900字范文 > 水环境容量预测 water environmental capacity forecast英语短句 例句大全

水环境容量预测 water environmental capacity forecast英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-25 17:05:40


水环境容量预测 water environmental capacity forecast英语短句 例句大全

水环境容量预测,water environmental capacity forecast

1)water environmental capacity forecast水环境容量预测

1.Methods Using the grey system forecast model,one-dimensional water quality forecast model,andwater environmental capacity forecast model are forecasting the water environment capacity of the water source area of Hanjiang and Danjiang River basin in Shaanxi of Middle Line Project of Transferring water from South to North.方法采用灰色系统预测模型、一维水质预测模型和水环境容量预测模型对南水北调中线水源区汉、丹江流域陕西段水环境容量进行预测。


1.Forecast research on water environmental capacity for the water source area in Shaanxi of Middle Line of Transferring water from south to north南水北调中线陕西水源区水环境容量预测研究

2.Tourism environmental capacity of the northern scenic area in Aiding Lake;艾丁湖北景区旅游环境容量预测研究

3.On the Relationship Between Urban Population Prediction and Resource and Environment Capacity;论城市人口预测和城市资源与环境容量的关系

putation of Water Environmental Capacity and Pollution Control on the Five Water Systems in Jiangxi江西五大水系水环境容量测算及污染控制分析

5.Research of Gross Contamination Distribution and Calculation Method of Regional Environment Capacity in Water区域水环境容量测算方法及总量控制研究

6.Study on Models for Assessing and Predicting Water Quality of the Poyang Lake;鄱阳湖水环境质量评价与水质预测模型的研究

7.Study on Models for Assessing and Predieting Water Quality of the Chao Lake巢湖流域水环境质量评价与水质预测模型研究

8.The Calculation and Research of Water Environmental Capacity for Artificial Controlled Semi-close River;人工控制的半封闭河流水环境容量测算研究

9.Spatio-temporal Variational Analysis and Prediction of Sea Water Quality in Shanghai Sea Area;上海海域水环境质量时空变化分析及预测

10.Forecast of the Maximum Water Inflow in Mine Pits by Rise-Fall Ratio Method Under a Steady Environment深降比法预测稳态环境下矿坑最大涌水量

11.The Environmental Quality Analysis and Environmental Capacity Study about the Surface Water in Pingyin County平阴县地表水环境质量分析与水环境容量研究

12.Surface Water Environmental Capacity Calculation and Gross Control Research in Harbin Segment of Songhuajiang River;松花江哈尔滨市江段地表水环境容量测算及总量控制研究

13.Air Quality and Atmospheric Environmental Capacity Calculation in Liuzhou City柳州市大气环境质量及其环境容量测算初探

14.An Aquatic Environment Programming Research Base on Aquatic Environmental Capacity;基于水环境容量计算的高明河水环境规划研究

15.A Research on the Environmental Quality of the Kuye River and Its Aquatic Environment Capacity;窟野河水环境质量评价及环境容量研究

16.The Prediction of Dewatering of Deposit from Surface Coal Mine in the South of Hesigewula of Inner Mongolia and Environmental Assessment内蒙贺斯格乌拉南部矿区疏干水水量预测及环境评价

17.Study on the Prediction and Assessment Methods of Water Environment Quality Based on Support Vector Machines Theory;基于支持向量机理论的水环境质量预测与评价方法研究

18.The Water Environmental Capacity in Mudanjiang City Measure of Research and Its Development Trend牡丹江市地表水环境容量测算及其未来发展趋势的研究


water environmental quality forecast水环境质量预测

3)water environmental capacity水环境容量

1.Water environmental capacity and total water pollution quantity control of Chaping River, Sichuan Province;四川省茶坪河水环境容量及总量控制

parison study ofwater environmental capacity of Songhua river along Harbin city;松花江哈尔滨江段水环境容量计算对比研究

4)water environment capacity水环境容量

1.Study onwater environment capacity in dalinghe river basin;大凌河流域水环境容量研究

2.The effect of of secondary fibre papermaking enterprises on the riverwater environment capacity;二次纤维造纸企业对河流水环境容量影响的研究

5)capacity of water environment水环境容量

1.On the basis of the data from synchronous monitoring on pollution sources and water quality of Le"an River, the degradation parameter of water quality is determined according to the formula that calculates thecapacity of water environment of the completely mixed system, thecapacity of water environment for COD is calculated, and the result is comparely with the current situation .在进行调查和监测基础上,分析了乐安河的水质污染现状,根据同步监测资料,采用完全混合系统水环境容量计算公式,对水质降解系数进行了率定,并根据乐安河功能区划分所制定的地面水水质标准,计算了乐安河COD环境容量。

2.On the basis of the data from synchronous monitoring on pollution sources and water quality of Xinwei Yaobu section of the Liujiang River,the degradation parameter of water quality is determined,thecapacity of water environment for COD and NH 3 N is calculated,and the result is analyzed.根据同步监测资料 ,对水质降解系数进行了率定 ;采用完全混合系统水环境容量计算公式 ,计算了柳江河新圩至窑埠段的COD和氨氮两项指标的水环境容量值 ,并对计算结果进行了分析。

6)water capacity of environment环境水容量


水环境容量水环境容量water environmental capacityshui huan」ing rongliang水环境容且(water~~n以capacits)在人类生产、生存和自然生态不致受害的前提下,水体所能容纳污染物的最大负荷量。广义上除污染因素外,还应包括水土流失、水源涵养等因素。一个特定的水体对污染物(含物理性、化学性、生物性污染物)的容量是有限的。它的大小与水体的多少、水体的水文特性、污染物本身的物理及化学性质有关。例如河流年径流量越大、湖泊来水量丰富且湖泊总水量越多,则对污染物的净化能力也就越大,其水环境容量也越大。水环境容量包括绝对容量和年容量两个方面。以化学污染物为例,水体的绝对容量(叭)是某一水体所能容纳某种污染物的最大负荷量,它由水质标准的规定值(风)和水环境背景值(B)来决定。表达式如下:以浓度为单位叭二俄一B,以重量为单位叭二M(俄一B),式中M为某一水体的体积。水体的年容量(砒)是某一水体在污染物的积累浓度超过水质标准规定的最大允许值情况下,每年所能容纳的某污染物的最大负荷量。年容量的大小不仅与水质标准的规定值(俄)和某一水体环境背景值(B)有关,还与该水体对某种污染物的净化能力有关,其表达式如下:以浓度为单位俄=K(俄一B),以重量为单位W。二K.M(俄一B),式中K值为某污染物在某一水体中的年净化率,K二(A’lA)·1(X现,式中A为某污染物年输人量,A’为一年间某污染物被净化量。水土流失、植被的破坏无疑会造成水环境质量的下降,如加大河流含沙量、减少河川径流量等,水环境容量也相应降低。水资源的不合理开发利用,也会使水环境遭到破坏,如过量引水造成河道断流,加剧河流萎缩;多泥沙河流过量引水,会造成下游输沙能力的减小,河道淤积现象加剧。为此,在水环境中,水土流失量、流域森林筱盖率、水资源开发利用量(率)等都应有一定的限度,其值因不同水体而异。
