900字范文 > 教师培养制度 Teacher training system英语短句 例句大全

教师培养制度 Teacher training system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-09 06:37:39


教师培养制度 Teacher training system英语短句 例句大全

教师培养制度,Teacher training system

1)Teacher training system教师培养制度


1.The Change of Teacher Training System:from Normal Education to Teacher Education;教师培养制度的变革:从师范教育到教师教育

2.On the teacher training system in rural areas of the People"s Republic of China:history,situation and future新中国农村教师培养制度:历史、现状与未来

3.University Teacher Training in Western China: Problems and their Solutions西部地方高校教师培养制度存在的问题及完善对策

4.Urgent need for systemized training of young teachers for higher education;高校青年教师培养亟待真正形成制度

5.Curriculum System of Cultivating of P.E Teacher under the Current Education System;现行教育体制下体育教师培养的课程制度

6.Practicable Talented Persons Training and Part-time Teachers System in Private Universities;民办高校应用型人才培养与兼职教师制度建设

7.A Policy Guide to American Teacher Preparation and Certification in the New Century;新世纪美国教师培养与认证制度的改革指南

8.On the Cultivation Mechanism and Measure of "Double-Professionally-Titled Teachers" in Vocational College高职“双师素质”教师的培养机制与措施

9.Enhance the training,improve the teachers culture of educational technique;加大培训力度,提高教师教育技术素养

10.The University Young Teachers Raise Effective Way:Young Teacher Tutorial System;高校青年教师培养的有效途径:青年教师导师制

11.A Brief Introduction of Japan s Teacher-training Curriculum in Compliance with the Educational Personnel Certification Law;教育职员许可证制度视野下日本教师培养课程概述

12.Consideration on Teacher Preparation System in the west of China;论西部教师教育培养体制的现实超越

13.An Analysis on the Characteristics of the Initial Teacher Education System in Finland and its Inspiration--A Case Study of Helsinki University芬兰中小学教师职前培养制度的特点及启示——以赫尔辛基大学为例

14.a two-year school for training elementary teachers.两年制培养小学教师的学校。

15.Study on the Development System and the Professionalism of Kindergarten Teachers of Research;研究型幼儿教师特质及培养机制初探

16.On Developing Vocational Teachers of "Double Type"from the View of International Comparision;从国际比较角度看“双师型”职教师资培养

17.Enlightenment of Foreign System of Teachers Training to That of Our Country in Ethnic Areas;国外师资培养制度对我国少数民族地区师资培养的启示

18.On mutual moving mechanism between teachers profession pre-cultivating and post-training;论教师职前培养与职后培训的互动机制


curriculum system of cultivating of P.E teacher体育教师培养课程制度

3)the cultivation of teachers manners教师风度的培养

4)teacher training教师培养

1.The key points of the curriculum reform such as overall planning of organization,experience inheritance,teaching material construction,teacher training,educational research were discussed.从组织统筹、经验传承、教材建设、教师培养、教育科研等几个方面探讨课程改革的关键点,并强调了教师培养、教育科研对课程改革所起的作用。

2.The subject and period of ecucational curriculum offered in Chineseteacher training are less than that of developed countries and regions.教师培养是发展教育的关键 ,而课程设计是培养目标的重要体现。

5)teacher cultivation教师培养

1.Theteacher cultivation model of the universities which focuses on subject knowledge should be changed into a new model which is based on the needs of the society,the objective laws of higher education and the changes which have taken place in basic education in China.原有教师培养主要指向系统全面的学科知识和传递学科知识的基本技能两个方面,从而形成教师培养的学科化和知识化,这一模式显然与新时期对新教师的要求相距甚远。

6)teachers training教师培养

1.They strengthenteachers training through training in their own.广西高职高专院校也不例外,其主要通过自己培养、送培、引进等三种方式加强时教师的培养,笔者认为,广西高校教师培养应当以广西高职高专院校具体情况为基础,紧密结合社会的发展,并重视配套措施的建设和实施。

2.It is clear that the current integrate courseteachers training in China falls behind the course reform in the middle schools, so the research to the curriculum setting of theteachers training demands immediate attention.我国当前综合课程的教师培养已经明显落后于中学的课程改革,对于教师培养的课程设置研究已经刻不容缓。


