900字范文 > 公私立比 public-private ratio英语短句 例句大全

公私立比 public-private ratio英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-29 06:40:47


公私立比 public-private ratio英语短句 例句大全

公私立比,public-private ratio

1)public-private ratio公私立比

2)Li Gong Mie Si (Setting up the Sense of "Public" and Putting down the Sense of "Private")立公灭私


1.Of the Senses of “Li Gong Mie Si” from Period of the Spring and Autumn to the Period of the Warring States and the Conformity of Society;春秋战国的“立公灭私”观念与社会整合(上)

2.Liquidation of the Private and the Founding ofthe Public--the Legalist Mentality towards the Public and the Private;废私立公——法家公私观的道德价值取向

3.The Rising of Private Primary Schools in Rural Areas--A Study of Partial Public & Private Primary Schools in Shaanxi Province;公退民进:农村私立小学的兴起——来自陕西部分公立、私立小学的调研

4.Position: Teaching in private and public schools in the US.职位:在美国的私立和公立学校任教。

5.Management of an institution, public or private.管理公立或私立机构的管理

6.There are many fine universities in the United States, both public and private.美国有许多公立和私立的好大学。

7.Do private schools provide better education than public schools?私立学校比公立学校教学质量高吗?

8.The Blurred Lines between Public and Private in British Universities;模糊的英国大学性质:公立还是私立

9.Characteristics of Public Universities and Private Universities Historical Analysis公立与私立大学的特征:历史的视角

10.A Comparative Study on the Learning Motive of Private School and Public School High Students.;公、私立学校学生学习动力的比较研究

11.The Private Law Character of Company Law--From the Judicatory Standpoint;论公司法的私法品格——检视司法的立场

12.Development of Private Schooling in India:Quantity, Quality and Equality;印度私立学校的发展:数量、质量与公平

13.Hospitals may be public (government-owned) or private (profit-making or not-for-profit);医院有公立(政府所有)和私立(营利或非营利);

14.Public and private pension money has started to flow into hedge funds.公立的和私立的养老金已经开始进入避险基金。

15.But private hospitals usually charge more than public hospitals,但是私立医院的收费通常比公立医院高,

16.A Controlled Study of Psychological Health Status Between Private and Public Middle School students;私立与公立学校初中生心理健康状况对照研究

17.On the Development of the Contemporary Non-Public Ownership Economy inChina in the Frame of Reference of "Eliminating Private Ownership;论“消灭私有制”参照系下当代中国非公有制经济的发展

18.PUBLIC OWNERSHIP AND PRIVATE OWNERSHIPCENTRALIZATION AND DECENTRALIZATION OF POWER--Privately Run Education Viewed from Political Science;公有与私有、集权与分权——政治学视野中的私立教育


Li Gong Mie Si (Setting up the Sense of "Public" and Putting down the Sense of "Private")立公灭私

3)public and private schools公私立高校


1.The Type of ForeignPrivate Higher Education Orients and Enlightenment;外国私立高等教育的类型定位及启示

2.The strategies on the development of American and Japanese private kindergartens and its implications;美日发展私立幼儿园的策略及启示

3.This paper discusses the development of private higher education in Malaysia from 1980s to present.马来西亚的私立高等教育在1990年代开始迅速扩展,并且所办的课程也趋向多样化、国际化。

5)public and private公私

1.The simplicity and one-sidedness of traditional concept ofpublic and private influence people s developing a practical and reasonable idea ofpublic and private, thus bringing a negative effect on people s realistic social life.传统公私观念简单化和片面化的特点,影响着人们形成适应现实需要的合情合理的公私观念,给人们现实的社会生活带来了一定的消极影响。

2.At present, the distinction ofpublic and private interests should precede the realization of social justice.当前,实现社会正义首先是要实现公私划界。

6)Private school私立学校

1.Roles of private school libraries in quality education;试论私立学校图书馆在素质教育中的作用

2.A Study of the Mode of True Private School Administration in Basic Education;基础教育领域完全私立学校管理模式研究

3.Public schools have squeezed the development of private schools in China due to the traditional combination of government with educational systems.我国“政教合一”的传统 ,使公立学校严重挤压了私立学校的发展空间 ,直接影响了私立学校的发展基础。


