900字范文 > 台地茶园 tableland tea garden英语短句 例句大全

台地茶园 tableland tea garden英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-09 02:08:47


台地茶园 tableland tea garden英语短句 例句大全

台地茶园,tableland tea garden

1)tableland tea garden台地茶园

1.Genetic diversity of ancient tea gardens andtableland tea gardens from Yunnan Province as revealed by AFLP marker古茶园、台地茶园遗传多样性的AFLP分析


1.Genetic diversity of ancient tea gardens and tableland tea gardens from Yunnan Province as revealed by AFLP marker古茶园、台地茶园遗传多样性的AFLP分析

2.The Brief Discussion of Taiwan Black Tea:Taking Sun Moon Lake Black Tea as an Example台湾地区红茶产业简论——以日月潭红茶为例

3.The tea plantations stretch far into the distance over the hills.山坡上的茶园一直延伸到很远的地方。

4.The tea plantations stretch far into the distance.茶园一直延伸到很远的地方。

5.The village covers an area of 300 hectares, of which 30 are for tea production.村子占地300公顷,其中30公顷为茶园。

6.Studies on the Relationship between Soil Environmental Geochemical Factors and Uptake of Aluminum from Soil into Tea Leaves茶园土壤环境地球化学因素与茶叶从土壤中吸收铝的关系研究

7.Study on Translocation and Geochemistry Characteristics of Fluoride in the Tea Garden Soil/Tea Leaves System;茶园土壤/茶叶体系中氟的环境地球化学特征及迁移规律

8.Soil quality evaluation of tea plantation in typical mountain area of northeastern Guangdong--An instance study of Yan-Nan-Fei tea plantation in Meizhou粤东北典型山地茶园土壤质量评价——以梅州市雁南飞茶田为例

9.Investigation on Araneida in Tea Gardens of East Guizhou贵州东部地区茶园蜘蛛种类调查研究初报

10.Land Evaluation for Tea Garden in Shandong Province Based on GIS: Technology and Methodology;基于GIS的山东茶园土地评价技术方法研究

11.Research on the Mechanism and Ecological Treatment Measures of Soil and Water Loss in Hilly Tea Plantation山地茶园水土流失机理及生态调控措施研究

12.A record of parasitic wasps and their host insects in tea gardens in the eastern Guizhou Province贵州东部地区茶园寄生蜂及其寄主种类的记述

13.Major Pests and Their Natural Enemies in Tea Field in Xinyang信阳地区茶园常见害虫和天敌种类的调查

14.Research on the Soil and Water Loss and Ecological Treatment Measures in Hilly Tea Plantation山地茶园水土流失及生态调控措施研究

15.Discussion of the Relation Between Liuchapo Formation and Dengying Formation of Upper Yantze Platform上扬子地台留茶坡组与灯影组关系初探

16.Ecological Fragility of Mountain Fruit Orchards and Its Construction of Ecological Fruit Orchards in Xingtai City邢台市山地果园的生态脆弱性与生态果园建设

17.The landscape art analysis of Terrace garden at the Italian Renaissance文艺复兴时期意大利台地园的造园艺术分析

18.Studies on Landscape Resource and Planning of Yuntai Park of Yuntai Geopark in Henan Province;河南云台山地质公园云台山园区景观资源分析及规划研究


sloping tea garden坡地茶园

1.Study of different replanting patterns to renovatesloping tea garden on effect of soil and water conservation;不同改植模式更新坡地茶园水土保持效果研究

3)Hilly tea plantation山地茶园

1.Recently,with the development of hilly tea plantation,large area of the mountains is being developed into tea plantations.以乌龙茶之乡安溪县为研究区,在调查和试验的基础上,研究了新开垦茶园、不同开垦年限、不同耕作方式和山地茶园不同部位水土流失状况。

4)tableland tea台地茶

1.The study was conducted on the sensory quality,chemical component and mineral of the steaming green tea and sun-dry tea from old tea garden andtableland tea garden of three different districts,such as Nannuo Mountain,Menghai county,Yiwu,Mengla county and Jingmai,Lancang county.以云南省西双版纳州勐海县南糯山、勐腊县易武和思茅市澜沧县景迈3地的古老茶园和台地茶园的蒸青茶、晒青茶为样品,从感官审评、内含品质化学成分和矿物质元素检测分析展开对比研究,得出:(1)老树茶口感要优于台地茶,主要表现在滋味协调、味厚回甘好;而就不同产地来讲,各地的老树茶品质风格又有异,诸如南糯茶山的茶味较浓强、易武的鲜活度高、景迈的醇厚度好等,这均与品质化学成分有关联。

5)Terrace Garden台地园

1.The Deduction ofTerrace Garden in Modern Landscape Design——Landscape Rebuilding of Greenhouse in Feng Zhi Yu Scien-tech Garden as an Example;“台地园”形式的现代演绎——以“蜂之语”科技园温室景观改造设计为例

6)tea plantation茶园

1.The micrometeorological characteristics in tea plastic green housetea plantation andtheir deffect on plucking date and economic efficiency of Longjing tea;塑料大棚茶园微气象特征与龙井茶生产

2.Synthetical effects of shading ontea plantation during the high-temperature and drought season;高温干旱季节茶园覆盖遮荫的综合效应研究

3.Ecological regulation effects of straw mulching intea plantation in subtropical hilly red soil region;稻草覆盖对红壤丘陵茶园的生态调控效应


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