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功利性读书 Utilitarian study英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-06 22:47:48


功利性读书 Utilitarian study英语短句 例句大全

功利性读书,Utilitarian study

1)Utilitarian study功利性读书

1.Utilitarian study is not an inevitable phenomenon but an deviation in human learning history , and we are bound to suffer from the cultural revenge for utilitarian and pay a heavy price for it.功利性读书不是历史的必然,而是人类读书活动的一种波折,我们必将遭受功利性读书的报复,必将为此付出沉重的代价。

2)Utilitarian reading功利性阅读


1.From the Utility to the Right--The Defense of Utilitarian Reading从功利到权利——为功利性阅读申辩

2.Stanley Fish"s Reading Theory and the Feministic Discourse斯坦利·费什的阅读观与女性主义文本

3.Transfer of Learning in Helping Overcome Reading Barriers;学习迁移理论对矫正非功能性阅读障碍的启示

4.Making Use of English ReadingMethods and Improving the Student s Reading Ability;利用英语阅读方法 提高阅读理解能力

5.he enjoys reading books.学习的功课,包括阅读。

6.Carrying out Mathematics Research Studies with the Reading of Mathematics Theme;利用数学主题阅读开展数学研究性学习

7.Developing Reading Fluency in EFL: How Assisted Repeated Reading Affects Fluency Development;提高学生阅读流利性:探讨“复读法”在中国大学英语课堂的效果

8.Creative Reading and Practical Teaching;创造性阅读与语文阅读教学实践分析

9.On Personality Reading of Chinese Reading Teaching in Middle School;论中学语文阅读教学中的个性化阅读

10.The Reading Features of Chinese Children with Developmental Dyslexia;汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的阅读特点

11.Carrying out the Extensive Reading to Develop the Students Reading Levels;开展扩展性阅读 提高学生的阅读水平

12.Rejuvenating classical reading spirits and promoting the personality of reading重树经典阅读精神 弘扬阅读个性

13.Training Students" Critical Reading Ability in English Reading Class在英语阅读课堂开展批判性阅读训练

14.Constructing Resistant Reading and Feminist Criticism--A Review of Kate Millett s Sexual Politics;抗拒性阅读与女性批评的建构——评凯特·米利特的《性政治》

15.Using English Newspapers to Improve English Reading Ability of Middle School Students;利用英语报刊阅读提高中学生的英语阅读能力

16.Improve Reading Quality of College Students by Using Reading Expecting;利用阅读期待提高大学生英语阅读质量

17.The application of text analysis theory of systemic-functional grammar on the reading-teaching model;阅读教学中功能语法语篇分析模式的尝试性应用

18.An Interventional Study on Unsuccessful English Major Readers" Metacognitive Strategies英语专业不成功阅读者元认知策略的介入性研究


Utilitarian reading功利性阅读

3)involuntary improper reading功利性误读

4)functional literacy功能性读书能力

5)utilitarian concept of reading功利性阅读观念

6)be studious; study diligently; be diligent in one"s studies用功读书


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
