900字范文 > 企业生长几率 enterprise growth probability英语短句 例句大全

企业生长几率 enterprise growth probability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-09 21:16:48


企业生长几率 enterprise growth probability英语短句 例句大全

企业生长几率,enterprise growth probability

1)enterprise growth probability企业生长几率

2)growth probabilities生长几率

1.The new kinetic renormalized groups is employed to study the phase transition of the model of diffusion limited aggregation,the result is that there is a phase transition in the multifractal spectrum of thegrowth probabilities {P i}of the model,and the value of the phase transition point q c is zoro.应用动力学重整化群研究扩散置限凝聚模型的相变,结果发现该模型的生长几率{Pi}的多分形谱存在相变点qс的值为零,即当q<qc时,该模型的生长几率{Pi}不再具有多分形性质,这一结论与目前有关文献结果一致。

3)enterprise growth rate企业成长率

1.The significance, function, influential factors and the basic principles on the determination or the desiring levels ofenterprise growth rate, gross capital profit rate, interior reservation rate, bonus and share capital profit rate, and capital structure arc chiefly expounded.按照市场经济的运行规律,系统地研究了公司制企业经营目标的设置和目标决策中目标欲求水准的确定依据和方法,重点论述了企业成长率、总资本利润率、内部保留率、红利和股东投资利润率,以及资本构成等几个主要目标的含义、作用、影响因素和确定其欲求水准的基本原理。

4)firm productivity企业生产率

1.This article investigates the relationships between technological innovation,firm productivity and export.该文考察技术创新、企业生产率与出口之间的关系,认为转变外贸发展方式应建立起一种机制,即通过技术创新提高生产率,增强企业核心竞争力,从而提升对外贸易质量,实现外贸可持续发展。

2.Based on the firm heterogeneity trade theory,this paper uses the panel data about listed companies from different industries,and takes the firm scale as the controlled variable,and studies the relationship betweenfirm productivity as well as foreign market knowledge and firm export value in China.本文运用企业异质性贸易理论,利用分行业上市企业的面板数据,将企业规模作为控制变量,研究了企业生产率、国外市场知识与中国企业出口额的关系。


1.An Analysis on the Roles of IT in the Firms and Its Impacts on the Firm Productivity;IT在企业中的角色及对企业生产率的影响分析

2.Firm Productivity,Foreign Market Knowledge and Firm Export Value企业生产率、国外市场知识与企业出口额

3.Stochastic Frontier Analysis on the Productivity and Technical Efficiency of China’s Large and Medium Industrial Enterprises我国大中型工业企业生产率与技术效率的随机前沿模型分析

4.Technological Innovation,Firm Productivity and Mode Transformation of Foreign Trade Development;技术创新、企业生产率与外贸发展方式转变

5.Environmental Policies and Enterprise Technical Efficiency:Exemplified with Paper Mills;环境政策与企业生产技术效率——以造纸企业为例

6.The Estimating of Plastic Manufacturers" Technical Efficiency Research;我国塑料生产企业技术效率测评研究

7.Study on the evaluation system of production efficiency in manufacturing;制造企业生产系统效率评价体系研究

8.Chinese Export Firms" ‘Productivity Paradox’ and its Explanations我国出口企业的“生产率悖论”及其解释

9.Transaction Efficiency,Cost Change and Enterprises" Production Transfer交易效率、成本变动与企业生产转移

10.The Externality of Industries, the Competitive Environment of Enterprises, and the Productivity产业外部性、企业竞争环境与劳动生产率


12.The indexes for evaluation are as follows: the growth rate of enterprise green increase value, the labor productivity of enterprise green members, the total capital utilization ratio of enterprise green.考核指标有:企业绿色增加值增长率;企业绿色全员劳动生产率;企业绿色总资产利用率。

13.Heterogeneity of Firms Production Efficiency and Exchange Rate Pass-through and Net Export;企业生产效率异质性、汇率传递与净出口

14.Enterprise Evolution:Important Path of Industrial TFP Growth in China;企业演化:中国工业生产率增长的重要途径

15.Study on the Productivity of Different Ownership Industrial Enterprises in China;中国不同所有制工业企业生产效率比较研究

16.Experimental Analysis on Efficiency of Water industries enterprise in China;关于我国水业企业生产效率的实证分析

17.Analysis on Production Efficiency of Leading Agricultural Enterprises in China:Based on DEA Model农业产业化龙头企业的生产效率分析——基于DEA模型

18.Raise Labor Productivity, Promote Post Enterprises Development--Necessity and Concrete Measure for Post Enterprises to Enhance Labor Productivity提高劳动生产率 促进邮政企业发展——邮政企业提高劳动生产率的必要性和措施


growth probabilities生长几率

1.The new kinetic renormalized groups is employed to study the phase transition of the model of diffusion limited aggregation,the result is that there is a phase transition in the multifractal spectrum of thegrowth probabilities {P i}of the model,and the value of the phase transition point q c is zoro.应用动力学重整化群研究扩散置限凝聚模型的相变,结果发现该模型的生长几率{Pi}的多分形谱存在相变点qс的值为零,即当q<qc时,该模型的生长几率{Pi}不再具有多分形性质,这一结论与目前有关文献结果一致。

3)enterprise growth rate企业成长率

1.The significance, function, influential factors and the basic principles on the determination or the desiring levels ofenterprise growth rate, gross capital profit rate, interior reservation rate, bonus and share capital profit rate, and capital structure arc chiefly expounded.按照市场经济的运行规律,系统地研究了公司制企业经营目标的设置和目标决策中目标欲求水准的确定依据和方法,重点论述了企业成长率、总资本利润率、内部保留率、红利和股东投资利润率,以及资本构成等几个主要目标的含义、作用、影响因素和确定其欲求水准的基本原理。

4)firm productivity企业生产率

1.This article investigates the relationships between technological innovation,firm productivity and export.该文考察技术创新、企业生产率与出口之间的关系,认为转变外贸发展方式应建立起一种机制,即通过技术创新提高生产率,增强企业核心竞争力,从而提升对外贸易质量,实现外贸可持续发展。

2.Based on the firm heterogeneity trade theory,this paper uses the panel data about listed companies from different industries,and takes the firm scale as the controlled variable,and studies the relationship betweenfirm productivity as well as foreign market knowledge and firm export value in China.本文运用企业异质性贸易理论,利用分行业上市企业的面板数据,将企业规模作为控制变量,研究了企业生产率、国外市场知识与中国企业出口额的关系。

5)enterprise productivity企业生产率

1.New-new trade theory is the academic pioneer in international trade and the relationship between export andenterprise productivity is a main content of the theory.新-新贸易理论是国际贸易的学术前沿,而出口与企业生产率的关系是其中的一个重要内容。

6)Company Capital Growth Rate企业资本增长率


