900字范文 > 功利原则 utilitarian principle英语短句 例句大全

功利原则 utilitarian principle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-02 20:03:51


功利原则 utilitarian principle英语短句 例句大全

功利原则,utilitarian principle

1)utilitarian principle功利原则

1.The socialist ethics of contract should carry on and surpass traditional ethics,sticking to the correctutilitarian principle and moral principle,to form the concept of justice and profit compatible with the socialist market economy and promote the sound development of the economy and the civic society.社会主义契约伦理应该继承和超越传统伦理,坚持正确的功利原则,坚持正确的道义原则,形成适应社会主义市场经济需要的义利观,从而促进社会主义市场经济的正常运行和市民社会的健康发展。

2.Sidgwick s theory about three problems ofutilitarian principle attracts more and more attention and discussion.功利主义哲学家西季威克关于功利原则的三大难题越来越多地引起人们的关注和讨论。

3.After the elaboration of the differences and relation between sci tech morals and general morals, it has presented theutilitarian principles of sci tech morals.文章分析了现代科技与道德的关系 ,论述了科技道德与一般伦理道德的区别与联系 ,提出了科技道德的功利原


1.On the Integration of Utilitarianism and Fairness --On the Ethical Implication of Deng Xiao Ping sEconomic Ideology;功利原则和公正原则的统一——论邓小平经济思想中的伦理意蕴

2.The principle that object develops is unification of benefit and function.事物发展的原则是利益和功能的统一。

3.Study on the Character and Function of the principle of prohibiting from abusing right;试论禁止权利滥用原则的性质和功能

4.Equality and Utilty-the Basic Principle of Modern Civil Morality;平等与功利:现代公民道德的基本原则

5.Henry Ford was success, because he understood and applied the principles of success.亨利·福特了解成功的原则,也运用了这些原则,所以他 成功了。

6.The non-utilitarian arguments constitute moral axioms, like any ultimate ethical norms.非功利主义的论点,像任何最终的伦理准则一样,成了道德上的原则。

7.The Principle Symmetry and Asymmetry between Illustration s Artistic Quality and Utility;试论插画作品中艺术与功利非对称性和对称性原则

8.On the Accomplishment of the Principle of "Retribution Restricting Utility" in the Process of Distributing Punishment;论刑法“报应限制功利”原则在配刑中的实现——“点刑罚”理论之提倡

9.principle of equality of political right政治权利均等的原则

10.on a par with the best.坚持利益均等的原则。

11.Principles often clash with interests.原则常与利益冲突。

12.social welfare principle of taxation社会福利的课税原则

13.(1) to adhere to the principles of voluntary participation and mutual benefit;(1)坚持自愿、互利原则;

14.Mill takes the achievement and guarantee of individual rights as the first be-all and end-all and treats "priority of utility" as the first principle of justice.穆勒以个人权利的实现和保障作为正义的第一要义,把“功利优先”作为统摄正义的第一原则。

15.a person who places expediency above principle.把方便私利凌驾于法则原则之上的人。

16.The Comprehensive Invome Theory and the Confirmation of Gain-Loss--the Advantage and Disadvantage of Principle of Realizing and the Accrual Basis of Accunting;全面收益理论与损益确认原则——实现原则、权责发生制原则利弊谈

17.Review of Hare s Viewpoint of Utilitarianism--Transcending the Arguments of Act-utiltarianism and Rule-utiltarianism;黑尔之功利主义观述评——超越行为功利主义与规则功利主义之争

18.Material Harm--The Balances Principle of America Information Privacy Protection Interests;实质损害原则——美国信息隐私保护利益平衡原则


system utilitarian principle系统功利原则

1.Behavior utilitarian don t emphasize the formal justice,but the effect of the justice;whileruleutilitarian prefersthe essential justice to the formal justice;and thesystem utilitarian principle gives attention to the merits of the two,putting the formal justice and essential justice together,therefore giving a normative argumentation for value-measurement.运用行为功利主义只注重判决带来的效果,而不注重形式正义;运用规则功利主义虽注重规则的形式正义,但不注重实质正义;系统功利原则结合两者,将实质正义和形式正义有机地融合在一起,为价值衡量提供一个理性的规范性论证。

3)The principle of weak benefit maximizes弱势功利主义原则

4)the principle of原则功能

5)functional principle功能原则

6)the law of rate利率原则


