900字范文 > 快速热压烧结 rapid hot-pressing英语短句 例句大全

快速热压烧结 rapid hot-pressing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-02 02:17:26


快速热压烧结 rapid hot-pressing英语短句 例句大全

快速热压烧结,rapid hot-pressing

1)rapid hot-pressing快速热压烧结

1.In the present study, bulk nanostructured WC-Co cermets were prepared by high energy ball milling andrapid hot-pressing; the physical and mechanical properties as well as microstructure of the sintered bulk materials were also measured.采用高能球磨快速热压烧结工艺制备了纳米晶粒WC Co硬质合金块体 ,并对合金的物理、力学性能及微观组织进行了分析测试。

2.The polycrystalline samples for measurement, with relative densities all above 90%, were prepared byrapid hot-pressing process.所得合金锭经过高能球磨制成微米级的超细合金粉,再通过快速热压烧结制备测试用的多晶试样,所有试样的相对密度均达到90%以上。

2)flash heating sintering快速加热烧结

3)rapid sintering at high pressure快速超高压烧结

4)rapid sintering快速烧结

1.Effect of metal elements onrapid sintering W-Cu alloy under the action of electric field;电场作用下金属元素对W-Cu合金快速烧结的影响

2.Using Gleeble—3500D thermal simulation equipment,the effect of preset heating rate onrapid sintering of W-20Cu system under the action of electric field was investigated.采用Gleeble—3500D热模拟机,通过对烧结体密度、显微结构以及硬度的分析,研究了电场作用下预设升温速度对W-20Cu体系快速烧结的影响。


1.Mechanism of Superfast Sintering of Ceramic Composites by SHS/QP Process;陶瓷材料SHS/QP超快速烧结机理研究

2.Fe-Al Intermetallics Prepared by Rapid Sintering快速烧结法制备Fe-Al金属间化合物

3.Studies on synthesis and properties of the hafnium tungstate by laser sintering激光快速烧结合成HfW_2O_8及其特性的研究

4.Rapid Sintering WC-8%Co Cemented Carbide in a Multi-mode cavity微波多模腔快速烧结WC-8%Co硬质合金

5.The Design of Thyristor Trigger Circuit for Temperature Control System in Rapid Sintering Equipment快速烧结设备温控系统中晶闸管触发电路设计

6.Fabrication and characterization of ultra-fine grained pure tungsten by two fast resistance sintering technologies两种通电快速烧结方法制备超细晶粒纯钨

7.Study on the Rapid Sintering Densification of Iron-base Material Based on an Electric Field;基于电场作用下铁基材料快速烧结致密化的研究

8.Research on the Process of Selective Laser Sintering Rapid Prototyping;激光选区烧结快速原型技术工艺研究

9.The leaser sintering technology and its applicationin laser high-speed shaping;快速成型中激光烧结成型技术及应用

10.Rapid Synthesis of Ce_2(WO_4)_3 Material by Laser Sintering Method激光烧结快速合成Ce_2(WO_4)_3材料

11.The Research of the Process and the Key Technology of Selective Laser Sintering;粉末激光烧结快速成型工艺及关键技术研究

12.Study of Hollow Cathode Dischage Using in Speedy High Temperature Sintering Process;空心阴极等离子快速高温烧结工艺研究

13.Study on the Part Precision of Rapid Prototyping of Selected Laser Sintering;选择性激光烧结快速成型制件精度的研究

14.Optimization of the preheating during selective laser sintering with a large processing table大台面选择性激光烧结快速成形预热优化设计

15.Study of the rapid separation of red mud in Sintering process and its industrialization烧结法赤泥快速分离科研与产业化探索

16.Discussion of Boiling Process Rapid Determination of Fired Perforated Bricks Strength沸煮法快速测定烧结多孔砖强度的探讨

17.Application of Selective Laser Sintering Rapid Prototyping in Investment Casting激光选区烧结快速成型在熔模铸造中的应用

18.Raman Spectroscopic Study of Zr_(1-x)Hf_xW_2O_8 by Fast Solid State Reaction高温快速固相烧结合成Zr_(1-x)Hf_xW_2O_8的Raman光谱研究


flash heating sintering快速加热烧结

3)rapid sintering at high pressure快速超高压烧结

4)rapid sintering快速烧结

1.Effect of metal elements onrapid sintering W-Cu alloy under the action of electric field;电场作用下金属元素对W-Cu合金快速烧结的影响

2.Using Gleeble—3500D thermal simulation equipment,the effect of preset heating rate onrapid sintering of W-20Cu system under the action of electric field was investigated.采用Gleeble—3500D热模拟机,通过对烧结体密度、显微结构以及硬度的分析,研究了电场作用下预设升温速度对W-20Cu体系快速烧结的影响。

5)spark plasma sintering超快速烧结

1.The SiC-A12O3 nanocomposites were superfast densified byspark plasma sintering(SPS) process with heating to a sintering temperature range from 1350 to 1550℃, at a heatingrate of 600℃/min, without holding time, and then fast cooling to 600℃ within 2-3 minutes;and high density nanocomposites were obtained.本文介绍用非均相沉淀法制备的纳米SiC-Al2O3复合粉体经放电等离子超快速烧结得到晶内型的纳米复相陶瓷,超快速烧结的升温速率为600℃/min,在烧结温度不保温,迅即在3min内冷却至600℃以下。

2.Al2O3 ceramics were successfully superfast densified byspark plasma sintering (SPS) underthe conditions of heating rate as high as 600℃/min, no holding time at the sintering temperaturefrom 1350 to 1700 ℃ and then fast cooling to 600℃ within 3 minutes.本文介绍用放电等离子超快速烧结方法制备的氧化铝陶瓷的力学性能和显微结构特征。

6)rapid hot pressing快速热压

pact MgB2 bulks as superconductor were successfully prepared byrapid hot pressing process in high-purity flowing Ar protective atmosphere.采用快速热压烧结技术,在流动的高纯氩气保护氛围下,成功地制备出致密MgB2块材。


反应热压烧结(reactived hot pressing sintering)分子式:CAS号:性质:又称反应热压烧结(reactived hot pressing sintering)或分解热压烧结(detomposition hot pressing sintering)。利用高温下粉料可能发生某种固相物理化学反应时处于较高能量的活化状态下进行热压烧结的方法。有以下几种类型:(1)相变热压烧结,如利用氧化锆在980~1100℃之间发生相变,同时进行热压,可获得高密度的细晶陶瓷;(2)分解热压烧结,如利用镁或铝的氢氧化物(或其硫酸盐)在高温下(900~1200℃)发生脱水或释气分解时,进行热压,只需加0.3~1MPa压力,保持0.5h,就可获得高密度的制品;(3)分解合成热压烧结,利用分解反应期的高度活性,在压力作用下与异类物质产生反应,然后再在压力作用下烧结成致密陶瓷,如氢氧化钡或碳酸钡分解的氧化钡与二氧化钛合成为钛酸钡等。
