900字范文 > 汇率协调 exchange rate coordination英语短句 例句大全

汇率协调 exchange rate coordination英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-02 12:45:33


汇率协调 exchange rate coordination英语短句 例句大全

汇率协调,exchange rate coordination

1)exchange rate coordination汇率协调

1.Research on Regional Exchange Rate Coordination of East Asia;东亚区域汇率协调机制研究

2.The basic elements of East Asian financial and monetary cooperation are liquidity assistance, regional supervision and monitoring,exchange rate coordination.东亚金融货币合作的三大基本元素分别是流动性支持、区域监测监控以及汇率协调。


1.To Promote the Reform of Market-directed Interest Rate;推进利率市场化改革 促进利率与汇率协调发展

2.Study on Choosing the Proper Exchange Rate System in Eastern Asian Currency Cooperation;东亚货币合作中的汇率协调机制研究

3.Necessity of Exchange Rate Coordination in East Asia from a Global View;论全球视角下东亚地区汇率协调的必要性

4.Choice on the patterns of East Asian Exchange Rate Cooperation Mechanism and China s Strategy;东亚汇率协调机制的模式选择与中国的作为

5.Research on the Transmission Mechanism and Policy Harmony Between the Interest Rate and the Exchange Rate in China;中国利率—汇率传导机制及利率和汇率政策协调研究

6.price-adjusted rates of exchange价格调整汇率(价调汇率)

7.Research on the Conduction Mechanism and Policy Coordinated between the Interest Rate and the Exchange Rate about Our Country;我国利率—汇率传导机制及其政策协调研究

8.The Reconciliation between Exchange Rate Liberalization and Interest Rate Liberalization;我国汇率市场化与利率市场化的协调性研究

9.China s External and Internal Economic Equilibrium andthe Coordination of Interest Rates and Exchange Rates;中国经济内外均衡与利率、汇率政策协调

10.The Coordination of Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Policies in the Process of Capital Account Liberalization;我国资本账户开放与利率——汇率政策的协调

11.Our Exchange Rate Policy and Monetary Policy Coordination in the Open Economy;开放经济下我国汇率政策和货币政策协调

12.Analysis of the Interaction and Coordination between Capital Account Convertibility and Exchange Rate Regime;资本项目可兑换与汇率制度的互动协调分析

13.Probe into Policy Coordination of Currency Exchange Rates in the East Asian Region;东亚区域经济体货币汇率政策协调的理论探讨

14.Straits for Establishing East Asia Stable and Balanced Exchange Rate Mechanism and its Necessity Analysis;论东亚汇率稳定协调机制的两难选择和重要性

15.Coordination of the Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy under the Condition of Further Opening;进一步开放条件下货币政策和汇率政策的协调

16.Analysis of the Conflict and Coordination Management of Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Policy in China我国货币政策与汇率政策冲突及协调管理分析

17.Encourage harmonization between international exchange rate policies to balance global economic development加强国际汇率政策协调 促进全球经济平衡发展

18.adjustable peg [foreign exchange]可调整钉住汇率[外汇]


cooperation and coordination of exchange rate汇率合作与协调

3)Exchange rate cooperation mechanism汇率协调机制

4)Exchange Rate Coordination in East Asia东亚汇率协调

1.Exchange Rate Coordination in East Asia in the aftermath of China s Shift to Managed Floating Regime;人民币管理浮动后的东亚汇率协调

5)Regional Exchange Rates Coordination区域汇率协调

6)Coordination of exchange rate policies汇率政策协调


即期汇率与远期汇率在现汇交易中使用的汇率称即期汇率。在外汇远期交易中使用的汇率称远期汇率。当外汇买卖双方成交后,如果在两天之内就办理交割,一般都使用即期汇率,通常所说的电汇汇率、信汇汇率等,均属即期汇率。远期汇率不像即期汇率一样仅受交易时期的市场状况影响,利率的变动、国际资本的动向、乃至各国国内和国际政治经济形势的变化都可能左右它的动态。远期汇率有两种标价方法,一种是直接标出它的实际汇率,另一种是用升水、贴水和平价来标出远期汇率和即期汇率的差额,这种差额称远期差额。升水表示远期汇率比即期汇率高,若采用直接标价法,标为升水的远期汇率等于即期汇率减去升水数额。例如,美元对英镑远期汇率为升水0.01美元,若即期汇率为1英镑=1.54美元,远期汇率便为1.54-0.01=1.53美元。贴水表示远期汇率比即期汇率低,若采用间接标价法,标为贴水的远期汇率等于即期汇率加上升水数额。平价则表明远期汇率等于即期汇率。升(贴)水数额习惯上称为升(贴)水点。其计算公式为:例如,某日美元兑日元的即期汇率为128.80,美元3个月期的存款利率为7.875%,而日元3个月期的存款利率为 5%,美元利率高于日元利率,因而美元远期汇率(3个月期)为贴水。贴水点为:于是,美元兑日元3个月期的远期汇率为:128.80-0.93=127.87
