900字范文 > 公私伙伴合作模式 Model of Public-private Partnership英语短句 例句大全

公私伙伴合作模式 Model of Public-private Partnership英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-02 06:12:32


公私伙伴合作模式 Model of Public-private Partnership英语短句 例句大全

公私伙伴合作模式,Model of Public-private Partnership

1)Model of Public-private Partnership公私伙伴合作模式

1.This paper emphasizes the advantages of theModel of Public-private Partnership while analyzing the disadvantages of the Market-oriented Model and the Government-led Model;presents the contents and types of the Partnership Model;concludes with policy implications of the Partnership Model for catastrophe risk management in China.公私伙伴合作模式是指政府和保险公司在风险意识、风险防范和风险转移三方面分工协作,共同承担责任的巨灾风险管理模式。

2)public-private partnership mode公私合作伙伴关系模式

1.Application of thepublic-private partnership mode in market orientated operation of large sports venues in China公私合作伙伴关系模式在我国大型体育场馆市场化中的应用


1.On the Mode of Public-Private Partnerships in Basic Education Issues and Its Enlightenments基础教育公私合作伙伴关系模式:问题与启示

2.The Feasibility of Applicatiion of Public-private Partnerships in China Pharmaceutical Industry公私合作伙伴关系模式在我国新药研发领域应用的可行性分析

3.Application of the public-private partnership mode in market orientated operation of large sports venues in China公私合作伙伴关系模式在我国大型体育场馆市场化中的应用

4.The Public-Private Partnership for the Public Health in the United States (1987-)美国公共卫生领域公私合作伙伴关系研究(1987-)

5.Initiatives must forge partnerships between the public and private sectors.项目必须促成公私部门之间的合作伙伴关系。

6.Public-private partnership in American sports industry;美国体育产业中的公共—私有合作伙伴关系

7.Public private parternships in health care in South Africa and its implications南非卫生领域公私合作伙伴关系及启示

8.Applicability on Relational Schema of Partner in China s field of Public Service;合作伙伴关系模式在我国公共服务领域中的适用性分析

9.Study on Cooperation Mechanism and Government Regulatory Policy of Public-Private Partnerships公共项目公私伙伴关系合作机理与监管政策研究

10.The Construction of Development Zones Infrastructures under the "Public Private Partnership" Model;“公私部门伙伴关系”模式下的开发区基础设施建设

11.Application of Public Private Partnership in Infrastructure Construction of Binhai New Area;公私伙伴关系模式在滨海新区基础设施建设中的应用

12.“Public Private Partnership” Model:The New Choice of New Countryside Infrastructure Supply;“公私部门伙伴关系”模式:新农村基础设施供给的新选择

13.Construction of the partner mode of the BOT project between the participants of the interest-related subjects;BOT项目利益相关者合作伙伴关系模式的构建

14.PPP Practice in China and Composition of PPP Legal Framework;论公私合作伙伴关系在我国的实践及其法律框架构建

15.Study on Silkworm Genus Industry Pattern of Economic and Cooperative Fellowship;经济合作伙伴关系的蚕种生产模式研究

16.Public-Private Partnership as a Policy Tool for Research and Innovation作为研究与创新政策工具的“公私伙伴关系”

17.Supply Chain Partnership and Partner Selection;供应链合作伙伴关系与合作伙伴选择

petition-coordination Mode and Governance Pattern in Third-party Logistics Partnership;第三方物流合作伙伴关系的竞争协调模型和治理模式探讨


public-private partnership mode公私合作伙伴关系模式

1.Application of thepublic-private partnership mode in market orientated operation of large sports venues in China公私合作伙伴关系模式在我国大型体育场馆市场化中的应用

3)Public-private partnerships system公私合作伙伴制

4)public-private partnership公私合作伙伴关系

1.The original summed up the application of thepublic-private partnership in the international health field, including constructing hospital, resolving the health care and the public health problem, and launching the medical scientific research.综述探讨了国际上公私合作伙伴关系在卫生领域的应用,包括建设医院及解决卫生保健、公共卫生问题及开展医学科研方面的现状。

2.The original probed into the pattern of thepublic-private partnership(PPP)in Britain and Canada and its scope to serve the people.探讨英国及加拿大公私合作伙伴关系的模式、PPP模式服务范围,分析在公用事业领域导入PPP机制的流程及实施原则。

3.The thesis studies the Public-Private Partnership for Public Health in the United States proceeding with three aspects—the background of the establishment,the process of establishment and development,and its evaluation.本文以美国公共卫生领域的公私合作伙伴关系为研究对象,从该伙伴关系建立的背景、建立和发展的过程、分析与评价三个方面入手,系统剖析了联邦政府在公共卫生领域建立公私合作伙伴关系的迫切性和可行性,全面梳理了该伙伴关系20多年的发展脉络和标志性的事件,简要评述了该伙伴关系实施过程中的成功经验和遇到的障碍,并对该伙伴关系未来的发展做了展望。

5)the partner collaborative relation between public sectors and private sectors公私伙伴合作关系

6)partnering cooperation伙伴式合作


