900字范文 > 酸性茶园土壤 acid tea garden soil英语短句 例句大全

酸性茶园土壤 acid tea garden soil英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-12 15:24:54


酸性茶园土壤 acid tea garden soil英语短句 例句大全

酸性茶园土壤,acid tea garden soil

1)acid tea garden soil酸性茶园土壤

2)tea garden soil茶园土壤

1.Isolation and screening of antagonistic actinomyces fromtea garden soil;茶园土壤拮抗放线菌的分离和筛选

2.The contents of fluoride in tea leaves and the distribution of fluoride intea garden soils as well as their relationships were discussed in this paper by sampling the tea leaves and soils from the twelve tea gardens located South Center and Southwest China.通过对我国中西南产茶区12个茶园土壤样品和茶叶样品的采集,探讨了不同茶园茶叶氟含量和茶园土壤氟的形态分布规律。

3.Effects of interaction of citric acid-aluminum-fluoride on adsorption characteristics and distribution of fluoride intea garden soil were studied by the simulated test.通过实验室模拟实验,研究了柠檬酸、铝与氟的交互作用对茶园土壤氟吸附特征及形态分布的影响。


1.Study on soil magnesium in the Tieguanyin tea plantations of Fujian Province福建省铁观音茶园土壤镁素状况研究

2.Studies on Potassium Equilibrium in Tea-Grown Soils and Yields and Qualities of Tea;茶园土壤钾素平衡与茶叶产量品质的研究

3.Study on Relationship between Soil Nutrients and the Corresponding Components in Tea of Shaanxi Province;陕西茶园土壤养分与茶叶相应成分关系的研究

4.Determination of Heavy Metals of Tea and Soil in The tea Gardens in Lishui;丽水市茶叶及茶园土壤中重金属的测定

5.Research Status of Tea Garden Soil Properties and Tea Quality茶园土壤性状与茶叶品质关系研究现状

6.Amelioration Effect of Tea Tree Leaves and Acacia Leaves on the Acidity of Tea Garden Soils茶树叶和刺槐叶对茶园土壤酸度的改良效果

7.Study on Cd Content in Laoshan Tea Garden Soil Fertilized with Fowl Manure崂山茶区施用鸡粪茶园土壤镉含量状况研究

8.Iron in the soil of Tieguanyin tea plantations in Fujian and its transfer into tea leaves福建铁观音茶园土壤及茶叶中的铁含量

9.Nickel in Tieguanyin tea plantation soils and its transfer to tea leaves in Fujian Province福建铁观音茶园土壤中的镍及其向茶叶的转移

10.Studies on the Relationship between Soil Environmental Geochemical Factors and Uptake of Aluminum from Soil into Tea Leaves茶园土壤环境地球化学因素与茶叶从土壤中吸收铝的关系研究

11.Study on Behavior of Lead in System of Soil and Tea Plant Under the Condition of Soil Acidification in Tea Plantation;茶园土壤酸化条件下铅在土壤—茶树系统中的行为研究

12.Relation of Physical Properties in Tea Garden Soil with Tea Tree Growth and Tea Quality茶园土壤物理性状与茶树生长发育及茶叶品质的关系

13.Studies on Microbial Community Diversity and Nitrification in Tea Orchard Soils;茶园土壤微生物群落多样性及硝化作用研究

14.Adsorption Characteristics and Form Transformation of Aluminum in Tea Garden Soil;茶园土壤铝的吸附特征及形态转化规律

15.Characteristics of Tea Plantation Soil Environmental Quality Around the Dongting Lake in Hunan Province;湖南省洞庭湖区茶园土壤环境质量特征

16.Study on Soil Acidification Status and Influence Factors of Tea Plantations in Jiangsu Province;江苏省茶园土壤酸化现状及其影响因素研究

17.Study of Soil Microorganism in Tea Gardens and Initial Filtration of Antimicrobial Actinomycetes;茶园土壤微生物研究及拮抗放线菌的初步筛选

18.The Supply Capacity of Magnesium and the Effect of the Magnesium Fertilizer in the Soils of Oolong Tea Plantations;乌龙茶园土壤供镁能力及镁肥施用效果研究


tea garden soil茶园土壤

1.Isolation and screening of antagonistic actinomyces fromtea garden soil;茶园土壤拮抗放线菌的分离和筛选

2.The contents of fluoride in tea leaves and the distribution of fluoride intea garden soils as well as their relationships were discussed in this paper by sampling the tea leaves and soils from the twelve tea gardens located South Center and Southwest China.通过对我国中西南产茶区12个茶园土壤样品和茶叶样品的采集,探讨了不同茶园茶叶氟含量和茶园土壤氟的形态分布规律。

3.Effects of interaction of citric acid-aluminum-fluoride on adsorption characteristics and distribution of fluoride intea garden soil were studied by the simulated test.通过实验室模拟实验,研究了柠檬酸、铝与氟的交互作用对茶园土壤氟吸附特征及形态分布的影响。

3)tea garden soils茶园土壤

1.The content and fractionation of zinc intea garden soils as well as the relationships between Zn fraction and total of Zn and soil properties were studied in the investigation by collecting soil samples from 13 tea gardens located in main tea areas of China.采集我国南方13个茶园土壤样品,采用硝酸-高氯酸混酸消化测定土壤锌的全量,以Tessier法对土壤锌进行形态分级,探讨了茶园土壤锌的形态分布及其与土壤锌全量和土壤理化性质的关系。

2.The soluble and exchangeable fractions of Pb in thetea garden soils are the most important pools regarding toxicity and bioavailability of Pb to tea plants.茶园土壤中铅的生物有效性直接影响茶叶中铅的积累。

4)tea plantation soil茶园土壤

1.The spatial variability of the content of organic matter in hillytea plantation soils with different sampling scales;不同尺度下低山茶园土壤有机质含量的空间变异

2.Mg concentrations are variously relative to parent materials,fertilization level and pH value oftea plantation soil.在茶园土壤中镁以矿物态、非交换态、交换态和水溶态存在,能够被茶树吸收的有效镁是交换态和水溶态镁。

3.Kriging was used for analysing the spatial variability of K in hillytea plantation soil by employing geostatistical methods and GIS technique.运用地统计学和GIS技术相结合的方法,采用地统计分析模块中的Kriging插值法研究了山区茶园土壤钾素的空间分布格局。

5)soil in tea garden茶园土壤

1.So it is significant to mensurate Se content of tea andsoil in tea gardens.得出以下结论:安徽省茶园土壤,除石台县茶园硒含量很高,达5。

6)tea-grown soils茶园土壤

1.Effect of potassium fertilizer application on the potassium and its equilibrium intea-grown soils;施钾对茶园土壤钾素及平衡的影响

2.Three typical and representativetea-grown soils in Sichuan and Chongqing were collected for pot and field experiments lasted five years.研究了钾肥(硫酸钾)对茶园土壤钾素平衡和茶叶产量品质的影响,旨在为茶树合理施肥提供科学的依据。


