900字范文 > 公私合作模式 public-private partnership英语短句 例句大全

公私合作模式 public-private partnership英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-21 04:19:01


公私合作模式 public-private partnership英语短句 例句大全

公私合作模式,public-private partnership

1)public-private partnership公私合作模式

1.Application of Public-Private Partnership in Quasi-commercial Infrastructure Project;公私合作模式在准经营性基础设施项目中的应用

2.A Study on Fare Regulations for Metro Public-Private Partnership Practice;公私合作模式下的城市轨道交通票价管制政策研究


1.The Study of Application of PPP Pattern to Chinese Urban Public Goods;论公私合作模式对我国城市公共品的适用性

2.Economics Analyse of Public-private Partnerships for Chinese Urban Water Sector;我国城市水业公私合作模式的经济学分析

3.Basic Framework and Suggestions for PPP in Urban Rail Transit;城市轨道交通项目公私合作模式的架构和建议

4.Application of public-private partnerships as model reference in urban logistic project planning in China;公私合作模式对中国城市物流规划的借鉴

5.Financing for Urban Rail Transit Construction on PPP Model;运用公私合作模式进行城市轨道交通建设融资

6.Analysis of Owership Issue in Urban Infrastructure PPP Model;城市基础设施公私合作模式所有权归属的模型分析

7.The Application of PPP Financing Model in URT Construction;城市轨道交通项目采用公私合作模式融资的几个问题

8.Application of Public-Private Partnership in Quasi-commercial Infrastructure Project;公私合作模式在准经营性基础设施项目中的应用

9.PPP Pattern Financing in Urban Mass Transit Realm of China;公私合作模式融资在我国城市轨道交通项目中的实践

10.The Transfer of Irrigation Management in China: A Possible Reform to Integrate the Public with Private Interests;借鉴公私合作模式推进我国灌溉管理权移交改革

11.A Study on Fare Regulations for Metro Public-Private Partnership Practice;公私合作模式下的城市轨道交通票价管制政策研究

12.A Study of PPP of Urban Sewage Disposal;城市污水处理公私合作(PPP)模式研究

13.Applying Research of Public Private Partnerships in Our Country;公私合作融资模式在我国的应用研究

14.Establishment of Public-private Game Frame and Cooperation Mechanism for PPP Model;PPP模式公私博弈框架和合作机制构建

15.The Analysis on Management Model of Joint Public-Private School;关于“公、私合作型学校”治理模式的分析

16.The Study of Public-Private Partnerships Cooperative Management Mode in the Municipal Infrastructure;城市基础设施的公私合作管理模式研究

17.Risk Analysis of Urban Mass Transit Investment PPP Mode;城市轨道交通公私合作投资模式的风险分析

18.On the Mode of Public-Private Partnerships in Basic Education Issues and Its Enlightenments基础教育公私合作伙伴关系模式:问题与启示


PPP model公私合作模式

1.Applying thePPP model to the investment construction of public hospitals in China;公私合作模式在我国公立医院投资建设领域中应用的探讨

2.PPP model has good effect in planning and constructing city logistic projects abroad.针对中国现阶段城市物流规划所出现的目标不明确,缺乏评价体系,盲目建设物流园区等问题,尝试将公私合作模式应用于城市物流规划是有效的解决途径之一,国外的城市物流项目规划与建设中,应用公私合作模式的具体表现形式不同,但都取得了良好的效果。

3)public private partnership公私营合作模式

4)Public Private Partnerships公私合作融资模式

1.Applying Research ofPublic Private Partnerships in Our Country;公私合作融资模式在我国的应用研究

5)the mode of cooperating restraint by public law and private law公私合作约束模式

6)Model of Public-private Partnership公私伙伴合作模式

1.This paper emphasizes the advantages of theModel of Public-private Partnership while analyzing the disadvantages of the Market-oriented Model and the Government-led Model;presents the contents and types of the Partnership Model;concludes with policy implications of the Partnership Model for catastrophe risk management in China.公私伙伴合作模式是指政府和保险公司在风险意识、风险防范和风险转移三方面分工协作,共同承担责任的巨灾风险管理模式。


