900字范文 > 市场容量预测 market capacity forecast英语短句 例句大全

市场容量预测 market capacity forecast英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-27 00:46:06


市场容量预测 market capacity forecast英语短句 例句大全

市场容量预测,market capacity forecast

1)market capacity forecast市场容量预测

2)market capacity市场容量

1.Based on the analysis on diamond price,market capacity and life cycle of the sliced carbon and compacted carbon, it was predicted and suggested that compacted carbon still has its place in domestic market, and would coexist with powder catalyst for another decade.本文针对粉压碳片市场前景问题,分析了金刚石价格走向、市场容量、生命周期等诸多要素,对粉压碳片的市场前景做出了相应的预测。

2.The paper analyzes the limit ofmarket capacity of private enterprise cluster in the global economy system by applying the Biological Population Logistic Model, and provides the quantitative model.引入Logistic生物种群增长理论,分析了经济全球化条件下广东阳江刀剪工业民营企业集群的市场容量限制,并给出了相应的数量模型;同时,引入了辛格的“城市分布定理”,提出了集群内企业规模结构的“金字塔结构”。

3.This article chooses Yubei district in Chongqing as the sample, studies regional real estatemarket capacity and judges accurate degree of predictive amount on regional real estatemarket capacity.本文以重庆市渝北区作为样本,研究区域房地产市场容量,并对市场容量的预测值所处空间进行了判断,以期指导区域房地产战略的制订。


1.The forecast and analysis of our country telecom market capacity我国电信行业市场容量的预测与分析

2.Market Investigation and Research: A project has been finished the investigations in the aspect of market capacity, development space and potentiality.市场调研:已完成市场容量、展空间与潜力等方面的调查。

3.The Model Construction of the Family Consumption of Cars and Analysis of the Market Capacity轿车家庭购买力模型的构建与市场容量分析

4.Nylon fiber volumes-cycle versus trend;聚酰胺纤维的市场容量——循环与发展趋势

5.The Development and Market Trend of the Supercapacitor in Japan;日本大容量电容器的发展概况及市场动向

6.Study for Safety Capacity in Location of Dense Urban Mass;城市人口密集场所的安全容纳量研究

7.The Study of Power Producer s Withholding Behaviors in Power Market;电力市场中发电商持留容量行为研究

8.Determination of Optimal Reserve Capacity in Electricity Market Environment;电力市场环境下最优备用容量的确定

9.Optimal Power Flow Based Energy-reserve Joint Dispatch in the Market Open to Both Supply and Demand Sides;双侧开放市场中能量与备用容量的联合优化

10.New modes of PJM capacity markets and lessons learned for East China Electricity market美国PJM容量市场的新模式及其对华东电力市场的启示

11.State-of-the-art of Studies on Generation Capacity Adequacy in Electricity Market Environment Part Three Key Market Design Factors and Principles电力市场环境下的发电容量充裕性 (三)市场设计要素与原则

12.Study on Generation Capacity Adequacy in the Deregulated Electricity Market Environment;电力市场环境下发电容量充裕性问题研究

13.Study on Practical Method to Calculate the Available Transfer Capability in Power Market;电力市场环境下电网可传输容量计算的研究

14.Research on Power Market Stability Considering Generator Capacity Withholding;考虑发电容量持留的电力市场稳定性研究

15.Impact of capacity compensating methods on generation investment;市场环境下容量补偿机制对投资的影响分析

16.Impacts of Transmission Line Limits on Electricity Market Equilibrium;线路传输容量约束对电力市场均衡的影响

17.Determination of Appropriate Price Level in Installed Capacity Market;发电装机容量市场适当价格水平的确定



market capacity市场容量

1.Based on the analysis on diamond price,market capacity and life cycle of the sliced carbon and compacted carbon, it was predicted and suggested that compacted carbon still has its place in domestic market, and would coexist with powder catalyst for another decade.本文针对粉压碳片市场前景问题,分析了金刚石价格走向、市场容量、生命周期等诸多要素,对粉压碳片的市场前景做出了相应的预测。

2.The paper analyzes the limit ofmarket capacity of private enterprise cluster in the global economy system by applying the Biological Population Logistic Model, and provides the quantitative model.引入Logistic生物种群增长理论,分析了经济全球化条件下广东阳江刀剪工业民营企业集群的市场容量限制,并给出了相应的数量模型;同时,引入了辛格的“城市分布定理”,提出了集群内企业规模结构的“金字塔结构”。

3.This article chooses Yubei district in Chongqing as the sample, studies regional real estatemarket capacity and judges accurate degree of predictive amount on regional real estatemarket capacity.本文以重庆市渝北区作为样本,研究区域房地产市场容量,并对市场容量的预测值所处空间进行了判断,以期指导区域房地产战略的制订。

3)capacity market容量市场

1.New modes of PJMcapacity markets and lessons learned for East China Electricity market美国PJM容量市场的新模式及其对华东电力市场的启示

4)Market forecasting市场预测

1.Business market forecasting based on adaptive neural-fuzzy inference system;基于自适应神经模糊推理系统的企业市场预测

2.Market Forecasting and Marketing Planning ——A Case Of Color Monitor Market Research;市场预测分析和营销计划——大屏幕显示器的案例

3.The grey system forecasting Models application to market forecasting are discassed.对灰色系统GM( 1,1)模型进行了讨论和分析 ,探讨了灰色系统预测模型在市场预测中的应用 。

5)Market forecast市场预测

1.Research on market forecast based on neural networks BP algorithms;基于神经网络BP算法的市场预测研究

2.The Application of Bass Model in Domestic Market Forecast of Room Air-Conditioner;Bass模型在房间空调器国内市场预测中的应用

3.Carried on the extensive market forecast to the applications ofdimethylether at the same time.同时对二甲醚的应用进行了广泛的市场预测。

6)market prediction市场预测

1.The Market Prediction Based on Markov Process;基于Markov过程的市场预测

2.Liaoning Province Accountant Professional Education Market Prediction;辽宁省会计职业教育市场预测

3.With the application of neural network in the field ofmarket prediction of construction industry and the usage of some appropriate economic indicators as input and outputof BP neural network,we have established an effective system.将神经网络技术应用于建筑业市场预测领域 ,选择了恰当的经济指标作为 BP网络的输入输出变量 ,建立了一套有效的建筑业市场需求网络预测方法 ,并以石家庄市建筑市场的需求预测为例 ,详细介绍了建筑业市场预测方法的运用过程 。


