900字范文 > 6A Unit 6 Holidays—教学设计及课件_小学六年级英语教案

6A Unit 6 Holidays—教学设计及课件_小学六年级英语教案

时间:2019-01-17 19:17:46


6A Unit 6 Holidays—教学设计及课件_小学六年级英语教案

6a unit 6 holidays



1. 知识目标

1)能熟练掌握表示节日名称的词和日常交际词组: christmas, easter, halloween ,eat delicious food, visit relatives等。

2. 技能目标:使学生通过本课的学习,能运用所学句型熟练地谈论节日和风俗习惯

3. 情感目标 :在合作和交流中培养学生的跨文化意识,使学生了解中西方文化的差异。


1. 能熟练掌握表示节日名称的词和词组

2. 能灵活运用所学句型交流“节日”这一话题。


能在交流中体会时态的差异,并能熟练运用过去时的一般疑问句did you …?进行交谈。


step1 warming up

1. revision

1) t: we have learned some chinese holidays. do you know them ?

2) play a game: magic eyes. what holiday is it?

step 2 presentation

1. t: what day is it today? s: it"s...

t: oh, an american holiday is coming. do you know what holiday is it?

s: halloween

t: cleaver. when is halloween?

s: it"s on the thirty-first of october

t: you"re right. what do americans usually do at halloween?

s: they usually have a party/ make masks/ play pumpkin lanterns…

t: yes, sometimes they dress up in costumes (new phrase)

2. 学习 dress up in costumes

3. t: they also eat delicious food

学习 delicious

t: delicious duck/…(ask the students say the familiar phrases.)

4. t: do you like delicious food? we also eat delicious food on another holiday.


t: do you know about easter? don’t worry. here’s a brief introduction for you . after reading ,tell me when and what?

when is the holiday ? what do people usually do at easter?

t: read the passage and give me the answers.

5. t: let’s have a break. please guess the holiday riddle

1) people usually have a party and eat lots of nice food.

2) it is in winter, the weather is very cold

3) they usually buy trees and put presents in the tree. (学生这时已经猜出来了)

t: you did a good job. they sing songs happily.

sing the song merry christmas and clap hands.

learn christmas" christmas tree /christmas card / christams present/ merry christmas


t: what do people usually do at christmas? s : they usually …

6. t: i did many things last christmas. do you know what i did last ~

please ask me like this: ‘did you … last christmas?’

s-t (老师用yes i did. /no, i didn’t.回答)t-s(渗透儿歌内容)

say a chant.

7. t: do you like christmas? so i think your favourite holiday is christmas.
