900字范文 > 混合供给制度 public-private mixed system英语短句 例句大全

混合供给制度 public-private mixed system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-04 02:37:04


混合供给制度 public-private mixed system英语短句 例句大全

混合供给制度,public-private mixed system

1)public-private mixed system混合供给制度


1.Public-Private Mixed System in Canadian Health Insurance and Its Lessons to China加拿大医疗保险中的混合供给制度及其启示

2.Low Trade Cost and Effective Supply of Institutional Arrangement: Mixed Organizational Innovation;低交易成本和高制度供给:混合形态的组织创新

3.Performance Evaluation of Land Supply Institution:From the Institutional Change Perspective土地供给制度绩效综合评价:制度变迁视角

4.On the New Pattern of Rurral Cooperative Medical System--From the Angle of Demands and Supplies;透视农村新型合作医疗制度——需求与供给的角度

5.The Study on Institution Supply of Specialty Cooperative of Peasants in the Under-developed Areas of West China;西部欠发达地区农民专业合作社制度供给研究

6.The Government Supplies in the New Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance System新型农村合作医疗保险制度的政府供给研究

7.Analysis on the Demand and Supply of New Rural Cooperative Medical System新型农村合作医疗制度的需求与供给分析

8.Poly-supplier s Cooperation System in Rural-migrant Workers Educational Service--based on the analysis of institutional evolution theory;论农民工教育服务的多边合作供给制——基于制度变迁理论的分析

9.Interpreting Transition of Rural Cooperative Medical Service in China from the Perspective of Institutional Economics: Systematic proportion,disproportion,change and system supply对我国农村合作医疗变迁的制度经济学解释——制度的均衡、非均衡、变革与制度供给

10.From Bureaucratic providing mode to Cooperative providing model;从“科层式供给”到“合作化供给”——街区公共服务供给机制的个案分析

11.Flaws in China s New Rural Cooperative Medical Service System Goal and Policy Adjustment;中国新型农村合作医疗制度供给与实践需求研究

12.Failure of Rural Cooperative’s System Supply of Kuomintang;国民政府时期农村合作经济组织制度供给失灵原因探析

13.It can spread out the mixture availability to provide a more equal charge to each cylinder.它可以扩大混合气的效力,给每个汽缸提供更均等的混合气。

14.Concrete was supplied from a batching plant located approximately two miles.混凝土由距工地大约2英里的分批拌合厂供给。

15.Thoughts on the disorder of Chinese rule provision system towards financial law & related suggestions;中国金融法律规则供给机制混乱状态的反思

16.The Game From Non-cooperation to Cooperation:--Rural Public Goods Supplies Mechanism about"One Case,One Meeting"System;从非合作博弈到合作博弈——基于当前农村社区公共产品供给机制“一事一议”制度分析

17.Institutional Research on the Supply of Tourist Attractions in China;中国旅游景区供给的制度经济学研究

18.Research into the Supply Institution of Rural Compulsory Education after China"s Reform and Opening-up;中国农村义务教育供给制度研究(1978-)


multi-supplying system混合供给制

3)mixing feed混合供给

4)System supplies制度供给

5)supply system供给制度

1.Study of improving thesupply system of rural public products in China;完善我国农村公共产品供给制度的研究

2.A Study on the Demand-led Supply System of Rural Public Goods;需求主导型农村公共产品供给制度研究

3.Innovations in rural public sport productssupply system——Research on service mainbody from the viewpoint of public product theory农村公共体育产品供给制度创新研究——基于公共产品理论视角的服务主体研究

6)Institutional supply制度供给

1.Review on the Researches about Institutional Supply Theory;制度供给理论述评——经典理论演变与国内研究进展

2.Identity, Social Network and Institutional Supply;认同、社会网络和制度供给

3.Interest, Identity and Institutional Supply: A Study on the Influence Factors of Community Participation;利益、认同与制度供给:居民社区参与的影响因素研究


