900字范文 > 室内导航 indoor navigation英语短句 例句大全

室内导航 indoor navigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-17 22:10:19


室内导航 indoor navigation英语短句 例句大全

室内导航,indoor navigation

1)indoor navigation室内导航

1.Thus theindoor navigation is realized.提出一种基于视觉的跟踪特征点的室内导航方法,即在地面上布置具有几何位置关系的特征点序列,利用单目摄像头采集图像,通过图像处理提取跟踪特征点的坐标值,再利用计算机图像坐标系和世界坐标系之间的转换关系,计算出移动机器人在世界坐标系中相对特征点的偏移距离和偏移角作为反馈,来控制移动机器人,以达到室内导航的目的。

2.Hence, for finding out special a particular place, person, or object in some unfamiliar or complicated indoor environment, people also more and more pay attention to theindoor navigation system.为了在一些陌生或复杂的室内环境中找到特别的地方、特定的人或目标,引起了人们对室内导航系统的关注。

3.Then I realized the multi-target detection and tracking in robotindoor navigation.实验结果表明,在机器人室内导航中,即使在背景环境复杂的情况下,仍能有效地检测和跟踪到目标。


1.The Application of CamShift Algorithm in Robot Indoor NavigationCamShift算法在机器人室内导航中的应用

2.Visual Navigation Based on Floor Feature Segmentation for Indoor Mobile Robot;基于地面特征识别的室内机器人视觉导航

3.Study on the Key Questions of Mobile Robot Navigation in Unknown Indoor Environments;室内未知环境下移动机器人导航关键问题研究

4.Research on Indoor Mobile Robot Avoidance and Navigation Based on RFID and WSN基于RFID和WSN的室内移动机器人避障与导航研究

5.Research on Path Planning Method of the Indoor Mobile Navigation System室内移动导航系统的路径规划方法研究

6.A case study in real-time UKF-based navigation for indoor autonomous travel of mobile robots面向室内移动机器人的无迹滤波实时导航方法

7.Autonomous Mobile Robot Environment Exploration and Navigation in Dynamic Indoor Environment;动态室内环境中移动机器人自主环境探索与导航

8.In order to satisfy the need for automatically spraying pesticide in greenhouse, a path navigation system for electromagnetic guided spraying robots is designed.针对温室内农药喷洒作业自动化的需求,设计了一种电磁诱导式农用喷雾机器人路径导航系统。

9.navigation and intercommunication equipment导航仪及船内通讯设备

10.navigational aids and bridge system导航设备及驾驶室系统符号

11.Research on the Key Technology of Vision-based Navigation for Outdoor Mobile Robots;室外移动机器人视觉导航关键技术研究

12.Outdoor Mobile Robot Research Based on Hybrid Control Architecture;基于混合式控制结构的室外导航机器人研究

13.Outdoor Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation System Research and Design;室外自主移动机器人导航系统研究与设计

14.The operation navigation system turn the application in the operation room of digital手术导航系统在数字化手术室中的应用

15.The Construction of Radio Navigation Laboratory Based on LAN基于局域网的无线电导航综合实验室建设

16.Use of navigation should be consistent throughout your Web site.导航的使用在整个网站内应是一致的。

17.Application of Inertial Navigation System in the Pipeline Detection惯性导航系统在管道内检测中的应用

18.An approach of percutaneous sacroiliac screw fixation guided by CTCT辅助导航经皮骶髂螺钉内固定路径



3)endocardial navigation心内导航

4)interak conductor室内导线

5)Indoor Blind Navigation室内导盲

6)inertial navigation room惯性导航室


奥米加导航系统(见飞机双曲线导航系统)奥米加导航系统(见飞机双曲线导航系统)Omega navigation systemAomiiia daohang Xitong奥米加导航系统(omeg。。avigationsystem)见飞机双曲线导航系统。
