900字范文 > 教学助理制度 teacher assistant system英语短句 例句大全

教学助理制度 teacher assistant system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-26 05:21:56


教学助理制度 teacher assistant system英语短句 例句大全

教学助理制度,teacher assistant system

1)teacher assistant system教学助理制度

1.We constructed a teaching model of organic chemistryteacher assistant system based on constructivism.以建构主义理念为内核,引入教学助理制度,构建基于建构主义的有机化学教学助理教学模型。

2)Teaching assistants教学助理

1.Teaching assistants(TA) play a major role in the educational process in the universities in the United States.教学助理制度在美国的大学教育中起着重要的作用。

3)grant-aided system助学制度

1.In the long development, Americangrant-aided system has developed into the most perfect and complicated one, while Japanese has developed system with its own characteristics by combining scholarship and education loan together, and especially by establishing a particular management office to monitor the system, which will provide new ideas to the perfection of .美国和日本的教育助学制度以“教育成本分担”和“教育机会均等”为基本理念。

4)policy for the token of educational bursary教育助学凭证制度


1.Reflections on the Educational Vouchers that Excludes The Rich Implement in Rui An;制度经济学:一个创新性公共财政实践——以浙江瑞安“教育助学凭证制度”为例

2.A New Perspective on the Reform of Basic Education System--Education Voucher System;我国基础教育体制改革的新视角——教育凭证制度

3.On the Voucher System and the Funding System from the Perspective of School Vouchers论凭证制度与经费制度——从教育券角度分析

4.A Tentative Exploration into the Voucher Reform in America;试析美国基础教育改革中的教育凭证制度

5.The full text inclines to offer the support evidence for the education voucher system.全文倾向于为教育凭证制度提供支持性证据。

6.A Comparative Study: the Fund System vs. the Voucher System in Public Education Expenditure;论公共教育支出制度的创新——经费制度与凭证制度的比较分析

7.Research on the System of Nation Professional Credentials and Educational Diploma of Social Sport Instructors;社会体育指导员国家职业资格证书制度与学历文凭制度的研究

8.An Analysis on System of Student Loans in Higher Education;高等教育助学贷款制度的经济学分析

9.The Preliminary Exploration of the Our Country Higher Education Educational Background Certificate Attestation System;我国高等教育学历证书认证制度初探

10.An Analysis of Financial Aid System to Compulsory Education Students with Financial Hardship in China;我国义务教育贫困学生资助制度分析

11.Post-Compulsory Entitlements: Vouchers for Life-long Learning;义务教育后的受教育权利:资助终身学习的教育券制度

12.Teach code to decide, the country implements system of school work certificate.教育法规定,国家实行学业证书制度。

13.A Research of the Conflict between the Academic Certificate and the Degree Diploma in Our Country s High Education;我国现行高等教育学业证书制度与学位证书制度冲突研究

14.Formation and Development of Institution of Loan for Schooling in Higher Education;高等教育国家助学贷款制度的形成及发展

15.Improvement of the National Student Loan System and Development of Higher Education;完善国家助学贷款制度 推进高等教育发展

16.Researches on the Risk Compensation Mechanism for the Education Loans;建立我国教育助学贷款风险补偿制度的探讨

17.Putting the higher education into practice charges must continuously perfect student loan system;实施高等教育收费必须不断完善助学贷款制度

18.Learning from Experiences outside China and Improving Financial-Aid-to-Student System of China s Higher Education;借鉴国外经验 完善我国高等教育助学制度


Teaching assistants教学助理

1.Teaching assistants(TA) play a major role in the educational process in the universities in the United States.教学助理制度在美国的大学教育中起着重要的作用。

3)grant-aided system助学制度

1.In the long development, Americangrant-aided system has developed into the most perfect and complicated one, while Japanese has developed system with its own characteristics by combining scholarship and education loan together, and especially by establishing a particular management office to monitor the system, which will provide new ideas to the perfection of .美国和日本的教育助学制度以“教育成本分担”和“教育机会均等”为基本理念。

4)policy for the token of educational bursary教育助学凭证制度

5)teaching management system教学管理制度

1.Establishment of people-first collegeteaching management system;对建立以人为本的高校教学管理制度的思考

2.Three-credit System: An Innovation to Modern Teaching Management System of the Secondary Vocational Schools;三元学分制:现代中等职业学校教学管理制度的创新

3.It can be from four dimensions of specialty setting mechanism, specialty development, specialty training objective and specialtyteaching management system to discuss strategy of build.探讨我国高校学校本科专业建设方略,可从专业设置机制、专业发展方式、专业培养目标和专业教学管理制度等四个维度进行。

6)educational management system教学管理制度

1.Theeducational management systems in colleges and universities and the supervising and controlling system of the department in charge are gradually established and perfected.高校教学管理制度和主管部门的监控制度正在逐步建立和完善,但任何制度的建立和更新都是有制度成本的。

2.Based on entire credit system, flexible educational system gathered all merits of elective system, tutorial system and grade point system,it is an elasticeducational management system and talents nurturing mode.弹性学制是一种以完全学分制为基础,集选课制、导师制、学分绩点制三位一体,是具有较大灵活性的教学管理制度和人才培养模式。


助理1.辅助治理。 2.今多用于职务名称,指协助主要负责人办事的。
