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汇率 exchange rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-06 21:34:20


汇率 exchange rate英语短句 例句大全

汇率,exchange rate

1)exchange rate汇率

1.Measures to deal withexchange rate risk in shipbuilding industry;造船业汇率波动风险的应对措施

2.Model ofexchange rate based on interest rate parity;基于利率平价关系的汇率模型


1.CR [current rate]当日汇率、现行汇率[

2.exchange rate flexibility汇率伸缩性、机动汇率

3.spot rate and forward rate即期汇率与远期汇率

4.opening rate & closing rate开盘汇率与收盘汇率

5.official exchange rate官方汇率,法定汇率

6.forward exchange rate期货汇率,远期汇率

7.price-adjusted rates of exchange价格调整汇率(价调汇率)

8.ible exchange rate伸缩汇率;伸缩性汇率;弹性汇率;浮动汇率

pound arbitrated rate复合比例汇率;复合裁定汇率;复合汇兑价率;复合汇率;复算汇率

10.bank charges and difference in rates of汇款手续费和汇率差额

11.according to the conditions of supply and demand in the foreign exchange market.可上下浮动的外汇汇率。

12.adjustable peg [foreign exchange]可调整钉住汇率[外汇]

13.multiple rates system of exchange control多元汇率外汇管制制度

14.Interest Rate-Exchange Rate Mechanism and Exchange Rate Regime Reform of China;利率—汇率机制与我国汇率制度改革

15.to employ ... exchange rate用...计价,采用汇率

16.public financing, taxation, credit, interest rate, exchange rate财政,税收,信贷,利率,汇率

17.floating rate浮动利率,浮动汇率

18.Cross rate套价,套汇汇率,裁定外汇行情


Foreign exchange rate汇率

1.On the Determining Mechanism, Fluctuating Range of Foreign Exchange Rate and the Policy Options;论汇率的决定机制、波动区间与政策搭配

2.Foreign Exchange Rate Risk Management for Multinational Enterprises;跨国公司汇率风险管理研究

3.Lessons to China from the Transmitting Mechanism between US Dollars Interest Rate and Foreign Exchange Rate;美元利率—汇率传导机制对中国汇率改革的借鉴

3)exchange rates汇率

1.Exchange Rates Shocks and Employment Adjustment;汇率冲击和行业就业调整

2.Alternative Systems of Exchange Rates for Developing Countries;发展中国家汇率制度的选择

3.This paper discusses the pricing of foreign exchange reset options whenexchange rates are driven by Brown motions and Possion processes in the complete foreign exchange markets.在完全外汇市场环境下讨论了外汇汇率过程受Brown运动和Possion过程共同驱动时外汇重置期权的定价问题。


1.Analyzed influence of renminbirate of exchange appreciation to our country economy,express that renminbi appreciation be advantageous to the our country economy of long-term development.通过剖析当前人民币汇率升值对我国经济各层面的影响,得出了结论,即人民币大幅值利于我国经济的长期发展。

2.The phenomenon of the influence of floatingrate on the import and export of agricultural products was illustrated in this thesis by the means of an analysis of elasticity of revenue and expenditure.文章运用收支弹性分析法解释了汇率变动如何影响农产品进出口这一现象,分析了近几年我国农产品进出口现状及成因,并指明农产品贸易中容易存在的争端问题及应对措施。

5)rate of exchange汇率

1.Rate of exchange is two natural currencies ratio that exchange, is called the currency s "price" or "outward price" in therate of exchange of western and economic theories inside.汇率是两国货币进行兑换的比率,在西方经济理论中汇率被称为货币的“价格”或“对外价格”。

6)foreign exchange汇率

1.Second, by using empirical method,it points out that the distribution of the change offoreign exchange rate is not normal distribution and the dependence is not standing out.首先对修正的R/S方法进行了介绍;然后通过实证研究指出国际汇率变化不服从正态分布并且汇率波动的相关性不显著;最后运用修正的R/S方法实证研究了国际汇率波动的分形特征,与使用传统R/S方法所得结论不同,通过实证说明外汇波动并不存在明显的长程相关性。


