900字范文 > 仁炟长老:觉知当下(Realizing The Present Moment)

仁炟长老:觉知当下(Realizing The Present Moment)

时间:2023-10-16 09:25:45


仁炟长老:觉知当下(Realizing The Present Moment)



【Realizing The Present Moment】If you cannot realize the present thought by yourself, but let your mind affected by circumstances, then this state is defined as ignorance. If you have been caught stagnantly in the state of emptiness, it turns out to be the situation of lethargy and indiscrimination. While if you are able to maintain your mind pure for even just one thought, use it clearly as a mirror, then it accords with Precepts, Samadhi and Wisdom. Since without idle thoughts arising and no evil deeds are committed, precepts are upholded automatically. Mind stays unmoved as thusness and does not changed with circumstances, Samadhi is obtained. You enable to understand and be perfectly clear in your mind, you are equipped with wisdom. In this way, Precepts, Samadhi and Wisdom are all possessed by you.
