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解释学循环 hermeneutic circle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-10 08:21:30


解释学循环 hermeneutic circle英语短句 例句大全

解释学循环,hermeneutic circle

1)hermeneutic circle解释学循环

1.This kind of dialectic constantly deepened and developedas thehermeneutic circle evolved from methodology to ontology in history.解释学循环是解释学的重要内容之一。

2.In the process of hermeneutics changing from the collection of special principles of understanding into methodology of humanity and then into ontology,the connotation ofhermeneutic circle changes correspondingly.解释学循环是解释学的核心问题。

3.This article attempts to understand the relationship between human rights and democratic discourse as thehermeneutic circle:human rights are a precondition for democratic discourse,in turn generated by democratic discourse.本文试图将人权与民主话语之间的关系理解为解释学循环:人权既是民主话语的前提条件,又是由民主话语产生的。


1.Interpretation of Hermeneutic Cycle--Inspirations from Gadamer s Texts and Interpretations;解释学循环的解释——伽达默尔《文本与阐释》的启示

2.Heidegger"s Thought on Hermeneutical Circle不是从循环中脱身,而是正确地进入循环——海德格尔论解释学循环

3.Evolvement of Hermeneutic Circle & Expanding and Deepening of Its Dialectical Meaning;解释学循环的嬗变及其辩证意义的展开与深化

4.Various Possibilities of Fluxion--On Gadamer s the hermeneutic circle and the logic of question and answer;流动的多种可能性——伽达默尔解释学循环与问答逻辑

5.The Critique On the Position of “Hermeneutic Circle” in Contemporary Philosophy;当代西方哲学“诠释学循环”立场之批判

6.A comparative study of hermeneutic cycle by Qian Zhongshu and hermeneutics in the west;钱锺书“诠释循环”与西方诠释学的关系辨析

7.The Part and Whole Hermeneutics of Circle;局部与整体诠释循环——科学阅读教学观刍议

8.Transformation of YUAN Hong-dao s Aesthetic Thought & Cycle of Confucian, Taoist and Buddhist Philosophy;袁宏道美学思想的转变与儒释道精神的循环

9.Microsurgical Anatomy of Anterior Circulation of Willis Circle via Supraorbital Keyhole Approach;眶上锁孔入路Willis环前循环的显微解剖学研究

10.Resolve Loop Problems in C Language Teaching Using Mathematical "Recurrence Formula" Thought利用数学“递推式”思维解决C语言教学循环问题

11.Economics Analysis and Suggestion o n the Steady Crisis of Environment;环境“持续性”危机的经济学解释及解决途径

12.View the Development of Recycling Economy in Our Country from the Angle of the Concept of Scientific Development;从科学发展观的视角解读我国循环经济发展

13.Conception, Economic Interpretation and Policy Implication of Recycle Agriculture;循环型农业的含义、经济学解读及其政策含义

14.catalytic ozone destruction cycle臭氧的催化分解循环

15.Economic Explanation for the Unharmonious Development of Energy-Economy-Environment;能源—经济—环境非协调发展原因的经济学解释

16.Ch:a Pedagogically Effective Cross-Platform Interpretive C/C++ Computing EnvironmentCh:面向交互式教学的跨平台C/C++解释计算环境

17.The sole place that the comma operator is used in Java is in for loops, which will be described later in this chapter.在Java里需要用到逗号的唯一场所就是for循环,本章稍后会对此详加解释。

18.In the relations among works, artist and art, the cardinal interpretation of circle occurs between the works and art.在艺术作品、艺术家与艺术的关系中,根本的解释循环发生在艺术作品与艺术之间。


hermeneutical circle解释学循环

1.It is the foundation for understanding and interpretation, and it is the dynamics that makes thehermeneutical circle work.它是理解和解释得以展开的基础,驱动解释学循环的动力。

2.Hermeneutics experiences development from epistemology to ontology,accordingly so does the explication ofhermeneutical circle.解释学经历了从认识论到本体论的嬗变 ,解释学循环问题的探讨也发生了相应的变化。

3)reciprocal explanation循环解释

4)Hermeneutic circle解释循环

5)hermeneutic circle诠释学循环

1.The Critique On the Position of “Hermeneutic Circle” in Contemporary Philosophy;当代西方哲学“诠释学循环”立场之批判

2.Secondly, by putting forward a falsification mode of scientific development, Popper involves the topic of thehermeneutic circle in scientific understanding.波普尔的科学哲学思想通过对“理论先于观察”、“理论渗透于观察”之必然性和合理性的强调,将理解者的主观性和个体性引入了科学的理解过程,使之成为科学活动展开的前提条件,这与海德格尔对理解“前结构”的关注、伽达默尔对理解中“先入之见”合法性的强调,异曲同工;通过对“问题→猜想(理论)→批评(反驳或证伪)→新问题”这一模式的揭示和诠释,波普尔触及并推进了科学理解中的“诠释学循环”问题。

6)do interpretive loop执行解释循环


