900字范文 > 口角流涎 dribble at the mouth英语短句 例句大全

口角流涎 dribble at the mouth英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-02 00:47:55


口角流涎 dribble at the mouth英语短句 例句大全

口角流涎,dribble at the mouth

1)dribble at the mouth口角流涎

2)drool at the mouth口流涎水

3)slobber/5slCbE(r);`slBbL/v let saliva fall from the mouth;drool流口水;流涎

4)Saliva flowing from the mouth.口中流出的涎沫


1.Investigation on Qihuangkongxian Capsule in the Treatment ofSlavering and Constipation;芪黄控涎胶囊治疗氯氮平所致便秘与流涎的研究


1.Effectiveness of Oryzanol in the Treatment of Clozapine-induced Salivation Reaction谷维素治疗氯氮平流涎反应效果观察

2.Treatment for Sialorrhea in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (review)肌萎缩侧索硬化患者流涎的综合治疗

3.Advance in Control and Management of Drooling for Children with Cerebral Palsy小儿脑性瘫痪流涎症康复治疗研究进展

4.Study of Influence of Casting Equipment on Quality of Polyimide Films Production流涎设备对生产聚酰亚胺薄膜质量的影响研究

5.Conclusion:CLW possesses a good therapeutic effect for neuroleptic salivation.结论:陈夏六君子丸对抗精神病药所致流涎疗效确切。

6.This dog one but walk out of a door, do not identify the home, loaf about everywhere, the cry is hoarse, chin below paralytic, salivate.该犬一但走出家门,不认家,四处游荡,叫声嘶哑,下颔麻痹,流涎。

parative study of propantheline and doxepine in treatment of clozapine induced salvation溴丙胺太林与多塞平治疗氯氮平所致流涎的对照分析

8.The Clinical Observation of Cerebral Palsy Dribbling Treated with the Points Plusing Injection of Drug in Site穴位加位点药物注射治疗小儿脑瘫流涎症临床观察

9.The baby is dribbling, wipe its mouth.婴孩口角流着涎,给他擦擦嘴。

10.Value of color Doppler flow imaging in the diagnosis of the salivary gland mass彩色多普勒血流显像对涎腺肿块的诊断价值

11.I don"t like watching animals eat, the always slobber over the food so much.我不喜欢看动物吃东西,它们看见食物总是涎水肆流。

12.Experimental Researches cn Preventing and Curing the Ice Shifting on Highway-Study of Designing Principles of Ice Saving Channel公路涎流冰防治技术试验研究—截水积冰沟设计原则探讨

13.a salivary gland【解】涎腺, 唾(液)腺

14.lingual mandibular salivary gland depression涎腺下颌骨舌侧陷入

15.First champagne and then this!"香槟酒,再加上口涎

16.slavering over a plate of spaghetti垂涎一盘意大利面条.

17.She gapes for nothing but money她所垂涎的只是钱。

18.She covets her sister"s house.她垂涎她姐姐的房子。


drool at the mouth口流涎水

3)slobber/5slCbE(r);`slBbL/v let saliva fall from the mouth;drool流口水;流涎

4)Saliva flowing from the mouth.口中流出的涎沫


1.Investigation on Qihuangkongxian Capsule in the Treatment ofSlavering and Constipation;芪黄控涎胶囊治疗氯氮平所致便秘与流涎的研究


1.Effect observation and nursing ofsalivation caused by clozapine treated with acupuncture combined with propantheline bromide;针刺穴位加溴化丙胺太林治疗氯氮平所致流涎的效果观察及护理

2.Objective:To observe the therapeutic effect of Chenxia Liujunzi Wan (CLW) for neurolepticsalivation.目的:观察陈夏六君子丸治疗抗精神病药流涎副作用的疗效。


口角流涎口角流涎 口角流涎 证名。口角自流清涎。 ①病因脾气虚衰,不能收摄津液所致。《景岳全书·杂证谟》谓口角流涎,为太阴脏气之脱。《医钞类编》治舌纵涎下多唾,或口角流涎不止,口眼斜,手足痿软,用神龟滋阴丸。《张氏医通》治气虚挟痰,卒然晕倒,口眼斜,口角流涎者,用六君子汤加秦艽、天麻、姜汁、竹沥。 ②病在中焦。胃热则流热涎。症见涎唾从口角流出,绵绵不已。治法若因胃家有热得,宜清胃泻火,用清胃散加减。 ③因虫积者,宜杀虫消疳,可选用乌梅丸加减。
