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指控 charge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-10 03:32:52


指控 charge英语短句 例句大全



1.Whether the procuratorial organization shouldcharge the accusation clearly and whether the court has the right of altering the accusation are the matters that can make deep influence to the justice of judicature,to the logic of trial and to the method of defence;it is also connected with how we define the theory of crime.检察机关是否在公诉书中指控被告人具体的罪名熏法院应否拥有变更罪名权,对司法公正有着深层的影响,同时影响到法院的司法审判的逻辑与被告人辩护的方式熏并涉及到犯罪理论的界定。

2.The right to a fair trial,provided by articles 14 and 15 of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,applies to cases concerned about "criminalcharges".《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第14条和第15条规定的公正审判权适用于判定"刑事指控"的案件中。


1.Liable to be accused or indicted.易被指责的,易被指控的

2.To charge formally with a wrongdoing.指控正式指控某一错误行径

3.A charge of wrongdoing that is made against a person or other party.控告,指控指控某人或其他诉讼当事人的过失

4.He face one serious charge and several subsidiary charges arise out of the main charge .他面临一个严重指控和几个由主要指控引出的次要的指控。

5.The jury ruled that the charges were not proven.陪审团判定指控不成立。

6.vile deceits, accusations, slanders, etc可耻的欺骗、指控、 诽谤等

7.level charges broadside不分青红皂白地指控

8."I"m not going to make any complaint."“我不打算提出指控。”

9.He flatly denied the charge.他矢口否认这个指控。

10.The government was accused of milking the people.政府被指控压榨人民。

11.She scorned to reply to the charge.她不屑答复那种指控。

12.He was charged with molesting a woman.他被指控调戏妇女。

13.Cleared the suspect of the murder charge.澄清谋杀指控的嫌疑

14.The charge was quite unfounded.这指控是毫无根据的。

15.d and control system指挥控制系统;指挥与控制系统;指令控制系

mand, control, communication and intelligence指挥、控制、通信和情报

17.navigation command and control system导航指挥与控制系统

18.microprogram address control instruction微程序地址控制指令


command and control指控

1.This paper analyses and implements the memory DB model incommand and control.分析了内存数据库的航迹管理模型和指控软件中航迹管理的特点,设计并实现了相应的模型。




6)control target控制指标

1.Thecontrol target of settlement according to.本文预测新建线施工引起的既有车站结构的沉降曲线、评估新建施工引起的既有车站沉降变形对其现状结构的影响,同时根据行车安全的要求,综合各种影响因素,提出新建线施工时既有车站结构的沉降控制指标。

2.But basic parameter and target of EVC need to be better,in the text,ACWP is partly improved,control target is developed,influence on wastage and price of material for engineering project cost is showed exactly,which made foundation for value and control the whole construction correctly.但目前赢得值原理中的基本参数和指标还需进一步完善,文章将ACWP参数做了部分改进,对控制指标进行了拓展,将材料的消耗量与材料价格对工程项目费用的影响更确切地表现出来,为针对施工各阶段情况做出准确评估和控制打下基础。

3.After comparing experimented research with theoretical research and considering overseas pavement structure design method,proposal is made that the deflection should not be used any more as the designcontrol target in the structural design of the bituminous pavement with flexible base,simultaneously put forward several proposals to this road structural design.通过试验数据和理论两方面对比研究,并结合国外的路面结构设计方法,提出具有柔性基层的沥青路面结构设计不应以弯沉作为主要的设计控制指标,同时对该路面的结构设计提出了几点建议。


