900字范文 > 信息共享平台 information sharing platform英语短句 例句大全

信息共享平台 information sharing platform英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-13 17:57:15


信息共享平台 information sharing platform英语短句 例句大全

信息共享平台,information sharing platform

1)information sharing platform信息共享平台

1.Research on Urban Traffic Information Sharing Platform and Information Exchange Technology;城市交通信息共享平台的设计及其信息交换技术的研究

2.Research and Development for Routing System on Information Sharing Platform;信息共享平台路由系统研究开发

3.In the article,a plan of network construction which satisfies the demand of applications for a telemedicalinformation sharing platform is proposed.提出一种满足于远程医疗信息共享平台应用需求的网络建设方案。


1.Research on the Structure of the Public Information Sharing Platform System of Civil Aviation民航公共信息共享平台体系结构研究

2.14. Platform for Sharing Commanding and Decision-Making Information(十四)指挥决策信息共享平台

3.Research of the Supply Chain Information Sharing Platform Based on SOA;基于SOA的供应链信息共享平台研究

4.Research on Railway Information Sharing Platform Application Based on SOA;SOA在铁路信息共享平台中的应用研究

5.Planning and Design of E-Government Information Sharing Platform;电子政务信息共享平台的规划与设计

6.Construction of 110 Agricultural Science and Technology Service and Information Sharing Platform构建农业科技110服务和信息共享平台

7.Achievement of a Multi-level Platform for Share of Information in SOA ArchitectureSOA架构下多层次信息共享平台的实现

8.Reserch and implementation on information sharing platform of TRS V5.0客票系统5.0版信息共享平台的研究与实现

9.Research on Security Strategy for Railway Information Sharing Platform Based on SOA;基于SOA的铁路信息共享平台安全策略研究

10.Research on Data Exchanging Interface Based on SDO of Railway Information Sharing Platform;铁路信息共享平台基于SDO的数据交换接口研究

11.The Design and Development of Shared_Platform of Forestry Information for Province s Forestry Department Based on WebGIS;基于WebGIS省级林业信息共享平台的设计与开发

12.Design and Implementation of Geospatial Information Sharing System Based on GML;基于GML的空间信息共享平台设计与实现

13.Design and Realization of Meteorological Information Sharing Platform Based on Metadata;基于元数据的气象信息共享平台的设计与实现

14.Research on Multi-directory Databases in the Shared Platform of Heterogeneous Databases;异构信息共享平台中多目录数据库的研究

15.Research on Workflow-Based Access Control in Information Sharing Platform;信息共享平台中基于工作流的访问控制研究

16.Research on Constructing Community Service Information Resource Sharing Platform社区服务信息资源共享平台构建研究

17.Explore and Realization of the Teaching Resources Sharing Information Platform教学资源共享信息平台的探索与实现

18.Design of Science and Technology Information Resources Shared Services Platform科技信息资源共享服务平台设计初探


sharing information platform共享信息平台

1.This paper discusses how to solve teaching resource sharing issues within the campus network,and aims to design a optimized teaching resources sharing program,achieve a teaching resourcessharing information platform which based on the WEB services.随着信息技术的快速发展,许多高校校园网上的教学资源日渐丰富,但教学资源利用率不高,文章探讨如何在校园网内解决教学资源共享的问题,旨在设计一个优化的教学资源共享方案,实现一个基于W eb服务的教学资源共享信息平台。

2.Vocational teaching resources within the institutions to achieve the norm-building and information sharing is the current education important content of building,This paper discusses how to solve teaching resource sharing issues within the campus network,achieve a teaching resourcessharing information platform which based on the WEB services.本文探讨如何在校园网内解决教学资源共享的问题,实现一个基于Web服务的教学资源共享信息平台。

3)shared platform of educational information resources教育信息资源共享平台

1.Construction of theshared platform of educational information resources in Gansu Province;甘肃省教育信息资源共享平台建设初探

4)distributed information sharing platform分布式信息共享平台

1.Framework and key technologies ofdistributed information sharing platform;分布式信息共享平台框架体系和关键技术

5)information resources sharing platform信息资源共享平台

1.This paper establishes four indicator systems for theinformation resources sharing platform of comprehensive evaluation, probes into the application of AHP method ininformation resources sharing platform, and makes the application analysis with actual examples.建立了综合评价信息资源共享平台的四大指标体系,探讨了层次分析法在信息资源共享平台评价中的应用,并以实例进行了应用分析。

6)network information sharing platform网络信息共享平台

1.Constructingnetwork information sharing platform and applying it in new rural cooperation not only help solve some deep rooted problems in developing new rural cooperation but also encourage medical institutes and service agencies to establish and improve their information and strengthen information management.网络信息共享平台运用于新农合工作开展,既有利于解决新农合发展中的深层次问题,又有利于医疗管理机构和服务机构各方建立和完善资料并增强其管理功能。


