900字范文 > 语境对等 three levels of context英语短句 例句大全

语境对等 three levels of context英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-15 12:39:26


语境对等 three levels of context英语短句 例句大全

语境对等,three levels of context

1)three levels of context语境对等


1.A Translation Study on the Characterization of Wang Xifeng;从语境对等论《红楼梦》两英译本中王熙凤的性格塑造

2.On Functional Equivalence Achieving in Literature Translation in the Light of Context of Situation;从情境语境看文学翻译中的功能对等

3.On the Effect of Context to Equivalent Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory;关联语境理论对等效翻译的解释作用

4.The Relations between Translation and Culture;对话语境与真实等值——论翻译与文化

5.The Difficult Position and the Countermeasure of Implementation of Bilingual Education for Advanced Mathematics高等数学实施双语教学的困境及对策

6.Semantic-Based P2P Model for Heterogeneous Data Management;对等网络环境下基于语义的异构数据管理模型

7.The Cultural Turn of Equivalence Theory in the Postcolonial Context;后殖民语境下对等翻译理论的文化转向

8.Study of Equivalence in the Translation of Cosmetics Instructions from Context Perspective;从语境角度看美容品说明书翻译的对等

9.Ontology Mapping on Digital Libraries in Semantic P2P Network Enviromment语义对等网环境下的数字图书馆的本体映射

10.Research on the Construction of Semantic Knowledge Map under the Environment of Peer-to-peer Network对等网环境下语义知识地图构建的研究

11.Influence of Linguistic Context and Non-linguistic Context on Translation;语言语境与非语言语境对翻译的影响

12.Analysis on Influencing Factors of Context to the Understanding of English Sentences;语境对英语语句理解的影响因素分析

13.The Implications of Context Theories in Teaching of English Listening;语境理论对英语语篇听力教学的启示

14.Pragmatic constraints of cognitive contexts to grammar use;认知语境对语法语用过程的制约作用

15.On the Role of the Indistinct Non-linguistic Context Played in Speech Understanding;隐约式非语言语境对话语理解的作用

16.Adaptation to the Communicative Context of Pragmatic Presupposition in Advertising Language广告语中语用预设对交际语境的顺应

17.A Study of the Dependence of Euphemism on Context in English Language Teaching英语教学中委婉语对语境依赖的研究

18.A Study on English Translation of Chinese Public Signs-A Pragmatic Equivalence Approach;从语用对等角度分析汉语公示语英译


Context and Equivalent Translation语境与对等翻译

3)comparision of contexts语境对照

4)textual correspondence语境对应

1.This paper also discusses such terms astextual correspondence, translation models and its catalogues, the theory of equivalence levels, the differences bet.本文对俄罗斯《翻译工作者札记》(《Тетрадипереводчика》)上的语言学翻译理论进行了梳理、归纳 ,内容涉及翻译理论的学科地位、研究对象与方法、性质和其各组成部分 ,以及语境对应、翻译模式及其分类、等值层次理论、等值和等同的差异 ,等

5)pragmatic equivalence语用对等

1.The translation of numerals in literary works or daily use is discussed on the basis ofpragmatic equivalence,culture and context.从语用对等、文化和语境三个方面探讨了数词的翻译。

2.Based on a comparative study on Chinese and English cultures in names and address terms,this paper discusses how to achievepragmatic equivalence in translating names and address terms.从英汉姓名及称谓语的文化对比入手,对翻译时如何达到姓名及称谓语的语用对等进行探讨。

3.From cross-cultural point of view,this paper discusses the applicable principle for guiding translation of kinship addressing terms by resorting to translation theories,namely,the "relevance theory" by Earnest-August Gutt;pragmatic equivalence principle.本文从跨文化角度出发,借助于关联理论,语用对等原则探讨了翻译该类词语的适用方法:具体化,转换,省略,信息替代以及音译加注。

6)grammatical equivalence语法对等


