900字范文 > 汇率监督 exchange rate surveillance英语短句 例句大全

汇率监督 exchange rate surveillance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-02 10:58:14


汇率监督 exchange rate surveillance英语短句 例句大全

汇率监督,exchange rate surveillance

1)exchange rate surveillance汇率监督


1.The Important Breakthrough of IMF New Decision:Demarcation of the Scope for Bilateral Surveillance;IMF新决议的突破:双边汇率监督范围之厘定

2.Reformation is merely wind without fine surveilance ,control and mangaement of the exchange rate.如果没有实实在在的汇率监督、治理和管理,改革就是一句空话。

3.On the Impact of New IMF Supervision Decision over Exchange Rates of the RMB;论IMF新《监督决定》对人民币汇率的影响

4.The court heared a report from the probation officer.法院听取了监督缓刑官员的汇报。

5.All foreign exchange receipt and payment is subject to the supervision of the bank that open the account.一切外汇收支都受到开户银行的监督。

6.A new oversight body must be established,reporting to the SEC.必须建立新的监督机构,向证卷交易委员会汇报。

7.The probation officer reported on the progress of the two young criminals .监督缓刑官员对两个青少年犯的进步作了汇报。

8.and strictly supervise the interbank foreign exchange borrowing (lending) activities of the insurance companies,严格监督保险公司的外汇同业拆借活动,

9.Bank Monitoring, Interest Rate Control and Small Enterprises Finance;银行监督、利率管制与中小企业融资

10.System Supervision: The Key of Improving Policy Enforcement Efficiency;制度监督:提高政策执行效率的关键

11.A Supervision Model Based on Efficiency Wage System;一种基于效率工资下的监督模型研究

12.Low Efficiency of Government Forestry Investment and Supervision & Incentive Mechanism政府林业投资低效率与监督激励机制

13.The government agencies of the State Council in charge of exchange control shall exercise supervision of foreign exchange market cross the country in accordance with the law.国务院外汇管理部门依法监督管理全国的外汇市

14.The foreign exchange operations by financial institutions are subject to inspection and supervision by the exchange control agencies.金融机构经营外汇业务,应当接受外汇管理机关的检查、监督。

15.Regulate banks behavior;ennance FX market supervision;规范银行挂牌汇价行为 提升外汇市场监管效率

16.The Empirical Analysis of Financial Supervission Efficiency of Supervisory Board in Listed Companies;上市公司监事会财务监督效率的实证分析

17.A Supervisory Committee oversees the Trustee and Manager in relation to the administration and management of TraHK.外汇基金投资有限公司委任的监督委员会,就盈富基金的管理及行政事务,监督信托人和经理人。

18.George Bush often boasts about rising rates of home-ownership under his watch.布什经常自夸在其监督下购房率不断上升。


Monitoring Band System监督带调整汇率制度

3)supervision likelihood监督概率

1.Last, the optimizedsupervision likelihood and the employees violation likelihood should be chosen, and.本论文针对企业管理中存在的员工工作表现难考核和信息不对称的问题,提出企业首先要根据各类职务的工作性质制定出可量化的标准(合理)的工作绩效水平,其次在信息不对称的情况下,考虑管理成本的节约,建立博弈模型,最后得出企业应选取的最优监督概率和员工的违规概率,据此采取相应的策略以取得最好的经济效益。

4)supervision efficiency监督效率

1.Board supervision in advance and in-process is more advantageous to risk avoidance and agency cost reduction compared with supervision afterward, and the independence of board is the key factor determining boardsupervision efficiency.董事会的事前与事中监督相对监事会的事后监督,更有利于风险的规避与代理成本的降低,而独立性是决定董事会监督效率的关键。

2.Through analysis of the achievements obtained by one quality supervision station before and after carrying out this activity the effect of quality supervision intentions is verified,which show it is one effective measure to increasesupervision efficiency.介绍了工程质量监督方案交底的内涵以及实施的具体方法,阐述了实行工程质量监督方案交底的必要性,通过对某质量监督站实行工程质量监督方案交底后所取得的成绩的分析,证明了工程项目质量监督交底是提高监督效率的有效手段。

5)the efficiency of administration supervision行政监督效率

6)efficiency of administrative supervising行政监督的效率


即期汇率与远期汇率在现汇交易中使用的汇率称即期汇率。在外汇远期交易中使用的汇率称远期汇率。当外汇买卖双方成交后,如果在两天之内就办理交割,一般都使用即期汇率,通常所说的电汇汇率、信汇汇率等,均属即期汇率。远期汇率不像即期汇率一样仅受交易时期的市场状况影响,利率的变动、国际资本的动向、乃至各国国内和国际政治经济形势的变化都可能左右它的动态。远期汇率有两种标价方法,一种是直接标出它的实际汇率,另一种是用升水、贴水和平价来标出远期汇率和即期汇率的差额,这种差额称远期差额。升水表示远期汇率比即期汇率高,若采用直接标价法,标为升水的远期汇率等于即期汇率减去升水数额。例如,美元对英镑远期汇率为升水0.01美元,若即期汇率为1英镑=1.54美元,远期汇率便为1.54-0.01=1.53美元。贴水表示远期汇率比即期汇率低,若采用间接标价法,标为贴水的远期汇率等于即期汇率加上升水数额。平价则表明远期汇率等于即期汇率。升(贴)水数额习惯上称为升(贴)水点。其计算公式为:例如,某日美元兑日元的即期汇率为128.80,美元3个月期的存款利率为7.875%,而日元3个月期的存款利率为 5%,美元利率高于日元利率,因而美元远期汇率(3个月期)为贴水。贴水点为:于是,美元兑日元3个月期的远期汇率为:128.80-0.93=127.87
