900字范文 > 功利性人格 Utilitarian personality英语短句 例句大全

功利性人格 Utilitarian personality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-05 05:05:41


功利性人格 Utilitarian personality英语短句 例句大全

功利性人格,Utilitarian personality

1)Utilitarian personality功利性人格

2)mutual-profit personality互利性人格

3)utilitarian humanitarianism功利人道

1.Humanitarianism of punishment execution can be divided intoutilitarian humanitarianism and justice humanitarianism.在构建我国暂停监禁刑罚执行制度中,遇到保护个体的功利人道与保障社会整体的公正人道冲突时,应做出保障个体功利人道的价值选择。


1.The Essence of Temp-execution out of Prison:the Unification between Utilitarian Humanitarianism and Justice Humanitarianism--Double the Perfect of the System of Chinese Temp-execution out of Prison;暂予监外执行的本质:功利人道与公正人道的统一——兼论我国暂予监外执行制度的完善

2.Beyond Justice and Utility:Ahumanitarian Thinking on Death Penalty;超越公正与功利——死刑的人道视角

3.Humanity-utilitarianism:New Value Assumption of Medical Ethics;人道功利主义——当今医学道德的价值取向

4.On Taoism;品“道”——“道”的虚无性和“道”哲学的功利性

5.In a broad sense, untilitarianism covers both humanitarianism and divine retribution, thus both are components of utilitarianism.功利主义从广义上还可以涵盖人道和报应,从某种意义上讲,它们也是功利因素。

6.Impact of Lidocaine Infusion on the Recovery of Bowel Function in Patients Undergoing Colorectal Surgery利多卡因对肠道手术病人术后胃肠功能恢复的影响

7.Looks at Curing the "Morality Indifferently" from the Utlitarian of Morality;从道德的功利性看“道德冷漠”的矫治

8.Honest-trust: from Morality-justice, Utilitarianism towards Responsibility and Right;诚信:从道义、功利走向责任与权利

9.The Unity of Utility and Morality--on Mao Zedong s Revolution Utilitarianism;功利与道义的统一——浅析毛泽东的革命功利主义

10.The shortest and best way to make your fortune is to let people see clearly that it is in their interests promote yours.-Jean de La Bruyere成功的最佳捷径是让人们清楚地知道,你的成功符合他们的利益。--拉布吕耶尔

11.The criterion of brain-death is based on humanitarianism and utilitarianism rather than on the privatism.脑死亡标准基于社会主义的人道主义与功利主义 ,而非资本主义的个人主义。

12.the path to success, victory, riches, power, ruin通往成功、 胜利、 富裕、 权力、 毁灭的道路.

13.Reason as basic in Hobbes s moral philosophy;功利抑或道德?——霍布斯理性观念之探讨

14.On the inherent unity of“the theory of morality and justice”with Utilitarianism;谈“道义论”与“功利主义”的内在统一性

15.Chinese Body Western Material: Utilitarianism and Chinese Modern Idea of Morality and Implements;中体西用:功利主义与中国近代道器观

16.On Getting Rid of a Long-standing Misconception of Utilitarianism in College Moral Education;走出学校道德教育功利性误区的思考

17.Discuss "morality and justice" and the "utility" in market economy;论市场经济中的“功利”与“道义”

18.Confucian Literary Views of Utilitarianism and "Writings Are for Conveying Truth";儒家功利主义的文学观与“文以载道”


mutual-profit personality互利性人格

3)utilitarian humanitarianism功利人道

1.Humanitarianism of punishment execution can be divided intoutilitarian humanitarianism and justice humanitarianism.在构建我国暂停监禁刑罚执行制度中,遇到保护个体的功利人道与保障社会整体的公正人道冲突时,应做出保障个体功利人道的价值选择。

4)personality interest人格利益

1.With the background of the contrary of the theory of the object of rights and the humanist idea of personality is the essence of person, Chinese legal researchers create the abstract concept "personality interest" as the objects of the personality rights and the personality rights legal relationship to achieve the objective of protecting the personality.在将人格视为人之根本的人文主义理想与权利客体理论矛盾的背景下,为了实现对人格的全面保护,我国学者采用了“人格利益”这一抽象概念作为人格权与人格权法律关系之客体。

2.In fact, with the economic development, more and morepersonality interests can be used in commerce so as to bring into play the material interests contained in the logic of thesepersonality interests.我国《民法通则》在仅规定了姓名权、肖像权、名誉权、荣誉权等物质性人格要素的商事利用,其实,随着经济的发展,会有越来越多的人格利益可以用于商业,使这些人格利益发挥其自身逻辑中所包含的物质效应,做到物尽其用。

5)character right人格权利

6)power personality权利人格


