900字范文 > 企业成长性 Growth英语短句 例句大全

企业成长性 Growth英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-10 06:12:53


企业成长性 Growth英语短句 例句大全



1.The Relationship ofGrowth with Stock Market Returns in the Small and Medium-sized Information Technology Industry to be Listed Based on the Dynamic Panel Data Model;中小IT企业成长性与股票回报关系研究

2.The most important thing of high-technique enterprise development is it s growth.企业成长性是高新技术企业发展中最为关心的事情。


1.Research on the Entrepreneur Human Capital Based on Enterprises Growth;基于企业成长性的企业家人力资本研究

2.Research on Technological Entrepreneur Human Capital and Enterprise Growth;科技型企业家人力资本与企业成长性研究

3.Positive Study on Relationship between R&D Spending, Capital Structure and Growth of Firms;企业R&D费用与企业资本结构、企业成长性的相关性实证研究

4.The Evaluation of the SMEs Pullulation in the Multiplex Pullulating Mode;多角化成长模式下的中小企业成长性评价

5.The Relationship of Growth with Stock Market Returns in the Small and Medium-sized Information Technology Industry to be Listed Based on the Dynamic Panel Data Model;中小IT企业成长性与股票回报关系研究

6.A Comparative Study of Growth Evaluation Models of SMEs;中小企业成长性评价模式的比较研究

7.Empirical research on the comprehensive evaluation method of the firm s growth;企业成长性综合评价方法的实证研究

8.A Research into the Impact of Technology Capital Input on Enterprise Growth技术资本投入对企业成长性影响研究

9.Information Reliability,Corporate Growth and Earnings Persistence;信息可靠性、企业成长性与会计盈余持续性

10.The IC Enterprises Growth Appraisal Based on Industrial Cluster Theory;基于集群理论的集成电路企业成长性评价

11.Growth Analysis of Agricultural High-tech Enterprises in Yangling;杨凌农业高新技术企业成长性分析及启示

12.A Comprehensive Study on the Effect and Shaping Index to Fostering Venture Enterprise;创业企业培育效果与成长性综合分析

13.Factor analysis of listed company s growth;工业企业上市公司成长性的归因分析

14.The Nature & Property of the Firm and the Theory of the Growth of the Firm;企业的本质、性质与企业成长的理论研究

15.The Research on the Consistency of the Growth of the Listed Companies and Industrial Development in China;我国企业成长与产业增长的一致性研究

16.A Study on the Relationship between Earning Management and Enterprise Development;盈余管理与企业成长能力相关性研究

17.An Empirical Study on the Growth of Core Competitiveness of Enterprises in China;我国企业核心竞争力成长性实证研究

18.Uncertain-Positioning and SME s Strategies;不确定性定位与中小企业的成长战略


corporate growth企业成长性

1.The paper studies the relation betweencorporate growth and accrual anomaly and finds that accruals are positively related to growth indexes,while growth indexes are negatively related to future stock return,and the magnitude of the accrual anomaly increases with the correlation between accruals and growth indexes.本文以我国1999年-的上市公司为研究对象,从企业成长性的角度对应计异象进行阐释。

3)growth enterprise成长性企业

1.GEM will provide a direct financing channel to high-growth enterprise s and promote their development.基于此,本文首先对成长性企业 作了明确的定义,然后分析了成长性企业的范畴,最后从行业定位、市场开发能力、技术垄 断及其成果转化与监督、管理的成长性、经营战略和激励机制等六个方面提出了作者对此问 题的看法。

4)Enterprise endogenetic growth企业内生性成长


6)high-growth enterprises高成长性企业

1.There have been a large number ofhigh-growth enterprises.改革开放30年来,中国企业发展迅速,出现了一大批高成长性企业,为中国经济的发展和社会的进步做出了巨大贡献,成为促进中国经济发展的新的增长点。


