900字范文 > 水文信息共享 hydrological information sharing英语短句 例句大全

水文信息共享 hydrological information sharing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-14 04:32:53


水文信息共享 hydrological information sharing英语短句 例句大全

水文信息共享,hydrological information sharing

1)hydrological information sharing水文信息共享

1.Analysis for thehydrological information sharing based on the spatial data base and security基于空间数据仓库的水文信息共享及其安全性浅析


1.Analysis for the hydrological information sharing based on the spatial data base and security基于空间数据仓库的水文信息共享及其安全性浅析

2.The Information Gap and Construction and Sharing of National Document Information;信息鸿沟与民族文献信息的共建共享

3.Probing into the Establishment and Share of University Literature Information Resource高校园内文献信息资源共建共享探赜

4.Co-construction and Sharing of Documental Information Resources of Libraries in Information Age;信息时代图书馆文献信息资源的共建与共享

5.Displays summary information for each offline shared folder.为每份脱机共享文件夹显示小结信息。

6.Game Analyses on Some Problems Found in Document and Information Resources Sharing in China;我国文献信息资源共享博弈问题研究

7.On the Share of Documents in Data Room of University Journals;论高校学报资料室文献信息资源共享

8.On Sharing Document Information in West China;对西部地区文献信息资源共享的探讨

9.Study on the Share of Information of Literature Resources in the Internet Circumstance;网络环境下文献信息资源共享的研究

10.The constructing of Jilin Provincice culture and information resources sharing project;吉林省文化信息资源共享工程的建设

11.On the Shared Recourses of Library Information in the 21st Century;关于21世纪文献信息资源共享的思考

12.Research on the Performance Evaluation of Culture Information Resources Sharing Project文化信息资源共享工程绩效评价研究

13.The Research into Medical Literature Information Resources Sharing in Heilongjiang Province黑龙江省医学文献信息资源共享研究

14.On the Co-Construction and Sharing of Rural Services Stations in the National Cultural Information Resources Sharing Project;全国文化信息资源共享工程乡村基层服务点的共建共享

15.According to Local Conditions, Co-Construction and Sharing--The Exploration of IPTV Mode of the Cultural Information Resources Sharing Project in Henan Province;因地制宜 共建共享——河南文化信息资源共享工程IPTV模式的探索

16.The Study on the Benefits Balance Mechanism of Document Information Resources Construction and Sharing;文献信息资源共建共享的利益平衡机制研究

17.A Study on Co-building and Sharing of Documents and Information Resources in Underdeveloped Regions in West China;西部欠发达地区文献信息资源共建共享初探

18.A Tentative Discussion on the Necessity of Sharing and Constructing Library Document Information Resources;浅析图书馆文献信息资源共建共享的必要性


information sharing level信息共享水平

1.Empirical study on relationship among supply chain partner character,partnership andinformation sharing level依据相关文献与研究假设,构建了供应链伙伴特性、伙伴关系与信息共享水平之间关系的理论模型。

3)information sharing信息共享

1.Models of coalmine geo-spatialinformation sharing and cooperative work;煤矿地理空间信息共享与协作模型

2.Discussion on the establishment ofinformation sharing system for maritime safety emergency considering lessons learned from the accident involving M/V YA PING;从“亚平”轮事故谈海上安全应急信息共享机制的建立

3.Tele-medicalinformation sharing platform based on PACS and HIS;基于PACS和HIS的远程医疗信息共享平台研究

4)information share信息共享

1.Research on theinformation share methods of CAD system for CSCW;面向CSCW的CAD系统信息共享问题的研究

2.Key technologies ofinformation share and integration based on web service;基于Web Service进行信息共享和集成的关键技术

3.Research on the Assessment and 0ptimization of Sustainable Development Based on Information Share;基于信息共享的可持续发展评价与优化研究

5)shared information信息共享

1.It points out thatshared information is the key,and analyzes the effects of IT on the SCIS.在分析供应链一体化战略的涵义、特征的基础上,阐述了其实现的关键要素即信息共享,由此建立起供应链一体化的信息系统框架,并针对各个环节分析了信息技术对供应链一体化战略的影响。

2.This paper expatiates on three forms ofshared information in supply chain,analyses theshared information modes,basing onshared information,designs the visit controlling mode,establishes hierarchy mode ofshared information,structures the logistic frame ofshared information.本文阐述了供应链信息共享的三种形式,对供应链管理中的信息共享模式进行了分析,对基于信息共享的访问控制模型进行了设计,建立了共享信息的层次结构模型,设计出共享信息的逻辑结构。

3.This paper discusses the relations between theshared information and social fairness in the time of network, and possibilities of establishing a social fairness order in the information sp.网络时代“信息共享”与社会公正之间具有密不可分的关系 ,并且在信息空间中也能够建构起网络社会公正秩

6)Sharing Information信息共享

1.The author presents the frames of information system,the real significance of sharing monitoring information,the legislation of sharing information.文中给出了信息系统的框架 ,监测信息共享的现实意义 ,信息共享的立法规范问题。

2.This article mainly discuss the factor of securing and sharing information in developing and digitizing campus information.本文主要分析影响数字化校园建设中信息安全和信息共享的因素,为更好的开展数字化校园建设提供一些参考。


