900字范文 > 功利思维 utilitarian thinking英语短句 例句大全

功利思维 utilitarian thinking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-27 18:28:13


功利思维 utilitarian thinking英语短句 例句大全

功利思维,utilitarian thinking

1)utilitarian thinking功利思维


1.Utilitarian and Tactic Thinking in Document Writing试论公文写作中的功利思维与策略思维

2.The Aesthetic and Utilitarian Factors in the Thoughts of Wang Guowei and Cai Yuanpei on Aesthetic Education;论王国维、蔡元培美育思想中的审美与功利性

3.Through Examples to Develop Students′ Ablility;利用例题辐射功能 培养学生创新思维能力

4.On the Viewpoint of Life Ethic of Iatrology from the Mode of Practice-Thought--and Review the Viewpoint of Life Ethic of Iatrology about Utilitarianism and Intuitionism;论实践思维方式的医学生命伦理观——兼评功利主义与直觉主义医学生命伦理观

5.The Super-utilitarian Aesthetic Mentality and the Creation of Landscape Poems of Wang Wei;王维的超功利审美心态与山水诗创作

6.Revisiting Leavis:What is the Function of Criticism at the Present Time?重温利维斯:何为批评的当下功能?(英文)

7.Status and Function of Innovative Thinking in Successful Decision;创新思维在成功决策中的地位和作用

8.On the Function of Economic Construction of Deng Xiaoping’s Integrated Thinking;论邓小平整体性思维的经济建设功能

9.The Function of College Physics Exercises to Foster Thinking Quality;大学物理习题对思维品质的培养功能

10.Function of Aesthetic Construction for Thinking of Folk Belief in the Twentieth Century;20世纪民间信仰思维审美建构的功能

11.Analysis of Two Translated Versions of "Xiang Si":From the Perspective of Ideational Grammatical Metaphor王维《相思》两种译本的概念功能分析

12.On "Original Thinking" of Han Shaogong"s A Dictionary of Maqiao试论韩少功《马桥词典》中的“原始思维”

13."Word Thinking":Poetic Function of Wang Zengqi"s Novel Language“字思维”:汪曾祺小说语言的诗学功能

14.On the Innovational Ability of Dialectical Thinking -And the Relationship between Dialectical Thinking and Innovational Thinking;论辩证思维的创新功能——兼及辩证逻辑与创新思维的关系

15.Functional Harmony Thinking; New Holistic Perspectives (Lao diao ya huati de xin siwei-da xiao diao gongneng xing heshen siwei de zhengti toushi );老掉牙话题的新思维——大小调功能性和声思维的整体透视

16.Analysis on Rawls" Rule Utilitarian Thinking of Punishment评罗尔斯的规则功利主义惩罚思想

17.Utilitarianism is the foundation of Mill’s political thoughts.功利主义是密尔政治思想的基石。

18.Studies on British Utilitarian Educational Thought in the 19th Century;19世纪英国功利主义教育思想研究



1.Based on the analysis of representation, the harm and the reasons ofutilitarianism, the article gives some suggestions to get rid of the student le adersutilitarianism.本文通过对学生干部中存在的功利思想的表现、危害及原因分析,从教师的自身建 设、马列德育课建设、正确运用评优手段、强调思想文化素质和品德修养、严格要求、加强 引导教育等方面提出要加强思想政治工作,消除学生干部中存在的功利思想。

3)thinking function思维功能

4)interest-action thinking利行思维

5)eagerness for quick success and instant benefits in thinking急功近利思想

6)Utility thought功利主义思想


