900字范文 > 现代性语境 context of modernity英语短句 例句大全

现代性语境 context of modernity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-27 14:31:16


现代性语境 context of modernity英语短句 例句大全

现代性语境,context of modernity

1)context of modernity现代性语境


1.Study on community communications- in the modernization and Modernity languages;社区交往研究──在现代化与现代性语境中

2.Review of the New-Era Literary Trends of Thought in the Modernity Context;温故现代性语境下的新时期文学思潮

3.The Absence of Belongingness: The Identity Predicament in the Context of Modernity;归属感的匮乏:现代性语境下的认同困境

4.Exceeding and Returning: Analysis of Shen-Cong Wen s Writing in Modernity;超越与回归——现代性语境的沈从文文学创作研究

5.The Contemporary Language Context and the Contemporary To ken of the Postmodern Movie;后现代电影的当代语境及当代性表征

6.Adorno s Philosophy of Modernity in the Post Modernist Context;后现代语境下的阿多诺的现代性哲学

7.Critique of modernity and it s limit in the postmodernist discourse;后现代语境中的现代性批判话语及其限度

8.Limits and Strengths of Modernity: Postmodern Discourse and Chinese Context;现代性:局限与价值——后现代话语与中国语境

9.Post-modern Context and Professional Women--Concurrently probing into the reflection of career women in literature;后现代语境中的职业女性与女性文学

10.No Model, No Easel--Modernism in the post-modern circumstances of art;无样板 NO架上——后现代艺术语境中的现代性

11.The Freedom of Humanity-the Design of Art under Postmodern Context;“人性”的自由—后现代语境下的艺术设计

12.Oscar Wilde s the Importance of Being Earnest: Perspectives in Modern Context;现当代语境中的王尔德《认真的重要性》

13.Plight and Solution of "Folk" and "Popular" in Modern Discourse;现代性话语中“民”“俗”的困境与出路

14.The Connotation,Progression and Contextual Investigation in China of Modernity;现代性:内涵、进程与中国语境考察

15.Iconicity Criterion of Translation in the Context of Postmodernism;后现代语境中翻译的“像似性”标准

16.In postmodern times context: the other and globalization;后现代语境:“他者”与“世界性”

17.The Quality of Plane--the Contextual Characteristics of Modernist Painting;现代主义绘画语境中的特征——平面性

18.Non-Postmodernity in the Postmodernist Context:Decoding the Non-Postmodernity in Slaughterhouse Five;后现代主义语境中的非后现代性——《五号屠场》非后现代性解读


modern context现代语境

1.On themodern context of trust and its value [WT4”BZ]—With a discussion of the university’s logistic enterprise management;信任的现代语境及其价值探析——兼论高校后勤企业管理

2.The changes of Henan local literature in themodern context;论现代语境中河南乡土文学的流变

3.Inmodern context,public media brings great influences on contemporary literary writing,spreading and reading.现代语境下大众传媒极大地影响着当代文学的生产、传播和消费;文学出现传媒化、商业化、大众化的趋势,通过分析纸质媒介、电子媒介和当代文学的互动关系,阐明大众传媒对当代文学发展的影响。

3)post-modern context后现代语境

1.The Recovery of Classical Culture in Post-modern Context;经典文化在后现代语境中的复兴

2.Literature research will inevitably be in thepost-modern context along with the postmodern turn of the social culture.随着整个社会文化的后现代转向,文学研究也不可避免要处于后现代语境之下。

3.Though it is facing the problem of “identity” in thepost-modern context today just like other traditional art genres, Tea-Picking Drama, a local drama in North Guangdong Province, has shown its prosperity.象其他民族传统艺术一样,采茶戏艺术也面临着在后现代语境下的“身份认同”问题。


1.In thepostmodern context,the teaching of English and American literature is facing great challenges.后现代语境下的英美文学课教学正面临着严峻的挑战。

5)postmodern context后现代语境

1.Return or Turn: Ethic Criticism in American Literature in Postmodern Context;回归抑或转向:后现代语境下的美国文学伦理学批评

2.The philosophical conversion in thepostmodern context wa.后现代语境下的哲学转向,意在恢复个人理性的话语功能,重新挖掘个人理性的潜在能量,并为个人理性和集体理性的对话提供了新的契机和可能。

3.This dissertation committed to interpret the indeterminacy of existence inpostmodern context through Jerzy Kosinski s notable novella Being There.本文旨在分析他的成名作《走到那里》中所体现的后现代语境下存在的不确定性问题。

6)mordernation context现代化语境


