900字范文 > 带球撞人 dribble charging英语短句 例句大全

带球撞人 dribble charging英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-01 18:50:16


带球撞人 dribble charging英语短句 例句大全

带球撞人,dribble charging

1)dribble charging带球撞人


1.On Hitting the Person With Dribbling and Violationg a Regulation With Blocking in Basketball Matches;浅析篮球比赛中的带球撞人与阻挡犯规

2.Explosion Analyses of Explosive Cylinder with Two Protecting Gapped-Plates by Steel Ball Impaction;钢球撞击双层带间隙保护板炸药柱的爆炸分析

3.A continuous stream of charged particles, called the solar wind, impinges on the earth"s magnetosphere.称作太阳风的连续带电子流撞击在地球的磁层上。

4.On the Lithosphere of Indo-Asia Collision Zone in Southern Tibet:Petrological and Geochemical Constraints西藏南部印度-亚洲碰撞带岩石圈:岩石学-地球化学约束

5.the football carrier who is carrying (and trying to advance) the ball.努力带球(试着前进)的人。

6.They"re birds of a feather-they both like football, snooker and drinking beer.他们有共同的志趣——两人都喜爱踢足球,打落袋(撞球戏)和喝啤酒。

7.To describe the intended outcome of(one"s billiard shot) before playing.说出撞球数在游戏进行这前说出希望的结果(如某人的台球进袋数)

8.To block(an opponent who is not carrying the ball) illegally from the rear.背后绊人犯规从(未抢球的对方球员)身后非法冲撞

9.The cushion of a billiard or pool table.台边撞球台面的软垫或撞球抬

10.That brougt the essential collision and communication between Christian view of nature and Confucius view of nature.这就带来了天主教人性论与儒家人性论的实质性的碰撞与交流。

11.a shot in billiards in which the cue ball contacts one object ball and then the other.在台球中母球撞了一个球后又撞击另一个。

12.make the opening shot that scatters the balls, in billiards or pool.在台球或撞球中开球把球打散。

13.Basic skills include swimming, dribbling, passing, marking, tackling, throwing, catching and shooting.个人基本技术包括游泳、带球、传球、盯人、抢截、抛球、接球和射门。

14.skittles (game in which players try to knock over as many skittles as possible by rolling a ball at them )撞柱戏(以球撞击瓶状木柱的游戏).

15.Barry is a demon for snooker, and plays at every opportunity he gets.巴里是一个拼命玩落袋撞球戏的人,他一有机会就玩。

16.A French banker refers to a“ soufflé” of off-balance-sheet exposures, whipped up by leverage.另一个人说风险就像天上的星星一样多,还时不时来个行星撞地球。

17.After their team lost, some of the crowd went on the rampage through the town.看到他们支持的球队输了比赛,一些人跑到镇上橫冲直撞,寻衅滋事。

18.Geochronology, Petrology and Geochemistry of the Post-collisional Granites along the Mayinebo Fault Zone, Altay, Xinjiang;新疆阿尔泰玛因鄂博断裂带两侧后碰撞花岗岩类的年代学、岩石学和地球化学研究


charging foul(带球)撞人(犯规)

3)tactical quality带球过人

1.The study indicates that the players\" power of observation and opportunity seizing,foreseeability,decisiveness and good teamwork,pass and running and control of ball speed are factors affecting thetactical quality of "one-time-touch-ball",which is a reference for football coaches in colleges.研究运用录像观摩统计法,以巴西队大罗(罗那尔多)、小罗(罗那尔迪尼奥)、卡卡、阿德里亚诺、罗比尼奥五人为对象,分析研究五人在五场世界杯比赛中带球过人的一般情况、带球过人运用的线路、动作方法、动作速度以及效果等。

4)a regional name for billiards撞球

5)Spherical Robot with Manipulator带臂球形机器人

1.The research is sourced from the 863 plan (The National High Technology Research and Development Program of China) project named The Research and Development of a Universal RollingSpherical Robot with Manipulator (Project No.本论文以国家863《一种带伸缩臂的全方位滚动球形机器人的研制》(课题编号:AA04Z243)项目为背景,以球形移动机器人为基础,对带臂球形机器人系统进行了设计,包括了结构设计,控制系统设计,稳定平衡分析,并且提出了一种新颖移动机器人避障及多机器人协同路径规划算法。

6)What a beautiful pass!带球过人,真棒。


