900字范文 > 上市公司成长性 growth of listed companies英语短句 例句大全

上市公司成长性 growth of listed companies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-27 05:15:08


上市公司成长性 growth of listed companies英语短句 例句大全

上市公司成长性,growth of listed companies

1)growth of listed companies上市公司成长性

1.In this paper, accoding to the (principle) of "variance drive", a comprehensive evaluation model of thegrowth of listed companies based on time (series) stereodata list is given.该文从"差异驱动"原理出发,对由上市公司成长性指标值构成的时序立体数据表给出了综合评价模型。

2.So, it is of great importance to evaluategrowth of listed companies in telecom industry.本文以成长性涵义及国内外成长性相关理论研究为指导,根据我国通信行业上市公司高技术性、高创造性、高投入性、高风险性以及高收益性的特点,采用定性分析与定量分析相结合、规范分析与实证分析相结合的研究方法,系统地分析了我国通信行业上市公司现状以及成长性影响因素,并从企业规模、盈利能力、营运能力、所有权结构、偿债能力和成长能力6方面构建我国通信行业上市公司成长性的评价模型,着重研究我国通信行业上市公司成长性的影响因素与成长性的内在联系,进一步探寻成长性公司和非成长性公司在企业规模、所有权结构和科技创新能力等方面的差异,再从企业和国家2方面提出促进我国通信行业上市公司持续成长的对策建议。


1.Empirical Research of the Classification of Growth of Chinese Listed Companies;我国上市公司成长性分类的实证研究

2.An Empirical Study on the Growth of Listed Companies Based on the Value Creation;基于价值创造的上市公司成长性研究

3.Factor analysis of listed company s growth;工业企业上市公司成长性的归因分析

4.Study on the Evaluation of the Growth of the Listed Companies on Small or Medium-sized Enterprises Board中小企业板上市公司成长性评价研究

5.Market volatility and SMEs Growth Assessment;市场波动性与中小上市公司成长性评价

6.Empirical Research of the Evaluation and Classification of Growth of High-Tech Listed Company;科技类上市公司成长性评价及分类的实证研究

7.Empirical Study on Growth of Listed Companies in Hi-tech in Our Country;我国高科技上市公司成长性的实证研究

8.Research on Factors that Influence the Growth of Enterprises Listed in SME Board;中小企业板上市公司成长性影响因素研究

9.Research about the Growth of List Company Based on Support Vector Machine;基于支持向量机的上市公司成长性研究

10.Study on the Growth Evaluation System of IT Listed Companies in China;我国IT行业上市公司成长性评价体系研究

11.Growth Valuation Model and Empirical Research on High-Tech Listed Company;科技类上市公司成长性评价模型及实证研究

12.The Empirical Analysis on Growth Characteristic and Corporate Governance of Listed Companies;上市公司成长性与治理结构关系的实证分析

13.Empirical study of listed company s growth phase and cash dividend;上市公司成长性与现金股利的实证研究

14.Application of the support vector machine in the growth recognition of listed companies;支持向量机在上市公司成长性识别中的应用

15.An Empirical Research on the Relationship between Management Incentive and the Growth of SMEs;管理层激励与中小上市公司成长性实证研究

16.An Empirical Research on the Impact of Large Shareholders of the Small and Medium Listed Companies on the Growth;大股东对中小上市公司成长性影响的实证研究

17.The comparative research of evaluation of the growth of the listed SMEs;中小上市公司成长性评价方法比较研究

18.Study of Growth Rate For Medium and Small-sized Listed Companies;我国中小板块上市公司成长性实证研究


corporate growth公司成长性

1.The Empirical Study of the Influence of Corporate Financial Leverage on Corporate Growth;财务杠杆对公司成长性影响的实证研究

2.We have found that legal person ownership has the most positive impact oncorporate growth,that tradable ownership has the most negative impact oncorporate growth.通过对763家上市公司的调查考察股权结构与公司成长性的实证关系,计量股权结构对公司成长性的解释力,描述股权多元化的权益激励结构。

3.This paper take 21 pieces of enterprise of Shanxi to study the influences of corporate financial leverage oncorporate growth and study another factors oncorporate growth by using regression analysis.以山西省21家上市公司为研究对象,运用回归分析研究了上市公司财务杠杆与公司成长性的关系,并研究了上市公司成长性的其他影响因素。

3)the growing corporations成长性公司

1.Through the demonstration analysis to SGR(the sustaining growing rate)and the financial data of growing corporations,we can model and text the financial data of growing corporations that come into market,we can draw a conclusion:SGR can make difference betweenthe growing corporations and the not-growing corporations.主要从SGR(可持续增长率)与公司成长性的财务数据相关性的实证研究出发,建立模型,并用上市公司数据进行检验,得出结论:可持续增长率能较好地区分成长性与非成长性公司。

4)independence of listed company上市公司独立性

5)listed companies recessive MBO上市公司隐性MBO

1.Recently,listed companies recessive MBO is becoming increasingly intense, forming already its four types: the type of indirect control by acquiring parent companies, the type of roundabout making by acquiring subsidiaries, the type of quick flexibility by auction and trusteeship and the type of underground recession.近来,上市公司隐性MBO愈演愈烈,已经发展形成典型的四大类型:收购母公司间接控制型,收购子公司迂回实现型,拍卖、托管等快捷变通型和地下隐蔽型。

6)list company of a certain industry行业性上市公司


