900字范文 > 法解释学 law hermeneutics英语短句 例句大全

法解释学 law hermeneutics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-15 04:11:57


法解释学 law hermeneutics英语短句 例句大全

法解释学,law hermeneutics

1)law hermeneutics法解释学

1.Based on perspective of jurisprudence andlaw hermeneutics,we can find that corporate social responsibility is the principle of the company law and the foundation of its realization mechanism must depends on the coordination of interrelated law organs.基于法理学和法解释学的视角,可以发现其作为公司法原则的实质,而其实现机制的建立必须依靠多个法律部门的协调配合。


1.Reflection on the Relations of Tort Law to Special Law and Judicial Interpretation in the Way of Legal Hermeneutics侵权责任法与特别法及司法解释关系的法解释学思考

2.A Study of the Three Methods to Interpret Constitution--Doctrinalism, Historictism and Precedentism;宪法解释中学说解释、历史解释和先例解释方法研究

3.Reconstructing of Historical Interpretation --from legal interpretation aspect;历史解释的重构——法律解释学的视角

4.The Interpretation of Legal Context Theory Seen from the Perspective of Philosophical Hermeneutics;哲学诠释学视野下的法学语境论解释

5.The science and methodology of interpretation, especially of scriptural text.解释学解释的科学与方法论,尤指对《圣经》经文的解释

6.Legal Interpretation,Hayek"s Knowledge Theory and Hermeneutic Philosophy法律解释、哈耶克的知识论与哲学解释学

7.Philosophical and Legal Hermeneutics:Inspiration forJurisprudence out of the Book Truth and Method;哲学解释学与法律解释学——《真理与方法》对法学的启示

8.Reading With Understanding: Interpretive Method in Chinese Philosophy;理解性阅读——中国哲学的解释方法

9.a jurist who interprets Muslim law.解释伊斯兰教法典的法学家。

10.Review on Supreme Court Interpretation No. 17评法释[2002]17号司法解释

11.The scientific, legal, medical, etc view is that...科学的、 法律上的、 医学上的...解释是...

12.On method of explanatory science of "the subfect annotation of the six classics"of Chinese philosophy;论中国哲学“六经注我”的解释学方法

13.The Unification of the Humanistic Method and Scientific Method from the View of Understanding and Interpretation从理解和解释看人文方法和科学方法的统一

14.Where is the "Rightness" in Legal Interpretation:Legal Hermeneutics in Contemporary China法律解释的“正确性”何在?——当代中国法律解释学的境遇之一

15.Professors of economics cannot explain the relationship between the Border Region currency and the Kuomintang currency[2], so naturally the students cannot explain it either.经济学教授不能解释边币和法币⑵,当然学生也不能解释。

16.On the Legality of the “Foresight” of Understanding Subject--From the Point of the Scientific Hermeneutics;论理解主体的“前见”合法性——科学解释学的视角

17.There are many things which are inexplicable by science.有很多事科学还无法解释。

18.She explained to me why he studied French .她向我解释了他学法语的原因。


expository jurisprudence解释法学

3)explanation constitutional study宪法解释学

4)hermeneutical methods解释学方法

5)Hermeneutic of law法律解释学

6)the hermeneutics of civil law民法解释学


