900字范文 > 教师培养模式 teacher training model英语短句 例句大全

教师培养模式 teacher training model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-31 12:10:23


教师培养模式 teacher training model英语短句 例句大全

教师培养模式,teacher training model

1)teacher training model教师培养模式

1.After the establishment of the system, there is always an interaction ofteacher training model and higher teacher education .从“以吏为师”到封闭式师范教育,再到教师资格证书制度,我国教师培养模式的更替不仅反映了教师社会角色的变化,更隐含了高师教育功能与价值取向的变迁。


1.The Study on Normal Education and Training Mode of Research-typed Teachers;师范教育与研究型教师培养模式研究

2.The Reform for the Teacher s Cultivation Mode of the Teacher s Specialized Orientation;教师专业化取向的教师培养模式改革

3.A Brief Survey of Developing Patterns of Theory-and-Practice Orientation Staff in Vocational Colleges;职业院校“双师型”教师培养模式探讨

4.On American Reflective Foreign Language Teacher Cultivating Mode and Its Enlightenment;美国反思型外语教师培养模式及启示

5.The Research of Training Pattern s Reformation of Primary and Junior High School Teachers in Shandong Province;山东省中小学教师培养模式改革研究

6.Study on the Teacher Training Models for the Integrated Curricula in Primary and Junior High Schools in China;我国中小学综合课教师培养模式探讨

7.Investigation of Young Teacher Training Model for Food Subject in Colleges and Universities高校食品学科青年教师培养模式探索

8.Construction of Integration of Teachers Cultivating Mode Based on Teachers Developmental Laws;基于教师成长规律的教师培养模式一体化建构

9.Reconsidering and Exploration on the Mode of Teacher Education--Taking the Senior High School Teachers Teaching Pattern as Example;教师教育培养模式的反思与探索——以高师语文师资的培养模式为论

10.On Inquiry into Teachers Cultivation and Reform of the Training Model;关于教师培养与培训模式改革的探讨

11.An analysis of the models of teacher preparation of U.S. college Chinese language teachers;美国大学中文教师师资培养模式分析

12.Practice and Research of the Cultivating Mode of Teachers;教师教育人才培养模式的实践与探索

13.Tentative Analysis of the Training Model for Teachers of the Physical Education Major;体育教育专业教师技能培养模式探析

14.The constitution and training pattern of teachers educational technology literacy;教师教育技术素养的构成及培训模式

15.Study on the Training Model Information Quality for Middle and Primary School Teachers;中小学教师信息素养的培训模式研究

16.Research on the Network Literacy of the Preservice Teachers and Their Training Strategy;职前教师网络素质及其培养模式研究

17.Professional Development and Training Mode of Primary School Teachers;小学教师的专业发展与培养模式论析

18.A study of 3:2 Mode for training elementary school teachers;小学教师“三二分段”培养模式研究


Educating mode for novice teachers新教师培养模式

3)cultivation pattern of teachers professional skills教师职业技能培养模式

4)the teacher training models for integrated curricula综合课教师培养模式

5)training mode of normal education师范教育培养模式

6)the training pattern of innovatory talented teachers创新型教师培养模式


植物命名的模式和模式标本 科或科级以下的分类群的名称,都是由命名模式来决定的。但更高等级(科级以上)分类群的名称,只有当其名称是基于属名的也是 由命名模式来决定的。种或种级以下的分类群的命名必须有模式标本根据。模式标本必须要永久保存,不能是活植物。模式标本有下列几种: (1)主模式标本(全模式标本、正模式标本)(holotype)是由命名人指定的模式标本,即著者发表新分类群时据以命名、描述和绘图的那一份标本。 (2)等模式标本(同号模式标本、复模式标本)(isotype)系与主模式标本同为一采集者在同一地点与时间所采集的同号复份标本。 (3)合模式标本(等值模式标本)(syntype)著者在发表一分类群时未曾指定主模式而引证了2个以上的标本或被著者指定为模式的标本,其数目在2个以上时,此等标本中的任何1份,均可称为合模式标本。 (4)后选模式标本(选定模式标本)(lectotype)当发表新分类群时,著作未曾指定主模式标本或主模式已遗失或损坏时,是后来的作者根据原始资料,在等模式或依次从合模式、副模式、新模式和原产地模式标本中,选定1份作为命名模式的标本,即为后选模式标本。 (5)副模式标本(同举模式标本)(paratype)对于某一分类群,著者在原描述中除主模式、等模式或合模式标本以外同时引证的标本,称为副模式标本。 (6)新模式标本(neotype)当主模式、等模式、合模式、副模式标本均有错误、损坏或遗失时,根据原始资料从其他标本中重新选定出来充当命名模式的标本。 (7)原产地模式标本(topotype)当不能获得某种植物的模式标本时,便从该植物的模式标本产地采到同种植物的标本,与原始资料核对,完全符合者以代替模式标本,称为原产地模式标本。
