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中国解释学 Chinese hermeneutics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-04 21:09:51


中国解释学 Chinese hermeneutics英语短句 例句大全

中国解释学,Chinese hermeneutics

1)Chinese hermeneutics中国解释学

2)theory of explaining of China中国的解释学

3)Chinese Marxism Hermeneutics中国马克思主义解释学

1.TO Discuss the Subject Legitimacy Basis ofChinese Marxism Hermeneutics;中国马克思主义解释学的学科合法性探讨


1.On the Rational Integration Annotation Patterns of the Chinese Marxism’s Hermeneutics;中国马克思主义解释学的理性整合型诠释模式

2.On reform-annotation pattern of the Chinese Marxism hermeneutics;试论中国马克思主义解释学的改革型诠释范式

3.On Revolution-Annotation Pattern of Chinese Marxism s Hermeneutics;试论中国马克思主义解释学的革命型诠释模式

4.Discussion on Comprehensive Innovation Annotation Pattern of the Chinese Marxism"s Hermeneutics中国马克思主义解释学的综合创新型诠释范式

5.On China s Study of Hermeneutics of Marxism in Recent Years;近年来中国马克思主义解释学国内研究述评

6.The Discussion on the Esthetics View-fields of the Chinese Marxism s Hermeneutics;试论中国马克思主义解释学的美学领域

7.TO Discuss the Subject Legitimacy Basis of Chinese Marxism Hermeneutics;中国马克思主义解释学的学科合法性探讨

8.The Course Property and Course Position of the Chinese Marxism s Hermeneutics;中国马克思主义解释学的学科性质与定位

9.On the Future Trends of the Chinese Marxism’s Hermeneutics;试论中国马克思主义解释学研究的未来走势

10.Historical Role of the Chinese Marxism s Hermeneutics Research;试论中国马克思主义解释学研究的历史定位

11.A Probe into the Judgment Standard for Chinese Marxism Hermeneutics;中国马克思主义解释学的判定标准探讨

12.The Discussion on the Language View-fields of the Chinese Marxism s Hermeneutics;试论中国马克思主义解释学的语言领域

13.The Discussion about the Historical View-fields of the Chinese Marxism s Hermeneutics;试论中国马克思主义解释学的历史领域

14.Discussion on the methods of Marxism hermeneutics in China;中国马克思主义解释学的研究方法辨析

15.Dilemma to the Study of Marxist Explanation in China and Ways out;中国马克思主义解释学的研究困境及出路

16.On the Comparative Vision-Fields of Chinese Marxism"s Hermeneutics Research试论中国马克思主义解释学研究的比较视域

17.The Practice Basis and Theoretical Construction of the Chinese Marxist Hermeneutics;中国马克思主义解释学的实践基础及其理论建构

18.The Application of Hermeneutics in the Sinicizing of Marxist Philosophy;马克思主义哲学中国化中的“解释学应用”问题


theory of explaining of China中国的解释学

3)Chinese Marxism Hermeneutics中国马克思主义解释学

1.TO Discuss the Subject Legitimacy Basis ofChinese Marxism Hermeneutics;中国马克思主义解释学的学科合法性探讨

4)Ancient China science explanation中国古代科学解释

5)Chinese hermeneutics中国诠释学

1.The problems challenging theChinese hermeneutics are supposed to be reviewed in a comparative and philosophical perspective,focusing on the intercommunication of catholicity and particularity rather than an ontological ideology.在比较的视野下,从哲学层面考察中国诠释学所面临的问题,提出在思维方式上,不能使用本体论思维,而应注重普遍性与特殊性之间的沟通,在目的论上主张中国诠释学的道德归向。

parative poetics and the creation ofChinese hermeneutics are two issues that Chinese academe focuses on presently.比较诗学与中国诠释学的创建是目前中国学术界比较关注的两个问题。

6)Chinese Hermeneutics中国阐释学

1.On Subject Construction ofChinese Hermeneutics;关于中国阐释学学科建设的思考

2.Chinese hermeneutics is scattered but radiates wisdom.中国阐释学虽然零散但闪烁着智慧的光芒,孔子被认为是中国阐释学的开山鼻祖,《论语》一书集中体现了他的阐释学思想。


