900字范文 > 语境构建 construction of context英语短句 例句大全

语境构建 construction of context英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-04 00:03:50


语境构建 construction of context英语短句 例句大全

语境构建,construction of context

1)construction of context语境构建


1.On the Construction of Complying Context and Protruding Consciousness;论顺应性语境构建与元语用意识凸显

2.On the Communicative Feature of Paralanguage and the Construction of Context;论副语言交际特征及其文化语境构建

3.Cognitive Context s Role in Discourse Production and Interpretation;认知语境在话语构建和理解中的作用

4.A Brief Analysis of the Construction of the Context in Verbal Communication言语交际中的语境及其建构特征浅析

5.A Pilot Study on the Construction of Virtual Target Language Contexts in an EFL Setting;EFL环境下构建虚拟目标语语境的先导研究

6.Review and Construction: Chinese Language Teaching in Middle School under the Context of Mother Language;审视与建构:当下母语语境中的中学语言教学

7.The Construction of the Service-oriented Government: Surveyed in the Context of China;服务型政府的构建:中国语境下的审视

8.Analysis of Constructivism Learning Environment of an English Demonstration Class;英语观摩课的建构主义学习环境分析

9.The Construction of Agricultural TV System in the Context of Harmonious Society;和谐社会语境下的农业电视体系建构

10.Construction of English Teaching & Learning Environment Based on CALL;基于CALL的网络英语“教与学”环境的构建

11.Feature Construction in Minority School Under the New Curriculum Reform;论新课改语境中民族学校特色的建构

12.Creating a Safe Classroom Environment In EFL Class;二语课堂教学中和谐学习环境的构建

13.The Construction of College English Teaching Model in the Environment of the Internet;网络环境下大学英语教学模式的构建

14.On Constructing Right-relief Mechanism for High School Students under China s Linguistic Environment;中国语境中学生权利救济机制的构建

15.College English Instruction and the Multimedia Environment Construction;大学英语多媒体网络教学环境的建构

16.The Construction of New Teaching Model with Information Technology;IT环境下新型英语教学模式的构建

17.The Effect of Discourse Information on the Generation of Causal Predictive Inferences;基于语境的预期推理构建的实验研究

18.The Construction of National Identity in the Post-colonial Context of Translation;后殖民语境与翻译中的民族身份构建


context construction语境建构

1.,the dynamic generation of context and utterance meaning is achieved by means of three levels-context construction,context prominence and context transformation.基于这个理念,文章尝试提出语境生成"三分说",即语境与意义的生成是通过语境建构、语境凸显与语境转换三个层面来实现的。

2.The Paper expounded some new ideas about thecontext construction in the learning of new words in the ideology of constructivism and forgetting theory.本文试图根据现代外语教学的有关理论,运用一些简单的教育统计学方法,从语境建构角度对学生“记不住单词”的问题,做出一些调查和理论分析,并就教师如何在课堂上呈现词汇进行了有益的尝试。

3.As contexts play an important role in language communication,context construction should be the focus of listening and speaking materials development.本文首先回顾了语境理论以及影响语境建构的因素,然后讨论了教材开发的原则,通过分析语境建构与教材开发的关系最后尝试建构听说教材语境模式。

3)creating context构建语境

4)Construction of complying context顺应性语境构建

5)contextualizing function语境构建功能

1.Based on the theoretical and empirical work done by the previous researchers, this thesis discusses thecontextualizing functions of metadiscourse in three kinds of contexts and explores the instructive value of teaching metadiscourse in college English class for improving students’writing ability.本文在国内外理论研究和实践的基础上,从语言语境、情景语境和文化语境三方面分析元话语的语境构建功能,并探讨了在大学英语课堂上教授元话语对提高学生写作能力的可行性。

6)Construction linguistic environment teaching教学语境建构


