900字范文 > 室内采暖 indoor heating英语短句 例句大全

室内采暖 indoor heating英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-24 07:48:58


室内采暖 indoor heating英语短句 例句大全

室内采暖,indoor heating

1)indoor heating室内采暖

1.Preliminary results show that,this concrete can realizeindoor heating,and it also has other advantages such as easy construction and low cost.本文尝试了钢渣-碳纤维导电混凝土在建筑采暖工程中的应用,介绍了室内采暖导电混凝土的设计与施工方法,并对导电混凝土进行了交流温升试验。

2.This paper presents the necessity of single consumer control ofindoor heating and how to do it by means of technique and equipment.提出了室内采暖单户控制形式的必要性 ,并对如何利用技术、设备手段完成该项工作及其市场效果做出了分

3.As a new type heating fashion electrical floor radiate heating occupies the important position in theindoor heating.地板辐射供暖作为一种新型舒适的供暖方式在室内采暖应用中占有重要的地位。


1.Those advantages are incomparable to other heating systems and are the developmental direction for indoor heating system.具有其它采暖系统不可比拟的优点,是室内采暖系统的发展方向。

2.The Study of Step Changed Heat Source on Indoor Environment in a Heating Room;基于供热工况阶跃变化的室内采暖环境的研究

3.Studies on Electrothermal Properties of Carbon Black Cement Mortar and Its Application into the Indoor Heating System;炭黑水泥砂浆的电热性能及在室内采暖中的应用研究

4.Brief Discussion to Interior heating system construction On Energy Conservation Renovation of Existing Residential Building浅述既有居住建筑节能改造中室内采暖系统的施工

5.Study on Indoor Air Quality in Passive Solar Houses被动式太阳能采暖建筑室内空气品质的研究

6.Study on Thermal Environment of Radiator Heating Room Heated by Energy Generated from Solar Energy and Bioenergy;太阳能与生物质能互补的散热器采暖系统中室内热环境研究

7.Study on Thermal Environment of Floor Heating Room Heated by Energy Generated from Solar Energy and Bioenergy;太阳能与生物质能互补的地板采暖系统中室内热环境研究

8.Study on Thermal Performance of Indoor Climate with Passive Heating and Cooling Technologies;被动式采暖降温技术对室内热湿环境调节作用的研究

9.Study on the Indoor Thermal Environment about the Low Temperature Hot Water Radiant System Heating in Chengdu Region;成都地区低温热水辐射采暖系统室内热环境研究

10.Test and Analysis of Thermal Environment and Economy in Residential Building under Two Heating Methods两种采暖方式下居室内热环境和经济性的测试与分析

11.Simulate and Analyze the Temperature Field of Air Inside Room with PCM Plates相变蓄热地板采暖房间室内空气温度场模拟与分析

12.Yeah, but the radiator is installed inside. It"s warmer.是的,不过室内装有暖气还比较暖和。

13.It is very cold in winter, but it is warm inside with radiatiors.冬天很冷,不过室内有暖气还暖和。

14.Study on Room Temperature Predictive Control of Radiant Floor Heating System地面辐射采暖系统室温预期控制研究

15.Study on Outdoor Computational Air Temperature during Heating Period for the City of Shijiazhuang City石家庄采暖室外计算温度的变化分析

16.The coal fire in the hot-air heater quickly warmed the house.暖气炉里的煤火很快地使室内温暖起来。

17.PHOENICS Simulation of Indoor Thermal Environment on the Radiator Heating and Floor Radiation Heating散热器供暖和地板辐射供暖室内热环境PHOENICS模拟



indoor ground heating室内埋地采暖

1.The construction technology ofindoor ground heating pipes;室内埋地采暖管道施工技术

3)indoor heating system室内采暖系统

1.According to train equipment warehouse particularity of freezing region,it discussed design principle and technology character of technical process in detail,which is technical character,heating load,andindoor heating system.结合我国高寒地区铁路客车整备库采暖设计的特殊性,详细论述了该整备库采暖设计过程中的工艺特点、采暖热负荷、室内采暖系统等技术环节的原则和特点,为进一步完善和提高高寒地区大型工业建筑的采暖设计水平,提供了参考和依据。

2.In the paper the potential of energy saving by thermal control and heat metering is analyzed, theindoor heating system schemes suited to heat metering and controlling schemes of outdoor heating hydraulic system are put forward and the changes of operating performance parameters for newindoor heating system after installation of radiator thermostatic valves are studies.分析了住宅供热采暖系统采用温控和按热量计费技术的节能潜力,提出了适合我国国情的具有按热量计量功能的住宅室内采暖系统方案和室外供热管网水系统变水量控制方案。

4)Heating temperature indoor室内采暖温度

5)indoor qualitative temperature for heating室内采暖定性温度

1.This paper puts forward the conception of theindoor qualitative temperature for heating, establishes a simplified analysis model, and presents a charging method in which the determination method of the regular cost of the heat charge is adjusted.提出了室内采暖定性温度的概念,建立了热费计算的简化模型,提出了热费计算的方法,对热费中固定费用的确定方法进行了调整,并与其他热费计算方法进行了比较。

6)supply heating inside house室内供暖


采暖通风和空气调节采暖通风和空气调节heating ventilation and air-conditioning,HVACcalnuan tongteng he kongql tlo0Jle采暇通风和空气调节(heating ventilation andair一onditioning,HVAC)为常年保持厂房内偏要的温度和湿度,夏季消散设备散热量,冬季补充设备散热t的不足,并为排除运行或事故时产生的有害气体而配!的技术装备和设施。主厂房采暖位于采暖区的火电厂须设计采暖,位于过渡区的则视需要设置采暖。采暖标准按维持室内温度5℃计算,不考虑设备散热量.主厂房应设独立的热源,采用不高于160C的蒸汽或高温水作热媒。散热器一般要求承压能力高且便于清扫。也可设t暖风机采暖系统。在冬季一般不允许锅炉送风机吸室内风,否则需根据采暖设计热平衡计算,确定其允许在室内的吸风量。主厂房通风优先采用自然通风,并以屋顶通风器替代老式的排风天窗,以防止气流倒灌。自然通风不能满足卫生和生产要求时,可采用自然进风屋顶风机排风。对于封闭式厂房或大风沙地区也可采用机械送风、机械排风.进风经降温(夏季)、加热(冬季)和过滤,并使汽机房处于微正压状态,避免室外灰尘进人室内;保持锅炉房处于微负压状态,避免灰尘扩散到邻近房间。为组织好磨煤机区、管道层等通风死区的气流,常在框架各层楼板上设置通风隔栅或局部加强机械送风或排风。计算通风量时,汽机房考虑排除余热和余湿量;锅炉房只考虑排除余热量。自然通风开窗面积计算时仅考虑热压作用。变压器室一般采用机械送风自然排风系统.送风气流吹向变压器散热排管;或采用自然进风机械排风系统。各变压器室的通风系统应独立设里,并与其他通风系统隔离。变压器室着火时,应能自动关闭风机。厂用配电装置室配备不少于每小时换气10次的事故排风系统,兼作夏季通风降温设施.当周围环境空气含尘浓度超过标准时,采用带有过建设备的正压送风系统。发生火灾时能自动关闭风机。发电机出线小室一般采用自然通风,当小室内设有油断路器、隔离开关、电抗器等设备时,采用自然进风、机械排风。电缆隧道结合防火隔墙分段采用自然通风或自然进风、机械排风。锅炉送风机、引风机、磨煤机、排粉风机等所配用的大中型电动机,根据设备本身要求及周围环境条件决定通风方式,一般不另设通风设备。集中控制室(或单元控制室)设计参数与电子计算机室、电子设备间设计参数不同,通常分设两套全年性空调系统,空调机组及冷水机组均设备用。
