清洁的滑动轴承﹐或用在食品﹑精细包装和纺织机械上。各国的Du﹑Dx轴承都是以塑料与金属复合製成的。通过静电喷涂将环氧树脂﹑氯化聚醚﹑聚四氟乙烯以及聚氯乙烯等塑料粉末涂覆在金属表面﹐可获多种抗化学腐蚀性极好的覆层﹐可用於输水﹑污水处理和海洋平台的设备上。有机覆层在辉光放电情况下﹐有机单体可以聚合成无针孔的有机膜﹐用作电容器的介质层。
