900字范文 > 室内 indoor英语短句 例句大全

室内 indoor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-16 12:38:46


室内 indoor英语短句 例句大全



1.Discussion on measures for Controlling ofindoor air pollution;论建筑室内空气污染的控制

2.Design and Assessment of a Full-scale Indoor Environmental Cabin;全尺度室内环境模拟箱研制及性能测评

3.Hygienic Survey and Evaluation of the P-Dichlorobenzene in the Indoor Air;室内空气中对二氯苯卫生学调查与评价


1.an interior scene; interior decoration; an interior bathroom without windows.室内的风景;室内装潢;没有窗户的室内浴室。

2.Interior design & interior designer;室内设计&室内设计师——不断更新的内涵

3.It "s 20℃ inside the room .室内摄氏度20度。

4.The floor is quite flat.(室内的)地面很平。

5.the Lord S - of the Household[英]皇室内务大臣

6.a person who specializes in designing architectural interiors and their furnishings.专门设计建筑内室和室内陈设的人。

7.On the Connection Betueen Indoor Decoration and Indoor Emironmental Design;浅谈室内装饰与室内环境设计的联系

8.Include bedroom, living room, hall, kitchen, toilet, a built-in wardrobe or cupboard, balcony and indoor footpath, indoor stair to wait a moment.包括卧室、起居室、厅、厨房、卫生间、壁橱、阳台和室内走道、室内楼梯等等。

9.It seems that the one who was killed is the only one who can get out of the room.照理只有室内的人才能由内开门出室,可这人却被杀死在室内。

10.3 students in each dormitory. Every dormitory is air-conditioned with a suit washroom.每室可住3位学生,室内空调,独立盥洗室。

11.a footrace performed on a track (indoor or outdoor).(在室内或室外)跑道上举行的赛跑。

12.Indoor or outdoor space marked out for tennis or similar ball games(网球等的室内或室外)球场

13.Before leaving your rooms, please square away your room and lock your windows and door.离开寝室时门窗上锁,寝室内务归定位。

14.I"m a freelance interior designer now.我现在是个人工作室的室内设计师。

15.I lugged the box into [out of] the room.我使劲把那箱子拖入室内 [出室外] 。

16.Some even have a whirlpool or an outdoor or indoor pool.有些甚至有室内或室外的漩涡泳池。

17.Indoor Thermal Environment of Typical Middle School Classroom in Hot and Humid Climate District;湿热气候区典型中学教室室内热环境

18.Style continuity of the museum: inside and outside;博物馆室内与室外景观形态的连续性



1.Poisonous Chemical Pollution of Interior and Its Control;室内有毒化学物质污染及其治理

2.Environmental quality questions encountered ininterior decoration and prevention measures;浅谈室内环境装饰过程中的问题与防治措施


1.Objective To investigate theindoors air formaldehyde pollution in the human anatomy laboratory and its effects on students health.目的研究医学院校解剖室内空气中甲醛污染状况及其对学生健康的影响。

2.Objective To investigate the pollution status of mainindoors air pollution factor, CO and CO2, in Guangzhou City, and to study the feasibility of using same standards in pollution monitoring.目的调查广州市公共场所室内CO、CO2浓度,并探讨公共场所室内CO、CO2浓度标准值统一的可行性。

3.Objective To investigate the current status of the indoor air pollution in urban area in Beijing and find the influence factors for the concentrations of formaldehyde and nitrogen oxides (NOx)indoors.目的调查北京市某城区居室内空气污染现状,初步探讨影响室内空气中甲醛和氮氧化物(NOx)浓度的室内因素。

4)an inner room内室


6)indoor air室内空气

1.The study progress on decomposition of VOCs inindoor air;室内空气中有机污染物处理的研究进展

2.Development and performance evaluation for a solid phase adsorption gas sampler of ammonia inindoor air;室内空气中氨的固相吸附气体采样管研制和性能评价

3.Determination of formaldehyde inindoor air after new house decoration by the method of acetyl acetone with spectrophotometer;乙酰丙酮分光光度法测定新装修住宅室内空气中的甲醛


室内1.谓祖庙之内。室,指太室。 2.家中。
