900字范文 > 汇率理论 Exchange Rate Theory英语短句 例句大全

汇率理论 Exchange Rate Theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-14 18:00:58


汇率理论 Exchange Rate Theory英语短句 例句大全

汇率理论,Exchange Rate Theory

1)Exchange Rate Theory汇率理论

1.International Currency System and Development ofExchange Rate Theory;国际货币体系与汇率理论发展

2.The paper holds that the limitations of the current international exchange rate theory based on macroeconomics lie in its weak explanations in the amplification effect of dealing volume, the forward bias, the excessive volatility, etc.现有汇率理论的局限性表现在对外汇交易量的放大效应、远期汇率的预测偏差、汇率的过度波动以及汇率决定等问题的解释力低下,用宏观经济学的理论体系构筑起来的现有汇率理论正陷入危机之中,需要进行变革。


1.Research on Theory of Western Exchange Rate and RMB Exchange Rate;西方汇率理论与人民币汇率问题研究

2.The Monetary Model and the Trend of RMB Exchange Rate;货币主义汇率理论与人民币汇率走势


4.On our exchange rate system based on theory of equilibrate real exchange rate;从均衡实际汇率理论看我国汇率制度建设

5.Research on the Transformation of Exchange Rate Regime Based on the Equilibrium Exchange Rate Theory均衡汇率理论视角下的汇率制度转型研究

6.New Discovery on Exchange Rate Based on Nonlinear Tendency;汇率理论的新进展和非线性态势研究

7.Theory and Policy: A Further Research on the New Framework of the Equilibrium Exchange Rate;均衡汇率理论和政策新框架的再探索

8.Study on the Theory of Real Interest Rate: Category,Meaning and Measure;实际汇率理论探析:分类、含义及测算

9.Exchange Rate Theory: Centenary Review and Prospects;国际汇率理论发展的世纪回顾与展望

10.Empirical Analyse of Exchange Rate Decision under Floating Exchange Rate Institution浮动汇率制度下汇率决定理论的实证分析

11.The System Choice Theory of the Exchange Rate and the Reform of the RMB Exchange Rate System;汇率制度选择理论与人民币汇率制度改革

12.Nominal Rate of RMB and the Theory of the Actual Exchange Rate and Real Example Analysis;人民币名义汇率与实际汇率的理论及实证分析

13.Linkage between Exchange Rate and Interest Rate:Theoretical Summary and Practical Test利率—汇率联动:理论综述与实证检验

14.Discussion about the theories on RMB exchange rate revaluing;试论人民币汇率升值理论及相应对策

15.The conclusion is that Asian exchange-rate policy is perfectly rational.结论是,亚洲汇率政策完全是有理性的。

16.The Choice of Exchange Rate Regime and the Practical Choice of China;汇率制度选择理论和中国的现实选择

17.The Basic Theory and the Latest Development in the Choice of Exchange Rate Regime;汇率制度选择的理论脉络与最新进展

18.An Analysis of China and U.S. Exchange Rate Policies: a Game Theory Perspective;基于博弈理论对中美汇率政策的解析


New Exchange Rate Theory新汇率理论

3)theories of exchange rate determination汇率决定理论

1.The writer of this thesis introduces thetheories of exchange rate determination first, and then take the statistics in 1990 s of America, Japan and Germany as the sample of mathematical analysis.介绍了西方主要汇率决定理论 ,利用美、日、德三国 2 0世纪 90年代相关经济统计数据 ,应用回归分析方法对这些理论进行了实证检验 ,只有利率平价理论的各项验证指标都符合相应标准 ,因而可以预测和判断汇率的未来走

4)development of Exchange Rate Theory汇率理论发展

5)Exchange rate change theory汇率变动理论

6)Exchange Rate Regime Theories汇率制度理论


