900字范文 > 信息共享 information sharing英语短句 例句大全

信息共享 information sharing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-17 10:20:01


信息共享 information sharing英语短句 例句大全

信息共享,information sharing

1)information sharing信息共享

1.Models of coalmine geo-spatialinformation sharing and cooperative work;煤矿地理空间信息共享与协作模型

2.Discussion on the establishment ofinformation sharing system for maritime safety emergency considering lessons learned from the accident involving M/V YA PING;从“亚平”轮事故谈海上安全应急信息共享机制的建立

3.Tele-medicalinformation sharing platform based on PACS and HIS;基于PACS和HIS的远程医疗信息共享平台研究


1.The Study of Information Share Between IEC61850 and IEC61970IEC61850与IEC61970信息共享研究

2.Research on quality evaluation of information-sharing based on information theory;基于信息论的信息共享质量评估研究

3.How to Realize and Share Information-based Accounting;如何做到会计信息化及会计信息共享

4.Information Asymmetry and Information Share in Administrative Enforcement行政执法中的信息不对称与信息共享

5.Promoting Henan Credit Construction by Credit Information Sharing;以信用信息共享推动信用河南省建设

6.The aim of Open Source Software (OSS) is to share the information resources and original code.开源软件以“信息共享、源代码共享”为宗旨。

7.Research on the Structure of the Public Information Sharing Platform System of Civil Aviation民航公共信息共享平台体系结构研究

8.The Frame of Regional Business Credit Information Share System;区域企业信用信息共享体系架构研究

9.The Research of Confrmation,Distribution and the best Range of Synthetic Benefit of Information Sharing in the Whole Supply Chain;供应链中信息共享综合效益的确定、分配及信息共享最优范围研究

10.Relationship among Influential Factors and Level of Information Sharing and Enterprise Performance in Supply Chains供应链信息共享影响因素、信息共享程度与企业运营绩效关系研究

11.The Revelation of American Information Sharing Model to Chinese Geography Information Sharing System美国信息共享模式对我国地理信息共享机制的启示

12.Information Sharing Research in Battlefield Information System;面向战场信息系统的信息共享技术研究

13.The Information Gap and Construction and Sharing of National Document Information;信息鸿沟与民族文献信息的共建共享

14.Incentives and Value Allocation of Correlation Demand Sharing in a Supply Chain;供应链上相关信息的共享激励及共享价值分配

15.On the Combined Constructing and Sharing of Government Information Resources in the Western Areas;西部地区政府信息资源共建共享研究

16.Echic Consideration in jointly Building up and Sharing in E-government Information Resource;网络信息资源共建与共享的伦理思考

17.Educational resource sharable and co-construction in I-campus;信息化校园中教学资源的共享与共建

18.A Discussion on the Joint Construction and Share of Information Resources in Network Environment;网络环境下信息资源共建共享的探讨


information share信息共享

1.Research on theinformation share methods of CAD system for CSCW;面向CSCW的CAD系统信息共享问题的研究

2.Key technologies ofinformation share and integration based on web service;基于Web Service进行信息共享和集成的关键技术

3.Research on the Assessment and 0ptimization of Sustainable Development Based on Information Share;基于信息共享的可持续发展评价与优化研究

3)Sharing Information信息共享

1.The author presents the frames of information system,the real significance of sharing monitoring information,the legislation of sharing information.文中给出了信息系统的框架 ,监测信息共享的现实意义 ,信息共享的立法规范问题。

2.This article mainly discuss the factor of securing and sharing information in developing and digitizing campus information.本文主要分析影响数字化校园建设中信息安全和信息共享的因素,为更好的开展数字化校园建设提供一些参考。

4)shared information信息共享

1.It points out thatshared information is the key,and analyzes the effects of IT on the SCIS.在分析供应链一体化战略的涵义、特征的基础上,阐述了其实现的关键要素即信息共享,由此建立起供应链一体化的信息系统框架,并针对各个环节分析了信息技术对供应链一体化战略的影响。

2.This paper expatiates on three forms ofshared information in supply chain,analyses theshared information modes,basing onshared information,designs the visit controlling mode,establishes hierarchy mode ofshared information,structures the logistic frame ofshared information.本文阐述了供应链信息共享的三种形式,对供应链管理中的信息共享模式进行了分析,对基于信息共享的访问控制模型进行了设计,建立了共享信息的层次结构模型,设计出共享信息的逻辑结构。

3.This paper discusses the relations between theshared information and social fairness in the time of network, and possibilities of establishing a social fairness order in the information sp.网络时代“信息共享”与社会公正之间具有密不可分的关系 ,并且在信息空间中也能够建构起网络社会公正秩

5)information shared信息共享

1.The assessment of the value ofinformation shared with non-stable demand;非平稳需求情况下信息共享价值的评价

2.It was raised that only the sense of modern, network, standardized and legal management must be set up in electronic standard document,information shared could realized.简要阐述电子标准文献的特点 ,提出电子标准文献必须建立现代化管理、网络化管理、标准化管理和法制化管理观念 ,才能达到信息共享的目


1.Study on pre-alarminformation-sharing in China Railway Emergency System铁路应急预警信息共享的研究

2.Evolutionary game analysis ofinformation-sharing mechanism in network organization网络组织信息共享的演化博弈研究

3.The pheromone-updating mechanism is improved by threshold of the fitness function in presented method;the total of the new population is constituted by integration of sub-population searched by FGA and ACSA,information-sharing between populations is realized by selection operation and pheromone-updating.该方法设定适应度函数阈值改进了蚁群算法的信息素更新机制;把模糊遗传算法和蚁群算法的子种群融合构成总的新种群,并用选择操作和信息素更新实现了种群之间的信息共享。


