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运球过人 beating opponent with dribbling with the ball英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-30 20:33:09


运球过人 beating opponent with dribbling with the ball英语短句 例句大全

运球过人,beating opponent with dribbling with the ball

1)beating opponent with dribbling with the ball运球过人

1.Beating opponent with dribbling with the ball is a critical technology,becausebeating opponent with dribbling with the ball create population superiority in the local area.个人运球过人战术是运动员在激烈足球比赛中一项关键性的战术,由于运动员完成个人运球过人后造成了局部地区人数上的优势,所以它是破密集防守和制造射门机会的重要手段,也是决定比赛胜负的重要因素之一。


1.Characterization About Skill of Dribbing Pass an Opponent in Modern Football Game;现代足球比赛中运球过人技术特征的研究

2.The Comparative Analysis on the Use of Beating Opponent with Dribbling with the Ball in European Football Championship欧洲足球锦标赛运球过人战术运用的对比分析

3.He has no superior as a basketball player.作为一名篮球运动员,没有人能胜过他。

4.The Chinese used to call bowling as "grounder", which was a kind of indoor sport using a grounder hitting the stakes. It was origi-nated in Germany between the 3rd-4th century.保龄球(Bowling)中 国人过去叫“地滚球”,是一种滚球击木柱的室内体育运动。

5.Basketball"s progress throughout the years has been impressive.经过多年的发展,篮球运动已经非常引人注目了。

6.Volleyball is a six-a-side court game which is similar to badminton and tennis. However, volleyball is played by hand directly.排球是以一方为6人的球类运动。它类似羽毛球和网球,只不过它是直接用手打的。

7.the act of catching a pass in football.足球运动中接过传过来的球的行为。

8.I was a base ball player.我过去是棒球运动员。

9.but he likes ball games.不过他喜欢球类运动。

10.The ball handler will often perform numerous flashy moves while attempting to drive to the basket, including crossovers, jab steps and other fake-out tricks.持球者常常会在试图冲向球篮时施展无数花哨的动作,其中包括胯下运球、步和其它过人技巧。

11.You played many sports; you played soccer, roller hockey.您从事过许多运动,如足球和曲棍球。

12.A professional basket ball player is allowed six personal fouls before fouling out职业篮球运动员容许个人犯规6次,超过了就要被罚出

13.On Relationship Between Player and Ball in Table Tennis Strokes;论乒乓球击球过程中的“人—球”关系

14.Discusion on relationship between player,ball and net in volleyball strokes;论排球击球过程中的"人—球—网"关系

15.orbit of artificial earth satellite人造地球卫星运行轨道

16.theory of artificial satellite motion人造地球卫星运动理论

17."The object of the game is to score points by throwing the ball into the opponent"s goal. a player may move the ball by passing or "dribbling", but can not touch the ball with more than one hand at a time,"水球是将球击人对方球门得分。选手可传球或运球,但不能双手触球,

18.Such is the modern sport of tennis, once the genteel pastime of the idle rich.这就是现代网球运动的实况;在过去,这种运动可是有钱人用来消磨时光的上流社会休闲活动。


king of crossover跨下运球过人王


4)tactical quality带球过人

1.The study indicates that the players\" power of observation and opportunity seizing,foreseeability,decisiveness and good teamwork,pass and running and control of ball speed are factors affecting thetactical quality of "one-time-touch-ball",which is a reference for football coaches in colleges.研究运用录像观摩统计法,以巴西队大罗(罗那尔多)、小罗(罗那尔迪尼奥)、卡卡、阿德里亚诺、罗比尼奥五人为对象,分析研究五人在五场世界杯比赛中带球过人的一般情况、带球过人运用的线路、动作方法、动作速度以及效果等。

5)quick inside dribble透人运球



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